....PART 7....

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  After six days since the Four Ghostbusters went to the NYC Public Library, Janine gets a call six days later.  She was ready to pack up and go home for the night when the phone rang.  Annoyed, she picks up the phone and answers,"Ghostbusters....WHAT?!  Yea Yea!  They'll be right over mister!"  She puts the phone down and quickly runs upstairs to where the guys were.  She stumbles a little over her heels and calls for help,

  "Guys!  You boys got a serious call from the Sedgewick Hotel!"  "You're kidding?  Well let's get moving then!"  exclaims Ray.  The four men slide down the pole and put their Ghostbuster jumpsuits back on.  Winston takes the wheel as the rest of the guys got in the car.  The Ecto-1 sped off into the night towards the Hotel.  There sirens were heard from all around as Winston took a sharp left.  

  When they arrived back at the hotel, the manager runs up frightened and scared.  "Oh Ghostbusters!  This place has gone bonkers!  Ghosts are everywhere, that stupid green slob is always in the kitchen!"  Ray calmed the Manager down as he asked him if there were anything else he's seen or was told.  

  "One of the customers left, they told me about this Spider witch lady on the 32nd floor!  They told me that the Spiderlady ate his husband!  That's when I evacuated the building and called your guys!  I didn't know who else to call."  

  The Four men nodded their heads as they enter the building telling the manager to stay outside.  As they went inside of the dark building, there were ghosts of people who had died inside the hotel.  They didn't attack but Egon suggested that they might've been lost's ghosts who never got to go to heaven.  Peter and Ray looked around for the green spud Slimer.  

  "Okay, I've got a plan, Peter and I will stay on the first floor searching for the green spud while Egon and Winston head up to the 32nd floor to find the Spiderlady."  Explained Ray the whole plan.  Soon, the four men split up into groups and went separate ways.  Spengler and Zeddemore headed to the elevator...

  Winston asked a question towards Egon Meanwhile,"Weren't you gonna explain something about the Mandala node?"  Egon nods his head as he hand gestures his explanation,

  "Well okay, think of the mandala as a city bus line.  At the bus station, ghosts, or waiting passengers, are drawn into the system here and trapped.   This concentrates their PK energy which is then eventually forced through to the next node, or station, and so on until it all ends at a final terminus.  At each successive bus station, the station manager absorbs some of the energy.  This makes the station manager, or Node Guardian, stronger, so that it can keep the ghosts in line and destroy anyone who comes to the station to interfere with the flow.  These nodes or bus stations gather the power used to feed a central point thus creating a much bigger threat to out world,"

  "Does that make more sense now?"

Winston scratched his chin,"TTC, Totally Trapped Transit Company.  When does my performance review again?  I deserve more stock options."  

   Suddenly everything went dark as a red glow illuminated that frightens poor Egon to the corner of the elevator near Winston.  The short haired lady ghost was with another ghost man exiting the elevator talking, giggling, and laughing.  The doors open and they leave moments after.  Everything goes back to normal when they stopped on the 37th floor.  

  "That was quite frightening!"  Egon steps out of the elevator as Winston followed behind him.    They walked down the hall to search for the room number where the client had spotted the Spiderlady.  Even though they might've already had a few second glimpse of her on the elevator, they still had to do there job.  Egon had his PKE meter to search for any energies while Winston was prepared with his gun.  They turned to look down another hall when suddenly:

  The whole place was covered in Sticky spider webs and pods all around.  This must've been the way as Egon walked down there with Winston.  Everything seemed sticky as the webs stuck on the two men's boots.  They continued searching for the room number the manager had told them before entering the building.  The room number was 13.  

   "It's gotta be here somewhere, keep a close lookout Winston."  Says Egon waving his PKE meter around for any residual energy.  

  Meanwhile, Zeddemore wandered over to another hall.  It seemed very spooky but, he saw that one section had a lot of webs upon it.  Like it was being protected.  He approaches it carefully and tries to wipe away the webs.  He looks back down the hall,"Egon!  I think I might've found it!"  Hearing footsteps, Spengler comes up next to him and puts his meter up next to all the webs in front of this somewhat protected door.  The meter turns red and wild as he looked back at Winston totally amazed.  The two men rip away the webs and sticky stuff to find the door number: 13

   Egon kicked down the door as it hits the ground with a THUD.  Inside...was a whole different world they've never seen before.  The two Ghostbusters walked inside seeing that they were in some kind of Spider lair.  It was dark, cold, purple, and filled with Spiderwebs everywhere.  The place was freaky and totally unnatural.  Collecting some of the webs, Egon looks up hearing sounds of several footsteps.  

  "You hear that?"  says Winston holding out his proton gun.  Egon puts away his PKE meter and pulled out his proton gun,"Yeah, we should stay alert."  The two men were back to back as they kept hearing those several footsteps from all around them.  They hear webs being spun and more several footsteps.   Whatever this thing was...

    Who knows they'll get out alive. 

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