....PART 11....

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              (I'm SO sorry Winston Zeddemore...) 

 The phone rings in the HQ as Janine answers the phone,"Ghostbusters.....Yes....Where exactly?....OH, the Museum!?...Yes they'll be right over....bye!"  

  Janine calls for the guys from downstairs as the four men slid down the pole.  Ray took the address excited,"WOW!  The American Museum of Natural History!  I've always wanted to go there.  Maybe one of the Mandala's is there too.  Alright, see ya Janine!"  Ray and the rest of the guys get in the car and sped off into the night. Peter played Jackie Wilson from when they busted Vigo with the giant walking statue of Liberty.  Winston sat in the back with Egon as Ray was up in the passengers seat. 

   Closing the next Mandala was crucial because when they did, it would show them where exactly the location of Shandor Island would be.  According to what Winston researched while Egon was turning to a kid, he found out that when they did power down the last part of the map, that Mandala upon the wall would give them coordinates out in the Atlantic where the Island could be.  

  Egon tinkered with his PKE meter as they got to the Museum, his meter went wild and red.  The whole museum was haunted.  The manager had explained to the Ghostbusters about a manifestation of a large fat ghost they called The Chairman, he was formerly named Cornelius Wellesly and was the Chairman of International Steel. In the early 1900s, he served as chairman of the board of trustees who ran the Natural History Museum.  The Manager had also told them that he was also the Guardian of something it called a Mandala.  

  The four men went inside of the grand building as a giant T-Rex skeleton towered them on display.  Ray was amazed beyond anything he's ever seen.  Peter looked into the T-Rexes mouth while Zeddemore had his proton gun out.  All of them we're very aware of what might this place contain.  "Let's split up, Stantz, you come with me, Zeddemore you go with Venkman."  Spengler spoke holding his PKE.

  Going down to the Space center, Venkman looked at all the cool space craft's and modules that hung from above.  It felt cold and creepy when you walked inside down the hall.  Creaking came from all around them along with water drops that hit pipes from above.  Winston puts on his ecto goggles as he searched around the place. 

   There foot steps were eerily quiet.  Peter calls out for the ghost but there's no answer.  Meanwhile Winston is picking up slime residue on the wall with his ecto-goggles, he collected the slime for Egon.    As the two of them make way out of the space exhibit, they walked into an anatomy exhibit of the human body.  

  Spengler and Stantz were in the Ancient African exhibit.  Ray searched around, looking at a couple of artifacts.  From looking at one black vase in particular, Ray wondered if maybe the ghost could be hiding.  There were some ancient artifacts that could've draw the ghost into them, but, Ray knew from deeply researching, that ghost would be visible if they were hiding in objects.  Not to mention very slimy.

  Meanwhile, Winston and Peter made way into the Human Anatomy exhibit.  Everything  in glass cases and boxes were still.  Although they were quite disturbing some of them.  Winston made way in front of Peter with his googles as he searched around for some more slime residue.  As he looked around he made way near one specific glass case that was covered in thick marble green slime.  He flipped up his goggles as Peter joined him,

  "That's the icky stuff Z, we should probably stay away from it," Peter said.

"But there's something here, my PKE is red hot Peter." Winston added.

Venkman pulled out his Proton Gun ready for fire as Z did the same.  The slime oozed down the glass revealing something horrifying to Winston;

  It was one, big, gigantic rat with blood red glowing eyes, sharp dagger claws, razor sharp teeth that could slice right to the bone, and greasy black, matted, wiry hair that covered it from head to tail.  It's jaws opened wide screeching at a high pitch, scratching it's extremely sharp claws on the glass as it began to crack.  Winston's eyes widen with fear, he was still as a statue as everything around him went silent and inaudible.

  Peter blasted his proton gun meanwhile as Zeddemore fell on the ground with his hands behind him.  The Rat screeched so loud that it almost made Venkman go deaf.  The giant rat breaks out of the glass as Peter fell back.  Although, Winston was in too much fear to do anything, he crawled back wards as the gigantic Rat hissed and snapped it's many teeth at him.  It's red eyes focusing on him.  

 "GET AWAY! GET AWAY!" Screamed Winston as he stumbled to get up on his feet.

  Peter blasted his proton gun as the Rat screeched in pain, then it flailed it's tail as it smacked Peter in the face making him fall on his back hard.  Winston grasped his walkie talkie and got into contact with Ray,"RAY! HELP US! YOU GUYS GOTTA GET OVER HERE NOW!"  "We're coming!" shouts Ray over walkie talkie.  Suddenly, Zeddemore's transceiver gets smacked out of his hand as it flies and get smashes to pieces.  He shrieked as he took out his proton gun and blasted the giant Rat again. 

   Peter ached as he stood up,"This is gotta be the guardian of that damn Mandala!"

"I DON'T CARE WHAT THE F**K IT IS!  IT'S A DAMN RAT!" screams Winston Again scared to death.

"STOP YELLING!" Screamed Peter.


Just then, the rat slashed it's claws after them as Peter and Winston make a run for it.  The rat sprang, slashing it's claws, snapping it's blade sharp teeth, and it's glowing red eyes tracking them.  The two of them run down the hall when they crash into Ray and Egon.  Peter looks up around quickly,

  "Mother pussbucket!"

The rat crouched down like a dog with it's tail in the air with it's mouth wide open. It's teeth sharp and mirror like.  The rat hissed loudly as it snapped it's jaws.  Ray and Egon were very surprised and shocked seeing this.  Ray was so silent that he started to shiver like Winston did.  

  Egon finally spoke,"The question is,"

..."How do we stop this thing?"

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