Chapter 18

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Jin's POV

I sigh happily while staring out the window of my English class. Usually, I would be paying attention since this was the only class I actually excel at but today I couldn't.

My mind was too preoccupied with a certain someone. I knew I wasn't in love with him, oh no it was far to early to be throwing the 'L' bomb around but there was definitely an attraction there.

I was snapped out of my thoughts however, when my English teacher, Mrs Kwang announced that a new student would be joining our class.

I wasn't at all bothered by this, having no interest in some kid who I didn't even know of.

Or so I thought as a few minutes later, a familiar looking boy walks into class causing me to forget to breathe for a second.

What the? Why is he here?!?

Namjoon stood awkwardly at the front of the classroom, fidgeting with the straps of his backpack in an anxious manner. Mrs Kwang was busy introducing the class to the tall, blonde boy but I didn't care, all I could do was gawk at him in a mixture of confusion and shock.

Isn't he younger? Why is he here?

"'Namjoon is actually a grade below all of you but we've decided to move him into this class since his grades are excellent." Mrs Kwang cheers, obviously showing her proudness towards the younger boy.

Pfft teachers pet.

"Alright Namjoon how about you sit over there," she points to the second row at the opposite side of the classroom and I sigh in relief that he's no where near me.

As he makes his way over to his new desk, our eyes briefly meet. I couldn't look away, it was like there was some invisible magnetic pulling us together to the point I shuddered. It wasn't an uncomfortable shudder but more of an excited shiver.

What the fuck is wrong with me?!

Throughout class, I couldn't help but stare, gawking at the back of the head which belonged to the younger boy.

God I'm creepy.

I thought, yet I continued watching. I could tell Namjoon sensed my presence since his shoulders were tightening around his ears and the odd jolts of body movement he does here and there when he's under stress.

I picked up on these small traits he does during our tutoring sessions and also when I see him around school.

Tsst, do you hear yourself?

I shake my head to get rid of the awful thoughts and soon enough, the bell rings, signalling lunch time.

I hop to my feet, collecting my stuff and shoving it into my backpack. I was about to head over to Namjoon so I could ask him, 'what the fuck are you doing here?!' But noticed he was already gone.

I frustratedly sigh, rubbing the side of my face before letting it drop to my side.

Guess I'll just have to talk to him at my stupid tutoring session.

Namjoon's POV

Fuck! Shit! Fuck my life!

I speed walk away from the class that I had just cane out from, completely forgetting it was Jin's.

He's gonna be pissed, last time I checked he hated this side of me...well I don't like this side of me either.

My fingers were itching to ruffle up my neatly brushed hair yet I couldn't. I had to keep this fake facade up so instead I make my way to the rooftop as usual, where I spend almost every lunch period with the others.

Jungkook was the first and only thing that came into view when I entered the rooftop. His back was to me yet I know that black haired idiot anywhere, he appeared to be deep in thought making me let out a deep chuckle.

I creep up behind, cautious to not make a sound. Once close enough, I lean forward, taking note that the boy had his eyes clammed shut like he was taking a nap.

My lips graze against his ear accidentally while I sent a chilling 'boo' into his lobe.

"Shit!" He shrieks, turning his body slightly and punching me in the gut. I bend over, a low chuckle escaping my lips, "damn, you're getting better at punching."

He smirks at my compliment, rotating himself back round to face outwards, "thanks, now stop being an ass and sit." He points to the empty space beside him.

I plop myself down, "what were you thinking about?" I ask, leaning in close to his face with a smug look on my lips, "was it about me?" I flutter my eyes innocently.

Jungkook's face turns red while he flusters his arms around making me back up slightly away from him while chuckling.

"No, of course I wouldn't be thinking about you." He hisses, his arms crossing over his chest in annoyance.

I let out a deep chuckle, throwing my arm over the boy's shoulder, "obviously not. We're best friends and it will always be that way."

Jungkook was silent for a few minutes till replying, "...y-yeah, just f-friends."

I let a genuine smile take over my face, proud that I was able to have such a great best friend by my side.


Authors Note

Yes, I know I haven't updated this in a while. Yes, I also know I suck big time and yes, this was a really short chapter, I'm sorry.

I've been trying to work on other books right now and I also have unpublished books that I'm working on that I can't wait to publish when they're finished/near enough done.

So please bare with me on this book, I will try my up most hardest to update at least a bit more regularly.

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