....PART 6....

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  The sirens blared as the Ecto-1 sped through the streets of New York.  The four Ghostbuster men arrive at the NYC Public Library as they are asked to come inside quickly.  The man who owned the building was talking about the old Ghost Librarian.  He told them that she might've grown stronger and stronger each day.  So the Four Scientists went to work immediately.  Ray and Winston went upstairs while Egon and Peter went downstairs of the building.  They checked their Walkie Talkie's to see if they were still working.  Meanwhile Winston was hearing some strange noises.

  "You hear page flipping?" Winston asks Ray.  "Yeah, it seems like it coming from somewhere around these book cases.  Let's go check, you go left, I'll go right."  Ray replies putting on his Ecto-goggles.  The Two men split up near the book cases searching for there ghost.  There was creaking coming from all around, though there was nobody else in the whole Library except the Four Ghostbuster guys.  Ray turns around looking through his goggles for any strange activity.  "All clear here, how about you Zeddemore?"  Winston looked around again to see if he'd missed anything,"Nah I got nothing man.  Let's keep moving."

   Meanwhile all the way below them were Egon and Peter who were searching for the same thing.  They too heard creaking and page flipping noises come from all around them.  Peter kept watch near the book cases when Spengler walked into a large circular room that had a desk with a book, and a strange drape in the background.  His PKE meter went wild as he looked up around the area.  Peter followed behind him seeing what he's found.  Strange green plasma was floating in the air around the desk.  

  "You seeing what I'm seeing?"  asks Egon towards Peter.  "This is crazy man."  Peter replies with awe.  Egon took his walkie talkie to get in contact with the others,"Ray Ray!  Come in Ray, you need to get down here fast we've found something."  "Alright, I'll be over with Winston!"  Ray replied over the radio.   

   Ray and Winston arrive as they find Egon and Peter in front of this massive weird surge of energy.   The Drapes, the desk, the book, the slime floating around it was all there.  But why?  Ray suggested that it might've been protecting something.  Like the book.  Just then, a ghost appeared behind the desk:

  It was the Old Librarian Ghost.

The first Ghost Peter, Ray, and Egon have ever saw that kick started their Ghostbuster journey and it was right here!  Although, the four of them watched at the ghost took the book and read it immediately.  A creepy Hand shot out of the book and strangled the ghost until the Old Librarian Ghost 'died'.  It was like reliving the death for the ghost.  The Hand crawled out of the book as a monster ghost roared at the Ghostbusters.  

  "KILL IT RAY!"  screamed Peter.  The four Ghostbusters blasted their neutrona guns at the monster as it started floating around the room snarling like a wolf.  Winston blasted his gun as the proton stream hits the Nasty Devil Ghost in the face making it angry. The Ghost shook off the pain as it roared pissed off at Winston.  "Shit!"  Winston ducks as the ghost slashed it's claws after him.  

   The proton streams destroyed everything in the room.  Spengler blasted his proton stream with an intense face,"This thing is so damn strong!"  "We've gotta do something!"  yells Ray trying to blasts his proton gun.  The four men were struggling trying to think how to capture this big ass devil ghost.  Peter tumbles on the ground with an oof! He looks up seeing the monster coming after him.

  Peter shot his proton gun as the stream penetrated in the monster's eye, it squealed in pain flying backwards.  Suddenly, an idea popped in Spengler's mind as he put down his gun.  "What the hell are you doing?!"  says Winston.  "I got an idea.  Keep that thing distracted!"  Spengler ran towards the desk to retrieve the book that was still on the desk behind the drapes.  He skimmed through the book as if he were trying to find something.  

  Egon looked up as he faced the monster.  The other guys were trying to fire their guns but they were struggling more and more.  Egon stared up the great big Devil Monster...

  "What the hell is he doing?"  says Peter.

 Egon raised his arms in the air in front of the massive monster Devil Beast as he spoke out ancient words..."In virtute Dei, et Spiritus sanctus est, et ego te condemnabo vade ad inferos !!!!"  

 TRANSLATION: (By the power of God, and the Holy Spirit, I condemn you back to hell!!!!) 

   The monster screeched as everyone had to cover their ears.  The ghost monster was decaying as it was starting to loose it's power.  The monsters back curled as it started drooling everywhere.  The magic was being lifted off the place.  The Monster screeched and growled trying to fight it but.  The words were making it weaker and weaker.  Soon the nasty monster ghost shriveled up into completely nothing but ash.  

  All the slime splashed to the ground as some  got on Peter Venkman.  He blew the nasty slime out of his face as Egon quickly got a sample.  Ray and Winston were surprised of Spengler's actions because it definitely put the ghost to rest.  Kind of.  The drapes fell onto the ground as the bare wall glowed the mandala pattern.  Exactly like the one Winston had drawn back at the HQ.  One part of the mandala shuts off.  

  "We just shut down part of the Mandala, all we need to do is find where the other locations are and shut down those as well.  Once we do that, this will give us a clue on where Ivo Shandors Island may be located."  Explains Egon. 

   The rest of the guys nod there heads as they continued staring at the Mandala upon the wall.  It glowed and glowed, until it faded away.

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