.....PART 1.....

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    March 2nd, 1990....

   It was a warm day in New York City.  Beyond the Horizon, was Staten Island.  The New Lady Liberty was being built on the same small Island.  New York had always been the same.  Not to mention quite cranky as well.  Everyone honked their horns, yelled at eachother, and had their daily lives.  That's the New York we all  know and love.  Ah yes, about the New Lady Liberty being built, those Ghostbusters, they call themselves are still alive and well.  Why don't we go more into detail yes?

First, 34 year old Ms. Janine Melntiz had always been a great receptionist for the four men.  Sometimes she dislikes working 24hrs a day.  Answering a call after a call, it gets old for her

 Second, the heart of Ghostbusters, 31 year old Dr. Raymond Stantz was reading a book known as,"Tobin's Spirit Guide."  Very much a book he enjoys reading.  The Ghostbuster himself is quite kind and intelligent minded too. 

 Now, 34  year old Mr. Winston Zeddemore is putting away the ghost filled traps into the containment unit.  He does it in a very specific way, Bigger ghost in first, before the littler ones.  Ha ha, oh Zeddemore, funny and trustworthy that man!

  Next,  we have 37 year old Dr. Egon Spengler. The eldest of Ghostbusters.  Hmm, he seems to be very busy studying and analyzing his fungus under the microscope.  Though he is very intelligent and serious with his work.  This man sure knows what he's doing!!

  Finally, last but not least is 33 year old Dr. Peter Venkman.  Well, how do I say this?  Ah yes, Dr. Peter Venkman is quite a hilarious guy.  No one can outmatch his humor but himself.  He had a love for the Client Dana Barrett once.  Heh, heh, what a guy.  Very enthusiastic he sure is, but he's not just Funny and charming, but he is the Ghostbusters leader.  

  Now where to begin?  Oh!  Yes...

Peter approaches Ray as he was busy reading through his awesome book. 

  "Hey, haven't you read through that like fifty times?" asked Peter.

Ray closed his book with a sigh,"Well, not Fifty, but 5 times, what do ya need?"

The Ghostbuster thought for a moment until he made up his mind,"Have you been to that Cuisine Restaurant over on 34th street?"  "No, but what kinda food do they have?" "All kinds!  Japanese, Chinese, Hawaiian, Portuguese, I mean hey, they also got Pizza,"  "Sounds like your buying dinner Venkman!" "NO!!  I mean, yeah I guess I could..."  

  "How about Me, you, Zeddemore, and Spengler all go there?"  questioned Ray.  

Peter groaned rolling his eyes,"Okay fine, buy I really don't like paying for everything."  

              Ray looked at him concerned,"Why?"

   "Because I like to save my money Ray!"  he exclamied.

   Ray chuckles,"I doubt that.  Where do you think you got those tuxedo suits from?  Ah, nevermind."  Peter rubs his face frustrated slightly.  He didn't really like paying for Dinner whenever the guys had to eat.  I guess that's just him. 

 He confessed, "I can't pay anything right now, OKAY!  I have no reason!  Can't you just make Egon pay for the dinner?"  

    Ray's face messed up,"What?!  I'm not going to force Egon to pay, your the one that brought up the restaurant place!" 

    Peter groaned once again,"UGH, okay Finneeee."

 ....Oh Dr. Venkman, always not wanting to pay for others.  Now, its 6:30 PM.  Mr. Raymond had told Winston and Egon about the Restaurant Peter wanted to take them too.  They all cleaned up and dressed warm for the night.  Janine, ended her shift as she went on home to her apartment.  Peter, decides that they should all take the Ecto-1, but without the light blaring and lighting up of course.  Turning on the car, they drove off into the night to the restaurant.  Arriving right on time, the four men were escorted to their table. Given menu's Peter and Ray already knew what they wanted, for Winston and Egon, it took a bit longer...

      Winston stared at his menu confused,"What da Hell does that say?" he shows the word on the menu to Egon as he looked at it closely. 

    He shrugged,"I dunno."  And then he continued to look back at his.  

Ray and Peter just smile, until Peter explained,"Yall gotta get bigger reading glasses because the menu's got a heck of alot of stuff on here in small writing."  "I can__barely see that." replies Egon.

    After they ordered what they wanted, Ray started up a conversation by talking about their past Ghost busting,

   "Ya guys remember the first ghost we saw, well I mean Winston wasn't here, but hmm.  How about, Stay Puft, do ya guys ever believe he'll come back?"

  "Wellll, it depends really."  replies Peter first.  

"I'd say no because we killed that thing!"  says Winston.  

 "I'd say negative, as in no."  replied Egon short. 

Ray whines,  "Oh, come on you guys!  Dont'cha think he might come back?  Seriously, like, what if he didn't die?"  Peter laughs,

   "You need to chill Ray, we just got rid of Vigo like a year ago, and we got rid of Stay Puft what, Six, Seven years ago?  Look, nothing bad is going to happen ever again Ray, only some pesky ghost will be running around for us to blast n catch."  

    "Well, whatever you say Venkman..."

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