....PART 2....

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   Ah, you see the picture?  They are truly like a family.  But where's Venkman?  How come he isn't in the photograph at the time?  Well, don't be alarmed young fellows because this is how it all REALLY began...
      It was a noisy day, March 5th, 1990,
Just a few days after they went to that fancy restaurant.  Everyone had a day off including the receptionist Janine, who was at home in her apartment.  Not to mention there might've been ghost still flying around, but, eh, days off are days off.  The Ghostbusters were out doing there own chores and errands before the week would start again.

  Ray, was out biking with his new Girlfriend in the Appalachian Mountains. 

  Winston was researching on becoming a Marine biologist, and to sail the seas. 

   Egon was in his Theoretical Research Lab conducting tests for growing new cells from Molds AND Fungus. 

      Finally, Peter Venkman was strolling down the street that morning with a coffee in hand.

Peter wasn't much of a person who you see stroll down New York's sidewalks.  With Dana Barrett not into him, he just kept thinking, .' I will walk 500 miles and I will walk 500 more.' It just kept repeating in his head as he went down the street more and more.  "New York, New York!  What a town!"  laughed Peter.  Looking beyond the Horizon, he sees the New Lady Liberty finally finished and built. "Damn, I thought they'd make her more hotter, god!" Peter shook his head as he continued down the street.  The Statue of Liberty looked exactly the same except it had a memorial at the top saying: -GHOSTBUSTERS 1989.

  The Young Ghostbuster wandered to to a cafe down 23rd street.  Although, something catches his attention down a dark alley way.  Peter looked around if anyone was seeing this but, no one cared.  Peter went down into the Dark Alley where there was dripping of water from loose pipes, and black alley cats.  There was another sudden Woosh that passes by him.  Peter flinches scared for a sec.  It was as if something was watching him.  The Ghostbuster sees something glowing upon the wall, some thing orange, something in some sort of circle.

   Peter approaches curiously with wonder.  The glowing thing that was on the wall, was a large symbol of some sort. He placed his hand on it and it was hot.  Taking his hand off he flinched away freaked for a moment. "What the hell is this?" he questioned himself.  Peter takes out his cell phone and takes a picture of it to look at later.  Just as he was leaving, a black cat meowed as it started to circle him.  "Uh, nice kitty?  G-good kitty?"  The cat yowled as it stared at Peter with it's red glowing eyes,"The end is near...." The cat hissed and runs away back into the streets of New York.

   Peter runs out of the dark alley scared as he hollered,"Oh Jeez!  This has gotta be a nightmare!"  He rushes back into the Ghostbusters facility as he tripped a little almost falling to the ground.  Ray(whom had come back from biking with his girlfriend) turns to see Peter all stressed and startled looking,"Venkman!  What's wrong?" Peter gasped putting his hand on his hip and put the 'one second ' finger to him.  Finally, he told what happened,

  " Guys! You wouldn't believe what I saw in this one alley way.  There was this weird symbol on the wall that was glowing this orange-ish color," "I had no freaking clue what it might've been.  What freaked me out more, was that there was a talking black cat that said something about the end was near?"  "I just need to lie down... I dunno if I was hallucinating or some weird shit but I'm freaking out."

  Peter laid on the couch rubbing his face. He was just done after that, it totally spooked him.  Ray thought for a moment,"The end is near?  Symbol on the wall?  Hmm, sounds like some ancient spirit information."  Peter just rubbed his face and shook his head still laying on the couch.  He wished he didn't go into that alley.  Going into that alley spooked him more than Slimer roaring and splashing him with disgusting slime.  That talking cat, really meant something too.  The end is near?  What the hell?  

   Ray felt Peter's head,"Well your not sick or hallucinating.  That's the good news, the bad news is__Egon believes that you might've found something that could destroy the world."  

  Peter sat up wide eyed,"What?  Wait_hold on_I thought Egon was at his Theoretical Research lab place." 

  "He spent 4 hours there and then decided to come back when I did."

Peter shrieks, "Okay back to the subject...I found something that could potentially destroy the world?!"

  "Yes, yes Venkman we're not joking.  Although we still need to do some research on this.  It has come to me that you might've found a symbol that leads to Gozer.  Not that Gozer would return, and nor would Vigo come back.  But, something that is more, something that is bigger and above their level."

  "Who is it?"  

"I don't know yet.  That's what me and Egon are trying to find out."

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