....PART 5....

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    I'm just gonna stop with the narration because it's stupid... 

Raymond comes over to the GB facility to meet up with Winston.  In that same amount of time, Egon and Peter arrive at the same time.  Surprised to see the guys, Winston shook his head,"How are you guys better already?"  Peter shrugged,"Probably magic.  I don't know really, but, we heard about the news."  Winston shuffled around as he got a large piece of paper and marker.  He started drawing out the mandala he'd remembered back in the dark alley way.  He pointed down at the mandala he just finished,

  "This is what the Cat told me about.  The mandala node, it was said that it was supposed to open a portal and way to the island of where Ivo Shandor did rituals."   Winston explained to the guys showing them his drawing.  Ray, Peter, and Egon examined it closely, they all  nod there heads in unison.

    Meanwhile, Egon looked at it most observantly," The Mandala is a powerful form of magic that is used to focus spirit energy to an object. It was used by the Cult of Gozer to empower their god. It's similar to the antenna in 55 Central Park West. The Mandala used by Shandor is a spiraling system that feeds into each successive node along the line until it reaches a culmination point.  Ghosts are trapped in the system, funneled from node to node and they get stronger and stronger until they reach the end."

  Peter crossed his arms,"Well Brainiac how'd did you know all that?"  Egon rolled his eyes,"I read about Gozer and Ivo Shandor after the attack of, well, Gozer in New York,"  "Anyhow, I might know more on this case because of the Mandala Node.  There are four Mandalas that are located in four sacred places of the Cult of Gozer in New York City. The Mandalas are all different in their structure. Mostly, their existence is related to a powerful ghost being that serves as Mandala nexus,"

   "From what I know, after we shut down each Node, it'll lead us to one point where all of the supernatural activity is growing stronger and stronger.  It would be just waiting to unleash in the real world we all know and currently are living in.  This means something import__."

  Egon was interrupted by snoring next to him.  He looked over seeing Peter had fallen asleep on him. Ray and Winston shrug, but then Egon shouts,

    "HEY!  You seriously falling asleep on me?"  Peter gasps awake looking at Egon shocked.  

"Sorry, it's just so much shit that I can't remember or follow it all really." Explained Peter scratching the back of his head.  

  The thought about this Mandala had to mean something to do to find Ivo Shandor's Gozer Cult Island.  If they powered down each of the four Nodes, it would point to one direction of where they needed to head to, to stop the madness, and save New York City from catastrophe again.  Ray and Winston mostly thought about everyone else in the city who doesn't know about this.  If something acts up around town, and it is a hot-spot for where one of the nodes could be, maybe powering them down would mean catching the ghosts that guarded the Mandala's.  

  Ray pointed around the Mandala in certain places,

"Maybe if we had a map of New York, these could all connect to different landmarks.  Thus it would be a great way in finding more evidence on this case."  

"But Ray, wouldn't going into these severely haunted places put us in our place?  This could be a dangerous thing we're doing."  commented Winston.  

  The Ghostbusters fell silent, thinking about this situation.  Since the attack of Gozer was a big beacon around the world.  Wouldn't trying to fight these somewhat dangerous ghost, guarding each of the nodes of the mandala open a portal from the supernatural, to the real world?  That wouldn't be such a smart Idea.  Although it would be the only way in protecting New York from another Catastrophe from happening again.  Shutting down the nodes would lead one step closer to the supernatural world and it's master.

  "I say we research more on this case before we go to action," suggested Egon,"Just a bit, although if we get a call that connects to one of these nodes, we would surely have to be on high alert for whatever happens.  This whole operation would have to be done quickly and quietly because we don't want any of the people of New York to go crazy,"  

  Egon pulls up his sleeve staring at his watch,"Shit, I'm gonna miss my Hangout, well, working and saving New York is more important."

  Peter looks over to Egon,"Hangout? With who?"  

 "Nobody Peter, that's not what's important right now,"

Peter grins as he spoke sarcastically,"Come on, you know you want to tell us.  Who is it?  Who is it? Don't make me pull your ears like I did with Ray now huh?"

  Egon glared at Peter irritated,"You put one finger on me I'll kick you in the place where it's not meant to be kicked!"

  Peter laughs as he put his arms out,"OH really?!  Why dontcha do it brainiac?!"

Winston and Ray spread them apart from fighting.  Although, Peter and Egon we're still yelling at one another when Ray yelled,


Everyone looked to Ray who gasped for air.  Ray just shook his head scratching the back of his head,"We can't fight.  Not here, not now.  This is a serious situation and we don't need another problem in our hands.  The nodes are what is more important than Egon's Hangout alright?!  Even Spengler knows that. Peter, you don't need to antagonize him or tick him off.  That would be the last thing we would need to deal with."

   The Phone rang from down below as Janine answered it,"Yes?............. Yes of course..... really? .....Alright they'll be there.  Bye."  Janine sets the phone down as she went upstairs where the guys were currently.  Winston takes the address as Janine explained to him about the ghost an everything else to the guys.  

  "This could be one of the nodes, come on, let's go you guys!"  beckoned Ray down the pole. 

The four Ghostbuster men slid down the pole and changed into their jumpsuits with the Ghostbuster 3 logo.  They hurried to the Ecto-1  and sped off into the night...

Ghostbusters 3 The Rise of Ivo ShandorWhere stories live. Discover now