Chapter 7

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Thankfully since Namjoon couldn't come over it means I have a free afternoon to do whatever I feel like.

I happily skip down the long path, enjoying the sunny weather that was brightly shining above.

I peer through my sunglasses, taking in my surroundings.

I decided to take a brief walk around the large park where I could see small kids excitedly playing. Parents were dotted across the area, watching their children while having the odd conversation here and there.

I glance down at my wristwatch, realising the time. I debate on whether or not to take the long route back but decided against it, taking the shorter way through the forest.

I edge across the grass, over to the immense cluster of trees, checking the ground every so often so that I don't fall over any broken branches.

I'm around halfway through the woods when I suddenly hear loud laughing. I freeze, hiding behind a large tree as I notice a small group of boys a few feet away.

They look to be cornering a rather large guy as the black haired boy speaks up, "this is the last time you're gonna sell me this crap! I don't pay you this amount of money for you to get me this cheap shit!"

What the hell are they talking about?

"Look guys I'm sorry." The large guy pleads, holding his hands up in a defensive manner. "Business has been really slow lately, it's been harder to get the ingredients for it."

The raven haired boy scoffs with disgust, "I don't give a shit." He throws a punch at the large guy who then topples over like a tree. I shuffle back slightly at the sight, a sudden urge to run in the opposite direction was now my only thought.

"Pathetic." The boy spits at the groaning one who lay limp on the dirty ground.

"Alright calm down." A brunette laughs placing a hand onto the slightly taller boy's shoulder. The boy heaves heavily before turning away from the slouched over guy.

I squint my eyes, trying to get a better look at their faces,

Do I know them?

A sudden blondie appears, he was a lot shorter than the other two however his face held a deathly glare that would put anyone six feet under just with that stare.

"What the fuck have I told you about beating people up because you can't go to a better drug dealer!" He barks at the dark haired boy.

"Fuck off!" The taller one grumbles, walking past him. I realise that they're making their way towards me.

I panic.

Shit! What the hell do I do now?!

I stumble back, falling over onto my ass as I edge away from the tree making a large thin branch underneath me snap.

Oh fuck.

The noise was so loud, it carried through the surrounding area meaning they heard me. They're heads snap towards my direction while I lay on the floor, thankfully they still weren't able to see me.

"Who's there?!" The blondie shouts, scanning the premises. I hold my hands over my lips to muffle out any noises that I might make.

"Probably just a squirrel." The black haired one sighs.

"Don't be stupid, what sort of a squirrel is that fat to snap a branch?" The brunette chuckles,

Okay rude, did he just call me fat?!

I huff at his accusation but he's right there's no way a squirrel that big could snap a branch this large. I suddenly hear footsteps coming closer to my hiding spot.

If I stay here they'll catch me,

If I make a run for it they might also catch me.

I wasn't awful at running but trying to out run three people at once is a little stupid. Who knows if one of them gains enough speed to catch me, then I have to deal with all three.

I wasn't even one for fighting anyway.

I chew on my lower lip, glancing around to see what I can do. Their footsteps were only getting louder by this point,


I get to my feet quickly,

Guess there's only one way out of this.

I break out into a sprint.

Sounds of their pace increasing in speed could be heard as soon as they hear me fleeting from the situation.

I heave in a deep breath which probably wasn't a good idea since it caused a stitch to grow in the side of my abdomen. I try my hardest to ignore the pain while my feet carries me through the leaf littered pathway.

"Hey you! Stop!" Knowing from hearing the call I could tell they weren't far away from me now.

Crap! I need to hurry and get the hell outta here or at least be somewhere in public so they wouldn't touch me or someone can stop them.

I'm almost to the exit, I can see the small children still playing around in the park. I break out into a large grin knowing I'm safe when,

"Got you." A hand creeps onto my shoulder, pressing it down so I come to an abrupt stop. I tense under the hand, practically feeling the person behind me smirking.

Just as they are about to turn me around, another deep voice cuts in,

"Let him go!"


"-I said let him go." The voice says with a lace of anger and authority. I suddenly feel the hand let go but I don't dare turn around to meet any of the delinquencies eyes.

I hear shuffling before a hot breath fans my left ear, I shiver in odd satisfaction.

"Leave." They whisper-hiss and I can't help but notice how familiar the voice is.

I don't think twice as I quickly scurry off.

Namjoon's POV

"Dude! What the fuck?!" Jungkook grumbles beside me while I watch the brunette boy run away from us. I sigh before spinning around to meet my friends curious gazes. Sheer anger smeared across my expression.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I growl, especially at Jungkook who had a grip on Jin's shoulder.

"He saw us beating up someone, he might tell on us." Jungkook rats out. I brush my hand through my blonde hair before taking out a packet of cigarettes, I place one between my lips before casually lighting it.

"Don't be stupid, do you honestly think he would risk himself being hurt by telling on you? He isn't a tattletale." I laugh,

Jungkook just stays quiet, obviously irritated that I shouted at him.

I unwrap my lips from the cancer stick as I gently blow the smoke into the warm air that engulfs around us.

I just hope for my sake he didn't recognise me.

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