Chapter 12

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Jin's POV

"Wait. Hold on a minute. So what you're trying to tell me is that Namjoon spent the night and you slept with him?!" Jimin squeals into my pillow with excitement. I roll my eyes,

"Okay first of all, eww you make it sound like I fucked him. Which by the way I didn't and second, technically I slept beside him on the ground so does it even count?"

Jimin just stares at me with an all too knowing look. I shrug it off,

" about a movie." I cheerfully pick up my selection of movies much to Jimin's protests,

"No." He whines, "we should go out instead." I frown my eyebrows,

"Why? I'm perfectly fine at home."

He scoffs, "but I wanna go out."


This causes a smirk to form on his lips while he digs inside him pocket and bring out four small cards.

"What're those?" I move closer to him, trying to peer over his shoulder to see what he has.

He holds them high for me to see, I let my eyes register what they are,

"I.D's?" My eyebrow raises in confusion, Jimin tosses the small cards over to me.

I glance down, reading each I.D.

There was one for me, Jimin, Taehyung and...

"Hye-bin?" I question aloud, looking back over at Jimin.

"Taehyung wanted her to go." He says with a simple shrug like it was nothing,

"Wait? Have you already spoke to Taehyung about this?" I ask, staring down at my own fake I.D,

It was a photo of me but I appeared a few years older, my chocolate coloured hair covers my forehead while I looked to be wearing a dark blue sweater,

"Jimin?!" I hiss, realisation in my expression. "Is this my school picture?!"

Jimin smiles shyly, a small grin clear on his lips as his teeth are on full display.


I groan before letting the cards fall back onto my bed, "where exactly are we going?"

"A bar the next town over." He explains, while standing to let me finally catch glimpses of his outfit.

He was wearing leather pants, a silk shirt and accessorised it with a black chocker and some piercings on his ears.

How did I not take notice about how dressed up he looks when he first came to my house earlier?

"Come on! Lets get you an outfit. Tae will be here soon to pick us up." Jimin reaches out to grab my hand to help me up.

I grumble but take his hand, he pulls me to my feet before waddling over to my closet.

"Lets see..." He hums, glancing around my wardrobe for something I could wear.

After a few moments of tossing things around, he yanks out a wine coloured shirt that was silky looking and some dark jeans.

He flings the clothes in my direction, accidentally causing the shirt to cover my face while I manage to catch the jeans.

"Jimin!" I yell but this only causes the smaller boy to laugh with hysterics.

"Sorry, sorry. But hurry up." He pushes me towards my ensuite bathroom while the clothes were still shielding my eyes.

I stumble into my bathroom as Jimin slams the door behind me while shouting that, 'he'll be waiting downstairs for me.'

I quickly strip out of my clothes and place my outfit on, I glance at my reflection as I fluff my hair a little out of my eyes.

I smile at myself before leaving the bathroom and heading downstairs to find Jimin laying on the couch, texting.

He glances up and takes in my appearance before letting out a cat-whistle,

"Look at you! Damn, if you weren't my best friend then I would definitely tap that."

I flush at his words, smacking him across his arm,

"I thought you were my innocent friend!" I squeal.

Jimin shrugs, "there's a lot more to me than you know."

Before I have the chance to ask him what he means, we hear a car horn outside.

"Lets go!" Jimin smirks, yanking on my hand to the door.

I hope I don't make an ass of myself tonight.

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