Chapter 5

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I pick myself up from my chair, hurrying towards the door.

I fling the door wide open to reveal Taehyung leaning on the door frame. I take in his appearance as he stood there with a pair of dark jeans, a plain white tee and white shoes. A black snapback covers the boy's brown hair while he wore his adorable box smile.

"Hey Jinnie." He engulfs me into a tight hug which I of course return, loving every minute of him being close to me.

A deep cough suddenly could be heard, both our heads turn to the awkward looking boy standing a few feet from us. My eyes drop into a bored expression,

Oh yeah, I almost forgot he was still here.

Taehyung glances between both Namjoon and I, "Oh. Did I interrupt something?" He questions, a confused look visible on his face.

"Uhh nope. Namjoon was just leaving." I turn to the younger boy, "weren't you?"

"I was?" The nerdy boy asks aloud, unsure of what I was hinting about. I glare at him, annoyed that he wasn't getting the picture.

"Oh yeah! I have to go home and study now. Let me just grab my things." he exaggeratedly says before scurrying off back into my study.

He returns quickly, shoving his books inside his open backpack, flustering around while moving towards the front door. Soon after, he leaves but not before dropping his books a couple of times while I just stood over him with an annoyed expression.

"Why was that boy here?" Taehyung interrogates as we move into the living room, I take a seat down on the beige couch. Taehyung follows still watching me like a hawk, waiting for an explanation.

So I did the only thing I could think of,

I lied.

"Oh, I'm tutoring him." I plaster a false smile that could almost reach far past my eyes at this rate. Taehyung searches my face, looking for a sign that would indicate I'm lying, luckily I was a fairly good actor and technically it wasn't actually a lie, just that the roles we switched about.

"But you're awful when it comes to academics?" Tae frowns, unconvinced.

"I'm tutoring him in English." I explain, thanking God I was excelling in that class otherwise this lie wouldn't have worked out.

I didn't want him or anyone to know I was being tutored, it was humiliating and by a freshman too? Ha my reputation would drop to the ground.

"Well...okay then, just make sure you're nice to him." Tae wiggles his finger in a nagging form at me, I laugh, nodding my head.

"Yes mom." This caused Tae to also fall into a fit of giggles.

Oh how I love his laugh.

I dreamily thought, staring at his face while he regains himself,

"Anyway how come you came over? You never told me you were coming." I ask, fiddling with my fingers and trying to contain the happiness that was bursting out at the fact he came all this way to see me.

He scratches his neck, a small smile beginning to grow on his lips while his eyes fall onto the TV a few inch away from us.

"I...uhh...need to tell you something." He squeaks. I lean in close, my mind racing with various different scenarios about what it could be.

Maybe he has feelings for me too?!

Maybe he wants to me to be his boyfriend!!!!!

He sighs before looking me dead in the eye,

"I have a girlfriend now." He smiles widely,


My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach, my face falling to the point it was noticeable. Tae copies my expression, worried that I may have took offence to his words.

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy for me?"

No, not really.

But then that was just my selfish thoughts taking over, I force a fake smile back onto my lips, showing off the whites of my teeth.

"Of course I'm happy for you! How long have you guys been dating? Who is she?" The questions were eating me alive, I had to know.

He smiles, looking down at his hands, "we've been dating for about a month now. We didn't want to tell anyone right away incase of any drama or rumours might emerge. It's Hye-bin from my art class."

"Oh." I spoke quietly,

Anger, annoyance, rejection all bubbled up inside of me. My throat was dry and sore from holding in my cries too long but I refuse to cry, not here with him sitting across from me.

We talked for a while, Tae filled me in about his relationship so far and other random things. I just kept quiet, nodding along every so often to his words. The reality was I wasn't even listening, my thoughts were too busy swarming around inside to give me a chance to listen without thinking up something worse.

Eventually Taehyung leaves and as soon as he did, I fell to my knee, crying like there was no tomorrow.

I forgot that Tae wasn't gay, it broke my heart every time I would remind myself this fact so I pushed the information to the back of my head so that I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore.

After a while, I manage to clean myself up and flop back down of the couch, I was exhausted both mentally and physically.

I begin drifting off to sleep with the intentions in my mind that I will somehow win Taehyung's affection, I'll make him like me,

Or so I thought at the time.

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