part 11

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"good morning everyone! It's another bright and beautiful day. Perfect for killing! Time to wake up!" I groaned as the STUPID LITTLE ANNOUNCEMENT WAKE ME UP IN THE MORNING. Before i did anything, someone went knocking on my door. Who the hell visits someone this early in the morning?? "Alright, I'm coming..." I yawned and walked to the door lazily. "Good morning (y/n) san!" Sonia greeted with enthusiasm. "Good *yawn* morning sonia san..." I yawned halfway through my sentence.

"(Y/n) san, i wanted to invite you to swim at chandelier beach at the second island. Girl's only!"at least they see me as a girl... "Alright... I'll be there..." I yawned more. "Let's head to the restaurant together while I'm here." Sonia said. "K..."

"You're so sleepy (y/n). Everything okay? Did you get a good sleep?" She asked worriedly, and annoyingly. "I'm sleepy because I'm lazy, yes, and no."

I walked upstairs with sonia and entered the silent restaurant. Well, some slight whispers and owari's loud munches, but that's all. "(Y/n) san!" Nagito called. I turned my head to face the marshmello. "*Yawn* yes?" I said. "Woah, you okay?" He asked. "Never...*yawn*... Been better."
"You, um... Were feeling better yesterday tho-" i cut him off "shut up and eat." He hadn't notice i already grabbed the plate and stared wide eyes at the food. "When did you-" "itadakimasu"

"Are you kidding me?" I whispered frustratedly. "I-i'm sorry (y/n) san, but that's the last wetsuit..." Sonia apologized. "UGGGGGH" i screamed out as i grabbed the (f/c) 2 peice.

"See? You look good!" Sonia complimented. "I'm not even wearing it..." I said. "Well, I'm imaginating you wearing it right now!" I stared at her weirdly. "Okay..." I trailed off. "Where is mahiru?" I asked. "She... Didn't want to come.." sonia said disappointed. "Oh.. well, that's okay. Let's head out to the meeting place." I ran off as sonia followed behind.

"Hinata? Kazuichi? What are you doing here???" I asked suprised. Well, more for hinata. Kazuichi probably wanted to see sonia in a bathing suit. Well, not today kazuichi! I'm actually glad i let sonia take that last swimsuit rather then this 2 peice. I'm glad to be able to help a friend. In advance.

"Kazuichi dragged me here." Hinata defended for himself. "Oh okay. That explains it." I laughed. As me and hinata, plus chiaki, went to talk together, a commotion starts behind us. Well, almost a commotion "please! Would you let me go with you?" Kazuichi said desperately at sonia. "Well, you did walk far away from the first island. And it'll be rude to not let you come... So yes." Sonia agreed.

I stared at her in disbelief and an open mouth. Princesses can be so kind sometimes. TOO kind even...

"Argh, whatever." I mumbled as i head over to the beach.


"Wee!" Sonia screamed excitedly - splashing water at me as i splashed water back at her. We laugh and played together. "AAAAAAAGH" someone screamed bloody murder (literally) we panicked and checked the beach house where the boys were at.

My eyes went wide and i was forcing myself to not scream. "M-MAHIRU!!" Sonia screamed as the others followed. I stared at her dead body, leaning on the backdoor - terror in my eyes. "M-mahiru..." I managed to mumble out silently. My hands as support for not falling on my knees at the door. As for the other girls (plus hinata and kazuichi) frantically shook mahiru incase she still has a bit of life left. But non of that worked - she was gone. *Ding dong* "a body has been found, a body has been found! The class trial will be held in a short moment!" Monokuma announced.

"(Y/n)! You run quick, call the others here ASAP!" Hinata ordered. Quickly nodding in response, i stumbled my way to the other island as quick as possible.


"NAGITO!!!" I called in a panicky manner - seeing he coincidentally strolled down the beach. "(Y/n)? The announcment.." nagito said confused. "M-mahiru...*huff* beach house..." I panted - holding my knees for support. "Got it. Tell the others." Nagito ran off to the crime scene. "Seriously?" I huffed one more time and ran to the whole island telling everyone i pass.

"T-thanks (y/n)..." Hinata said, slightly sad. I looked over to see tsumiki (surprisingly) and sonia trying to comfort a crying hiyoko. I understand her. If my best friend was killed, i would have the same reaction - or worse.

"I know what you're feeling right now hiyoko... But you need to stay strong for mahiru.." i said trying to comfort her. "I'm n-not the b-best a-at comforting...b-b-but (y/n) is right...s-stay strong f-for m-mahiru." Tsumiki (obviously) said. "*Sniff*... I know... *Sniff*... But why would someone want to kill a nice person like mahiru?! HUAAAAAA." She continued crying after calming down a few second. Sonia started rubbing her back in a soothing matter and talked to her - me leaving the scene of the crying high schooler.

"How is the investigation going so far?" I asked hinata. "I'm not sure.." he said disappointed. "It's fine, I'm sure the class trial would go smoothly." I reassured the boy. "Thanks for the boost of confidence." He smiled politely. "No problem." I said and left him back to investigate.


I entered the bathroom and coincidentally met hajime inside. "Oh, hajime." I said slightly suprised. "hey (y/n)." He greeted "say, could you help me see what is above there?" Hajime asked. "Go sit on my shoulder." He ordered. I scoffed and instead, i lifted him up on my shoulder. "There, what do you see?" I asked. "The window is easily open. Could be a way for the killer to escape." He said. "I'm ready to go down!" He called out.

"(Y/n) what are you-" a certain male voice echoed through the room - i jumped and accidentally dropped hajime ontop of me. "OH MY GODH I'M SOSOSOSOSOSOSO SORRY!" i apologized over and over again. "So..mind getting up now?" I asked hinata, blushing slightly. "H-huh? O-oh right." He saud and helped my up. "S-sorry i scared you (y/n)! Hajime are you okay?" Nagito asked with a bit of... Jealousy(?) In his tone of voice. "Thanks SO much for scaring me nagito. You could have broken a bone or two!" I said - smiling sinisterly. "I-i'm sorry...." He apologized again. I sighed "whatever, let's just continue."


"Everyone, the class trial is going to start in a few minutes. Everyone meet up at the monokuma rock!" He ordered. We all sadly walked over there. No one said a single thing - even after we enter the class trial room thing.

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