...PART 4...

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  Tis the  dumb but funny face of one of the Ghostbusters.  Mr. Zeddemore puts away the Ghost traps in the containment unit, and dares not to enter Spengler's Lab.  All Zeddemore did was put away the traps, and waited for Ray to return.  

  *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK*   Winston looks back confused at the basement door.  It has never made that sound.  Not to say that no one could've been down there, he tried to ignore it.   Looking around, Winston picks up his phone and calls Peter:
Ringgggg...Ringgggg.... Rin___," Hello?  Who's this?"

    "Hey Peter, it's Winston.  I've been hearing about you running into this symbol and talking cat.  What's going on with you man?"

  Peter groans still holding the phone," Yeeah uh look, here's the deal, whatever I had just run into or had just seen affected me."

  "Right.  You know Egon went to the Hospital right?"

  Peter sighs,"Yeah Ray told me.  Something is affecting us Winston, that symbol I think.  It means something."

  "Affecting us, what do you mean by affecting us?"

Peter coughs over the phone with a little sniffle,"Literally, affecting us.  I became sick too, but I don't think I got  it from Egon, I didn't even get to see the guy at all."

  "Ugh Jesus, come on man, what am I in a Zombie Apocalypse?"

  Peter laughs over the phone,"No, no, your not.  It's just, maybe if we get better in the meaning of time, we'll be able to start hunting down whatever this thing is.  You know that cafe that I went too that I told you guys about?"


"Well, before you get to the cafe, there's a dark alleyway right next to it.  I want you to go down there and try to find anything unusual."

 "Jeez Peter, your starting to sound like Egon!"

"Egon is a nerd. Now go to that stupid alley!"  Peter hung up the phone as Winston had no choice but to do what Peter had told him. 

 He walked down to the cafe and to the dark, dark alley. At first Winston didn't know if he wanted to go into a creepy dark alleyway.  He decided to be brave as he walked into the dark alley.  He heard the drips of water hitting metal, a low growling cat that came from somewhere, and the sound of ticking.  It was like nighttime when you went into the dark alley.

Winston looked around for a little while until he saw the glowing symbol light.  It was on the wall.  Winston didn't know what to do but stare at the weird symbol.  He turned around and there it was: The black cat with green eyes.  It hissed at him making the ghostbuster jump.  His legs shook as he was afraid,"Y-you're the Cat Peter was talking about!"  

  The black cat yowled at him,"Yessssssss I am!  The end is coming! The end is coming Mr. Zeddemore!"  Winston's eyes widen as he was too scared to move.  The cat hissed at him as he jumped back again.  This cat meant business.  But, what did the Cat have to do with the symbol that was behind it?  Winston acted brave,"Why are you saying the End is coming?"  The cat jumped onto a box under the glowing symbol on the wall.

  The cat groomed itself as it began,"Since the time of Gozer has vanished or was merely destroyed, it's original master had been hiding for many, many decades.   As many Gozer worshippers praised upon Ivo Shandor, the spiritual beings have become high in the facility of your world as the living.  The Dead, rise from their graves to create the man of the spirit realm AND, Ivo Shandor himself."

  Winston watched the cat circle him curiously.  He spoke,"Where are all of the Spirits going?  And what has been going on with my friends?" 

   The Cat hissed as it began to speak again,"Your friends will be cured within the next twenty four hours, your welcome!  And The Spirits aren't just going anywhere, there going to a part of where the Island is.  Legend says that one who goes into out into the ocean away from New York, they won't get lost, but they would find the Lost Island where Ivo Shandor himself lived on.  Also, it was near where he conducted rituals with his cult . When he died, Shandor bound the island as a node and rigged it to sink into the river.  Now that thing you see upon the wall is not a symbol...It is a Mandala Node Mr. Zeddemore.  And the Island would surely rise when it is found."

  Wintson looked back at the node as it glowed yellow in a pattern.  He looked back to see that the cat had vanished suddenly.  That gave Wintson the thing he knows what he's gotta do.  Running out of the alley and back to the Ghostbuster HQ.  He blasted the doors open breathing hard.  "Janine! Janine!  I need you to call Ray for me!"

  Janine screeched when Wintson barged in.  She had definitely been sleep as she fixed her glasses,"Jesus Christ Wintson what the hell do you want to scare me like that?!" 

   Wintson shook his head,"I'm Sorry Janine, but I need you to call Ray for me Right now!"

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