....PART 3...

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  (This Chapter might Upset JSummers86...sorry :( 

Dr. Egon Allen Spengler, yes, you see, when he heard about Peter's recent discovery, he grew ambitious on the subject.  The man, began research right away, typing on his computer and writing down things.  When things come to his attention, he worked very hard to find answers.  Working along side with Ray, he had some backup help on what he was trying to figure out to get an answer to.  Winston Zeddemore hadn't return from Marine research facility yet, and Peter had left to go back to his apartment.  But, let's get a closer ear to ear on what these smart men are talking about...

  Ray read through a book called,"Anicent Gozer the Gozarian." Flipping through the pages, he skimmed through the book trying to find anything that described, looked, or said anything about a strange symbol.  "Hey Egon listen to this:

  " Gozer the Gozerian, also known as The Destructor, Volguus Zildrohar and The Traveler, is a sadistic god. As the game sequel covered, cults worshipping Gozer and its minions arose around before being banished from this dimension by the god following a protracted conflict between their followers. Entering into any given dimension, Gozer uses the thoughts of those who witness its arrival to assume a fixed form within that plane of existence. Gozer's arrival is the actions are controlled Ivo Shandor.";

  Egon's ears perked up when he heard the name Ivo Shandor.  "Give me that_." He takes the book from Ray as he started to flip through the paged trying to find the name heard Ray said.  He looked through G's, H'sand then finally I's.  He finds the name Ivo Shandor  in the book,

 "This is who we might be searching for, Ivo Shandor, a deranged and an of some renown during the early 20th century with a penchant for performing macabre and unnecessary surgeries. The aftermath of the first World War convinced Shandor that humanity is beyond saving. He set up a cult of Gozer worshippers with over a thousand followers.  This is the person and occultist we have to search for now Ray!  Maybe whatever Peter wittnessed, might be the start of something catastrophic and dangerous."

   Egon goes to his computer and starts typing up stuff on the computer extremely fast.  Ray just stood there holding the book as Egon typed on his computer trying to get more information about Ivo Shandor and what Peter had might've seen.  He seemed to be stressed out as he typed very fast, when Ray placed his hand on his shoulder to slow him.  "Why are you working so hard Spengler?  Does something bother you?  Concern you perhaps?"  

  Egon sighs as he looked up to Ray.  His face looked slightly pale and exhausted,"I haven't been feeling that well Ray..."

  He stood up but he stumbled a little, Ray caught him, surprised,"Oh my gosh.  You look terrible!  What's wrong with you Spengler?"  Egon groaned as he explained,"I have two different types of viruses."  Ray exclaimed,"Well what the hell are ya doing here?!  How did you even get them Spengler?!"  He helped Egon onto the couch gently.

   Ray gave him a tissue to blow into as he coughed into his shoulder.  Egon rubbed his face,"I have Coxsackie virus and gastroenteritis virus.  Both are very lethal and are both very terrible to get."  Ray backs away,"You need to go to a doctor Spengs, you shouldn't even be here! I mean, I know your trying to help but, you can't right now because your in a severe condition."  Egon sighs still rubbing his eyes from under his glasses.  He nods his head in approval,"I honestly didn't get the viruses from experimenting on the mold or fungus because I was very careful, handling the chemicals.  I don't know what has over come me Ray."

    Egon looks up into Ray's eyes with a pleading look.  There was something that was cursing the Ghostbusters alright.  Peter seeing a weird symbol, a talking black cat, and now Egon was dying of a sickness that came out of nowhere.  Ray shook his head,"Spengs, you aren't looking so well, I'm going to take you to the hospital..."


  The screech came from the tires as Winston got out of his car.  He finds a note on the garage door in front of the Ghostbusters building.  He takes off the note as it read:

  Dear Zeddemore,

  I've taken Egon to the hospital because of his sick condition that supposedly came out of nowhere.  When you arrive, I want you to put the ghost filled traps that are on the kitchen table, and put them into the containment unit.  I also wanted to tell you that there might be something going on with New York again.  Peter has seen a symbol in an alley way, and he heard and saw a talking cat.  Now Egon, his in bad condition.  I will return in 2 hours.  Don't go into Spengler's lab, it's probably infested with bacteria and viruses.  I'm sorry if I'm freaking you out but, I think New York is going to be in Danger again.  In danger of Ivo Shandor.

   -Ray Stantz

Winston looked up from reading the paper.  He twitched his head a little shook, 

  "That...is some scary ass shit..."

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