....PART 8....

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      The two men held there proton guns out as the sounds were still audible.  Water drops were heard as they hit pipes from above.  Webs scattered everywhere from above and below them, like a dusty old house.  Purple muck covered the ground up to the ceiling were pods of webs were.  The chamber they were in was cold and disgusting with all the purple goo and webs everywhere. Rats scratched in the walls from all around them, big rats they must've been.  Winston was the most afraid of rats but, that wasn't the only thing that frightened him.  The several footsteps and the webs made him feel like a little kid again.

     Egon, who had no such fear of anything, was prepared for anything to happen.  In his past, the only thing he was ever scared of as a child was The Boogieman,  a supernatural monster that fed on the fear of children and hid in their closets, and was particularly fond of Spengler's fear; it was these encounters with the creature that inspired Spengler to study the paranormal, even as an adult.  Now as a grown man, Egon wasn't afraid if the Boogieman would ever return.  If it ever did, he would eliminate it right away.

   The two Ghostbusters finally heard a voice of a female speaking to them.  "Which ones are these? These are not mine...." Winston looked around quickly,"Who the hell said that?"   Soon the female voice spoke again,"Everyone here is mine!  The quiet men, the angry men, the hungry men, the scuttling ones....Yes!  Now you are here and that means you are mine."  

  Egon walked around as Winston followed behind freaked out a bit.  As Spengler held his proton gun, they both kept listening to the female's voice,"This won't hurt a bit.  You're going to feel a tiny prick. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

     The two of them made way through the chamber when suddenly, something crawled up the side that makes Winston jump.  "This is for you!!!" A great big red and black Spiderlady comes out of hiding and attacks them.  It's eight legs scuttled everywhere attacking. Winston blasted his proton stream as Egon blasted Bozon darts at the creature.  The Spiderlady leaped one way then another with all of her eight legs. 

  "To the right! It's trying a new angle!" shouts Egon. They blasted their proton streams to make it weaker.  The Spiderlady spoke,"Oh, are you flirting with me?"  The two Ghostbusters ignored as they blasted their proton streams at her.    She screeched in unbearable pain as she made the ground shake and tremble like an earthquake.  The Spiderlady slashed her long legs as she tripped Egon.  Winston blasted his proton stream in her face but it was already too late. She took Egon away by dragging him by the leg,

"WINSTON! WINSTONNNN!" Egon hollered, but he was already gone. 

  Winston looked around fearfully, he could still hear Egon's voice from all around crying for help.  He had to look around running through the purple arches and sticky webs that covered the whole chamber.  Hearing the scuttling of the Spider's legs, he had to find where she put Egon or else he'll die from the spider drinking the blood from him.  Winston jogged wearing his proton pack and jumpsuit looking around for any signs.

  "Egon! Call out to me!"  Winston shouted.  Suddenly a voice came from behind him and it was the Spiderlady again.  She leaped after Winston as he started to run away in fear.  He took out his proton gun and blasted the spiderlady again in the face.  

  "Winston! Over here!" Screamed Egon.  Winston looks swiftly as he sees Egon stuck in a large sized Spiderweb stuck in a sticky cocoon.  He runs over as he blasted his proton stream at the webs cutting him out.  He falls to the ground inside of the cocoon as Winston runs over to get him out.  Pulling away the sticky webs and fluid he pulled Egon out of the sticky balled webs.

  "God, I thought you were gonna die you were up there how did__."   "Winston..."  "Nah man I gotta know how did you not get__." "WINSTON!"  Egon turned Winston's head for him as the Giant Spider Lady grew more and more large.

  "Ah sh*t..." Wintson and Egon blasted there proton streams at the Spider lady once again.  She screeched so loudly that the two men had to cover their ears.  Egon blasted his proton stream but nothing was working,"Winston! I need you to get a trap out!  I know how to capture the ghost."  

  Winston slid the trap under the giant spider lady as Egon kept blasting the proton stream.  The Spiderlady flailed her eight legs everywhere, Winston ducked with a scream.  

  "NOW!" shouts Egon. Winston stepped on the pedal, the yellow and black trap opens up,  the ghost splits with the spiderlady's body and gets sucked into the trap finally.  The Giant Spider shrivels up and turns to wind blown flakes.  Winston fell on his back out of breath as Egon did the same.  They both breathed heavily as they were exhausted laying on the purple muck ground.

  A voice came through one of there walkie talkies,

"Hey! You guys okay? Ya haven't contacted us for a while!"  Ray's voice sounding irritated over Egon's walkie talkie.  

Both men didn't reply as Peter's voice came through sounding sarcastic,"Uh, helloooooo!  We can hear your breathing and we know your both not dead so could ya guys just say somethin!?"

  Egon and Winston(who were still laying on the purple muck ground still) turned there heads looking at eachother, then Egon replied,

 "We almost died from a Spider Woman."

"HEY! He replied! Can ya believe that Ray?  One of em replied!"  Peter boasted sarcastically once again.

  "Will you shut your face?!"  Winston said annoyed.  

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