part 10

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"tadaa!" He threw the white cloth away and an arcade machine. "W-what is that!?" I questioned "a game, it's called Twilight syndrome..." Bla bla bla, he explained what ever he was saying. Oh and did i mention? A few hours ago, monomi managed to open up a new island. Guess we'll go check it out after this.


"That took long enough." Kazuichi sighed. "Let's agree to one thing. No one is playing this game. Got it?" Chiaki said. "if we don't play it, there won't be any killing." In the end, we all agreed.

We ended up splitting into grups and explored the 2nd island. Luckily for you readers, i was paired with nagito. Say thank you to the auhtor - you know very well she can pair you up with hinata anytime. *Cough* anyways, we checked the library first and met Sonia and peko

"Nagito, let's check this place out." I said, my eyes sparkeling with interest
"You like books (y/n) chan?" He said with his soothing, calming voice. Weird really, despite his very "maniac" act, he is really nice and all.

I didn't answer to his question and began searching through books. Nothing that peeks my intrest. It's all about history.

We ended up talking to sonia about a serial killer and such. She mentioned someone with the name "genocide jack" which in particular didn't intrest me.

We investigated the rest of the island and had some free time of our own. I layed down on my bed. "So, booooooored" i screamed out. "S-should i leave?" A voice asked out on the door. "Who's out there?"

"It's me nagito." I opened the door to see his cute smiling face. No! Stop it (y/n)! "What is it nagito?" I asked staring at his adora- stop it!

He must've noticed me staring since he looked away with a pink coloured cheek. Noticing I was staring myself, i suddenly grow curious of the wooden floor beneath me. "I-i wanted to hang out with you since we have nothing to do..." He managed to mumble out with his stutterings. "Sure! I would love to go somewhere other then ny boring cabin!" I looked back up again to meet his gaze. We stared at each other for a few seconds before looking back down again. "T-thank you for wanting to hang out with a peice of trash like me." He blurted out. I stared at him in disbelief. "Don't say that! You're human and there is a lot of people who cares about you!" I pinched his cheeks a bit harder then i wanted too. I let go of his cute cheeks and crossed my arms "o-ow.." he rubbed the now a bit red cheeks. "Sorry.. NOW LET'S GO" i said exitedly. "Let's go to the diner. That seems like a nice place to hang out." He said.

I smirked and suddenly said, "Race you there!" I ran as quickly as possible and thanks to special training, i run really fast. Which is needed for my daily job : assassination.
"W-wait up! I can't run as fast as you!" Nagito called out behind me. I lowered my pace until i reached the small diner near the chandelier beach. "*Huf* you are *huf* really *huf* fast!" He panted in exhaustion. "Thanks!" I laughed it off and entred the small building. Nagito, tiredly following behind.

"So, why did you ask me to hang out? Isn't it better if you asked hinata?"
"I wanted to know you better. It's crucial when it comes to murder. If you don't know that person enough, that person could easily get suspected" he explained "makes sense." I said "then have you talked to the others?" I added. "Actually i have, but they weren't so excited about it as you are."

~~~nagito pov~~~

Her shining (e/c) eyes. Her beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair. She is the definition of hope and beauty. I can stare at her all day! I can listen to her calming voice every day. No! Nagito stop being so creepy! I can't stop thinking about her. I want to know her better.

Hm.. i guess i can ask her to hang out. That's perfect! If she wants to go with a trash like me of course. I'll give it a try anyway's. I wanted to knock the door but i heard her scream "I'M SO BORED!" From the other side. I asked if she wanted to hang out and she said yes! I'm so happy, even though she did pinvh me a bit to hard. But that's fine and I don't care at all. At least i get some quality time for myself and her.

We chatted and exchanged some information about ourselfs. Not too important, but it might come in handy in the future. "What's your favourite colour?" I face palmed mentally. Out of all the questions! "Hmm? Oh it's (f/c)" she answered. "What's yours?"
"Hmm.. I don't really know. Green?" I never really think about these small details about myself "favourite animal?" Again with my stupid questions?! "(F/a)" she answered pretty quickly. "It is already 10.00 pm. All students are required to go back to their rooms. Upupupupupupupu" monokuma announced. "Well, time to go back." I said disappointed. "We can hang out with each other next time. Bye nagito!" She said waving and running of. I waved back even though she was no looking back at me. "Bye (y/n)! See you tomorrow! Hopefully..." I said the last part silently. No, she won't get murdered tonight. No one is going to die. Right? Unless it's for the sake of hope of course. Aha..ahaha.ahahahahaha.

I laughed myself when i was writing the last part and I'm not kidding. He laughed like that at chapter 4, investigating the octagon room thing. His laugh is so cute!!!!!! I love him!!!!

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