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Ethan POV

I dragged him into the woods behind the house where no one could see us. When we were out of sight I shoved him onto the ground.

"What the fuck is your problem!" I scolded him. "Were you even thinking! What if someone else had heard the two of you! How could you even think of forcing yourself on her!"

"Alright! Alright! I get it!" He yelled back at me. "It's none of your business"

"It's my business when my married soon to be dad, asshole of a brother is drunk off his ass attempting to rape one of my best friends!" I punched him making him fall back again.

"She's mine" he spit out some blood before jumping at me. I stepped to the side making him run into a tree. I squatted down next to him grabbing him by his collar that was now stained with his blood.

"Stay the fuck away from her before Arthur finds out and you end up like everyone else who's messed with his daughter" I let him go roughly making him fall back on the hard ground.


Maya POV

I woke up the next morning and just laid there in bed staring back at myself through the mirror that was on the ceiling. My eyes were a little red and swollen from all the crying last night.

I was disappointed in myself for falling in love with a married man. And I was shocked that Grayson would ever do such a thing he's always been so kind and caring the Grayson that I saw last night scared me.

Two quick knocks on the door tore me from my thoughts.

"Ms. Maya your father wishes to see you" one of the maids announced through the wooden doors.

"I'll be down in a sec!" I replied my voice a little hoarse. With a grunt I stood up from my bed walking into the ensuite bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror examining my face. The stitches weren't that noticeable since they blended in with my hair line, I had bags under my eyes. Nothing a little concealer can't fix.

After taking a shower and applying the tiniest bit of makeup on i got dressed in some workout clothes because they were comfortable and easy to move around in.

I entered my fathers study plopping down on one of the leather chairs.

"Now that my daughter has finally graced us with her presence we can begin" my father clapped his hands.

After a long briefing about drugs and weapons we were dismissed.

"Wanna spar?" Tyler appeared next to me.

"What and get your ass beat?" I teased as we began walking towards the gym.

"Please I can take you down any day" he playfully scoffed.

"Carful ty, she took down two men bare handed" Carlos grabbed my shoulders as we walked.

"Yeah I wouldn't mess with me if I were you" I flipped my pony tail.

"C'mon then show me how tough you are" Tyler challenged as he stood on the big mat. I stood in front of him in a fighting position.

He swung at me but I ducked elbowing him in the side then swiping his feet out from under making him fall.

"You were saying?" I gave him a sweet smile. He jumped back up and I charged at him, he grabbed my waist and flipped me over so I was on the ground. He then put me in a choke hold.

"Tap out" he smiled down at me. Refusing to give up I got out of it pushing him down roughly so he was laying down. I then proceed to grab his arm twisting it stepping on the side of his face.

"You tap out" I smirked making the boys clap and whoop. Tyler yanked his arm from my grip. We both got back into fighting positions.

"Give it up ty your only making us respect you less" Jeff teased from the sidelines.

"Just give up now I wouldn't want to embarrass you" I teased with a smirk.

"Come at me" he challenged making me swing my fist collided with his face making him stumble back. I swung again but this time he caught it twisting my arm behind my back. I decided to pull the weak girl trick.

"Ow!" I cried out making him let me go.

"Maya I'm sorry" he quickly apologized since I was on the floor I quickly kick his feet out from under him sitting on his back putting him into a camel clutch.

"Tap out" I commanded. He didn't listen so I tightened my grip on him.

"Tap out!" The boys laughed. Tyler finally gave in tapping the ground repeatedly. I let him go and he gasped for air.

"I'm sorry what's that?" I held my hand at my ear. "Ding! Oh it's the elevator get on it cause your not on my level" I held my arms up in victory as the boys cheered for me.

Slow claps were heard from the door and we turned to see Ethan standing there in a muscle tee and basketball shorts.

"Now that the children are done we can get back to real training" he announced walking over to the weights.

"Excuse me?" I scoffed.

"You're excused" he said nonchalantly as he lifted the weights.

"What you don't think I can beat you too?" I crossed my arms leaning on one hip.

"No, I KNOW you can't beat me" he continued lifting the weights.

"Alright c'mon you and me let's go" I challenged him.

"No" he said simply.

"What afraid to be beaten up by a girl" I teased.


"So fight me, bïtch" I challenged again. He walked over to me and got into a fighting position. I swung first and he dodged it easily. I swung again and he dodged it like it was nothing. I then went a new route, and attempted to kick him. He caught me leg and held it.

"See now I can easily grab your throat and choke slam you, you made yourself vulnerable. Try again" he let go of my leg and got back into fighting position.

"Are you trying to train me while we're fighting?" I scoffed.

"Well you could use the help"he shrugged. I swung at his face but he ducked making me stumble. Then he grabbing my waist and slammed me on the mat.

"Good you're angry use that!" He growled at me. I looked around noticing the guys had left, the fuck?

"C'mon let it out!" He semi shouted. I got up and tried again but I somehow ended right back on the floor. "Think about how you felt last night when you found out Grayson was going to have a child, with his wife. Use the sadness and anger you felt when Grayson would only love you at two in the morning so his wife wouldn't know" the things he was saying were angering me.

"Shut up! You know nothing about what happened!" I yelled at him tears pooling in my eyes.

"Really? Cause it seems to me like you were a mistress, well not even that you were his side chick. The other woman, nothing but a booty call" he chuckled icily. I punched him in the face making him stumble back. I punched him again, and again, and again. Blood started coming out of his mouth and nose. The tears started falling and my hits were getting weaker.

He then grabbed my fists stopping my hits, hugging me. At first I struggled to get out of his grip but I gave in as I began to sob.

"Shh it's okay, it's okay" he cooed rubbing my back.

"I loved him" I choked on a sob as I hugged him back.

"I know you did" he replied softly.

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