part 13

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I sighed as I make my way to my cottage "you are sighing a lot..." Nagito smiled worriedly "are you okay?" "I'm..fine. just stressed." I answered. "Alright... Goodnight (y/n)" he waved at me and left. Now I was alone in the dark. I sighed and head back to the cottage.


Morning came more faster then expected. I wasn't feeling very good either. "Good morning everyone! It is now 08:00 am. Wake up!" The announcment turned on and shut off as quick as it came.

"Good morning (y/n) are you feeling well?" Monokuma snickered. I gave him an emotionless face. "Upupupu, I know. Now take these. They should keep you from dying. Unless you're murdered. Upupu!" He laughed. "Your laugh is annoying." I said silently

"Oh? Is that so? Then should I take these back?" He grabs them from my hand. I stayed silent. "Why do you keep going anyway? You know very well you're going to die someday! Is it because of the hope in you or is it because you like someone here?" He mocked

"Shut up." I said, grabbing them back for myself. "Why I want to survive doesn't matter to you." "Oh but it does (y/n). I'm your headmaster." He laughed.

"Go away. I need to take these." I walked to the bathroom. "Don't forget to drink while doing so! Upupupupu" he laughed as he disappeared.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. "I'm such a mess." I mumbled, looking down at my hands. There lies several of them. "One a day (y/n). Don't overdose you self! Upupu!" He appeared again. "Geez, shut up. Don't scare me like that!" I frowned.

"Upupu!" He left. I quickly drank one and left my cottage. "Good morning (y/n)!" Nagito yelled. "Oh, hey nagito." I smiled brightly. "Let's go shall we?" He lend me his hand. I nodded "yeah."


"(Y/n), a-are you okay? Yo-you look paler then yesterday.." tsumiki asked. "I'm...fine. actually we should be asking about fuyuhiko." I said, trying to change the subject

"How is he tsumiki?" Owari asked while stuffing her mouth with food. "He-he should be able to re-recover b-but..." She stopped mid sentence. "But?" I said, signalling her to continue. "He-he might never see again with his right/left (I forgot) eye."

"Serves that stupid pig right." Hiyoko insulted. "Hiyoko, I understand your hate towards him. But shouldn't you be at least a bit nicer? At least forgive him." I said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Hmph, your hands are so warm. I can feel it through my kimono." She pouted. "O-oh.." i quickly pulled my hands back.

"At least we know he will survive." Sonia said hopefully. "I agree with whatever miss Sonia says!" Said souda.

Turns out I finished breakfast first. "I'm done. See you later." I said quickly and escaped. "(Y-y/n) wait for me!" Nagito yelled behind me.

Nagito p.o.v

(Y/n) is acting really weird. I'm worried but I promised hinata we'll hang out today. He said we wanted to complete my shard. I... Guess I can check up on her later.


"Nagito, you're really silent." Hinata said. I snapped back to reality "h-huh? I wa-wasn't thinking of (y/n)." I suddenly said. "Uh... Nagito no one said you were thinking about her." Shoot "hahaha. Yeah, I was only joking." I faked a laugh. "Speaking of (y/n), don't you think she's acting very weird?" Hinata pointed out. I looked at him "I mean, she went out of the restaurant in a hurry. She never does that." He continued. I nodded in agreement "yeah, she isn't the type to suddenly walk out if there isn't anything urgent."


"I'll see you later nagito!" Hinata waved. "Yeah, see you later!"

"Now, I still have more free time. Time to check on (y/n)." I snickered "okay, I'm not funny." I sighed.

(Y/n) p.o.v

I growled. "God dammit" I muttered. "Upupupu. Feeling well? Feeling any better?" Monokuma mocked "shut up"

"Oh look, nagito is coming" he laughed. "You better clean this all up. And hide these!" He lifted my um.. thing.. up. "St-stop tha-" I stopped mid sentence as I didn't feel good. "Upupupu. Fine, I'll be nice and hide these for you." He said. Random...

"Hello (y/n)!" Nagito barged in. "He-he nagito." "Hey, I want to spend some time with you." He said. "Alright." I nod.


"That was really fun (y/n)!" He said as a shard dropped in both our hands. "Hehe, thanks" I giggled. "Alright see you!" He waved off. "Bye.." I waved and said bye silently.

I rushed back to my cottage.


I wiped my mouth off as I left the bathroom, frowning. I sat on the bed while sighing, clearly exhausted.

"I guess I should just sleep. It'll get better... I hope..." I mumbled and forced myself to sleep - which lucky worked.


"I have an announcement to make. *Ahem* wake up! It's now 08:00 am. ~~~~~~" I couldn't hear the rest of the announcment. Wasn't bothered to anyways. "Good morning (y/n)!" Nagito greeted. "Morning!" I put my fake smile on. "How is your day?" He asked, smiling like an innocent child. He do know he's close to a psychopath right...?

"Nagito, it's still morning." I laughed "yeah, so how is your morning?" He repeated. "It's been well." I lied. "Good to hear!" He said running off again. "That kid..."


"Morning (y/n) San." Sonia greeted me Infront of the restaurant. "Hey." I greeted back. She started asking me questions I don't even understand. Like about Japanese drama or something. I mean, I know we're from Japan but I don't watch that many drama. I mostly watch anime...

After walking up the stairs, she went to talk to gundham. "Oh how I ship them" I mumbled happily. I looked over and I saw a certain depressed pink haired mechanic. "And how I feel pity for him." I sighed.

I then noticed something on the back of the restaurant. "Wh-what is th-that!?" I whisper yelled as I saw something horrific. "Oh, hiyoko made that for mahiru." Hinata answered calmly. Well, then....


Breakfast was about to start when fuyuhiko came in the restaurant, shocking everyone. "Fuyuhiko? What are you doing here!?" I shouted and stopped immediately. "Yeah, you shouldn't be out yet!" Tsumiki shouted - surprisingly - without stuttering. "I came here to say sorry.." he said loudly. I wasn't to bothered to listen. Though he immediately caught my attention.

"KYAAAAAAAAA!" Sonia shouted. "What are you doing!?" I ran hurriedly to fuyuhiko's side. "I know a simple sorry wouldn't be enough..." He struggled to say. "But you didn't need to cut yourself!" I argued. "I guess.." I stayed silent.

Hey guys,  don't forget to vote and follow. Lol, I sound so desperate but I'm not. Anyways, don't forget to check out my other danganronpa book, it's danganronpa truth or dare! Don't forget to leave a question or dare. Anything you like for any danganronpa character you want.

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