Chapter 4

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Namjoon's POV

I inhale the ashy smoke, holding onto it before slowly letting it escape through my parted lips. I smirk at my friends while they continue to strike the boy who picked on Yoongi earlier.

"You think you're such a hot shot don't you!?" Yoongi smugly laughs at the now cowering boy that he stood over,

"N-no." the boy stutters, gulping down as Jungkook throws another punch, forcing the boy to fall back onto the ground in pain.

I take another drag of my cigarette, finally tossing it onto the pavement below before making my way over to the boy. I bend down till I'm at his eye level, grinning at his cut face,

"So you want to pick on my friend but can't take the heat when it's thrown back at you?!" I laugh at the pathetic boy. With one final blow, I finish the boy off, he lay there unconscious.

Sadly I didn't hit him too hard, only enough to knock him out. I would've went further but I wasn't in the mood to be branded a murderer, no matter how angry I was.

I gaze down at my slightly bruised knuckles from punching the bastard's face. I suck in my left cheek, ignoring the small throbs while I fix out my navy sweater from any creases.

We begin to head off out of the alleyway that we cornered the boy into,

"Yah! Namjoon is so cool!" Jungkook, my best friend smirks throwing his arm around my shoulder.

Yoongi and Hoseok closely behind us.

Suddenly I come to a hold, "shit! What time is it?" I question Jungkook as he frowns.

"Umm..." he glances down at his phone, "4:30, why?"

"Fuck!" I hiss aloud making the boys stop in their tracks, eyebrows raised.

I slide one of my hands down my face in irritation, "I have to go, sorry guys."

I stroll away from them but get about 3 steps before I feel a hand stop me,

"Where're you going?" Jungkook interrogates, clinging to my upper arm as if his life depended on it. I glance down at his hand before shrugging it off,

A strange emotion flashes across his face before its gone.

What the fuck was that?

"To tutor that asshole Jin." I grumble,

The older boy clearly didn't want anything to do with me, too bad I needed the money and his parents were paying a decent amount.

Now you're probably thinking what the hell is going on here.

Honestly this was the real me, a badass, a delinquent, a troublemaker, call it what you will.

In school I wanted to keep my street rep on the down low, afraid that it might ruin my chances in getting into good colleges. My parents weren't aware of this side of me and I prefer to keep it that way.

"Do you have to go?" Jungkook asks, pouting a little. I chuckle, ruffling his hair,

"Sorry, but I need the money so yeah. I'll catch up with you guys later."

I throw a wave over my shoulder at my friends before sprinting off in the direction of the Kim's residence, which was on the more posher side of town.


"You're late." Jin grumbles while opening the door. I hold back a snarky comment, remembering that I'm in nerd form right now.

"I'm sorry. I was studying in the library and lost track of time." I squeak in my innocent voice that I use whenever I'm in school.

The brunette rolls his eyes at me, widening the door so I can come in.

"So..." I trail off, "are your parents home?"

Jin turns his head to the side, gazing back at me with a confused look,

"No, they're at work..." he mutters before opening the door to his study.

I simply nod even though he didn't notice as his eyes were back to facing forward now.

We enter the study, I take my seat in the chair I sat in last time while piling out my books and such on the table.

"So what should we do today?" I smile at the older boy. His eyes held boredom at my words while he opens one of his notebooks, a pencil twirling between his long fingers.

"Alright, lets work on some Physics today shall we." I hold back a smirk, chuckling internally as Jin groans loudly in annoyance.


"This is too hard!" Jin whines flipping his textbook back to its original front page, shutting it over with frustration.

I chew on my lower lip to hold onto the chuckle that wanted to escape,

This boy is oddly cute.

"Excuse me a moment, I need to use the bathroom." I get up making a move towards the door then realising,

"Umm..." Jin turns his attention to me, arms folded over his chest.

"Yeah?" He raises an eyebrow,

"Where's your bathroom again?" I mutter, rubbing at the back of my neck.

He rudely rolls his eyes,

"Down the hall, first door on your right." He explains, I nod, scurrying off quickly.

Jin's POV

Stupid little kid!

I've been stuck listening to him for at least 2 and a half hours now.

And did you notice how he strangely smelled of cigarettes?

I question myself like a crazy person,

Surely he doesn't smoke? He's too much of a goodie two shoes to be smoking even at his age.

I also recalled seeing his knuckles covering in a deep purple and green bruise that looked agonising, but I didn't press on.

Why should I even care? He's only here to tutor me that's it. We aren't friends so it doesn't matter.

I continue grumbling to myself when suddenly...

*bbring brring*

Is that my doorbell?

But who the hell could it be?

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