....PART 10....

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(No pic today)

  Winston was busy researching about the time monster that had attacked Egon when they'd accidentally blasted him.  He found that the Time Monster was always trying to grow stronger in hopes of stopping all time by destroying clocks.  Winston then looked up the information on the Mandala node when he heard rollerblading coming from behind him.  He turns around as Spengs had grown down to a preteen.  Winston just facepalms*...

  "Egon!  No rollerblading in the Firehouse!"  he barked.  Young Prepubescent Egon skids to a stop in his roller blades,"You can't tell me what to do!  I just made these cool things!"  Winston stood up,"Take those off right now you smart, I don't want to tell you again ya stubborn brat!"  Egon rolled his eyes as he sat on the ground and started taking off the roller blades.  He adjusted his glasses as he went back upstairs to put the roller skates away.  Ray comes down the steps passing as he came down to check on Winston,

  "Have you found anything yet?"

Winston nods his head,"Yea', that ghost you were talkin' bout' is called the Time Monster, it's tryin' to stop time by destroying all clocks.  When we blasted the sucker accidentally with Egon, ya' said that our proton streams fed with eachother and we couldn't power em off.  It might've reversed the age from the young clock ghost and Egon backwards."

  "Winston your brilliant!  We need to find the same clock ghost, blast him at the same time with our streams, AND have Egon.  When we're finished with that, hopefully everything goes back to normal and we can get back to our REAL problem with the city."  Ray said snapping his finger.  

 "GAHHHHHHHHHHHH!"  Peter's scream came from above as a bright light eliminated from above.  

  Ray and Winston ran upstairs immediately.  When look through the door, they both gasped to see Preteen Egon had turned to a toddler.  They had never seen anything so bad or odd in there entire lives.  Peter was hiding behind his bed as he peaked over seeing Egon wearing big nerdy black glasses that were bigger than his face.  His black hair was A LOT shorter as his little body was as five times short.  His large grey and brown jumpsuit, definitely didn't fit him.

   Peter stood up looking over to Ray and Winston, 

"You guys...I'm freaking out, can I end my shift today 12 hours early?"

Ray glares at Peter.

"OKAY OKAY!  JEEZ!  I was just kidding!"

Winston scratched the back of his neck,"Ray, you said you made a body mapping machine for Egon?  What it tell you?"

Ray sighs,"  Well Egon grows younger and younger.  Currently now his age is between 2-4.  His originally age was between 34-and 37.  Mapping out from yesterday before we accidentally blasted him, his body type was a man.  He grew younger to a twenty-two year old yesterday asking us if we wanted to do the Charleston.  Now, then after over night, he aged to a 13 year old,"

  "He's kinda annoying for a smart thirteen year old."  Winston interrupted.

"Anyways, now he's aged down to a 3 year old and soon enough he'll turn to an infant baby!"

  "Then what happens if we don't save him?" Peter asked

Ray coughed,"That, I'm not sure, an egg?  Or total infinity."

"Well that explains everything, Winston any calls?  No?  Damnit, seems like us ghostbusters are gonna have to look around for this Time Monster guy whatever he is.  Oh and I also remind you guys, I bought dinner last night, who's buyin' after?"

  Ray and Winston just looked at him boringly.  Obviously they were gonna make Egon buy dinner when he survives.  

  They soon hurried to the ecto-1, Peter holding now BABY Egon in his arms.  They sped off into the night as the horns blared.  The Baby starts to cry as Winston turns off the blaring horns.  Peter tried to make the baby laugh but, baby Egon wasn't stupid.  The baby bit his arm as Peter yelled,

  "OW! GOD!  HE, HE BIT ME!"

Ray chuckled,"He's still our smart little guy!"

They drove around building until they hear growling and snarling coming from Times Square.  Driving the Ecto-1 they spotted the clock ghost flying around the glass ball they had every year for the Ball drop.  Below it was the clock that counted down for the next Ball drop in New York.  Peter held baby Egon in his arms as they all quickly got out of the car. 

  "Excuse us!  Please, Baby Scientist here! We're the Ghostbusters! Get outta the Way!"  Peter said clearing out the big crowded place. 

  Ray and Winston had their proton packs on there backs.  They put there guns on hard as the blasted there streams at the Old Time Ghost.  "HIT EM'!"  shouts Ray.  They blasted there guns again hitting the ghost dead on, although it's power was severely strong.  Peter holding baby Egon in one arm, he blasted his proton gun with one hand.  Winston throws out the trap as Peter runs over quickly as he raised the baby and Egon next to the trap.

A big light illuminated brightly as Ray and Winston look away.  Peter drops the baby from his hands as he runs away scared.  The Ghost gets sucked inside the trap...

  Ray, Winston, and Peter turn around finding that Egon was back to an adult.  Although, he was kind of exposed as he wore a man diaper. (Lol)

   "What in the damn fungus just happened?!"  Egon shouts furious.  Meanwhile Ray, Peter, and Winston laughed hysterically.  


  Back at HQ Peter had told everything that had happen towards Spengler.  The time Monster, there proton streams, and him almost going out of existence from an adult, to a baby, to almost nothing.  Egon wore his wool vest, red tie, black jeans and shoes, and his white lab-coat.  He looked at the picture Ray had taken of him as a baby with Peter and Winston.  

  Spengler adjusted his glasses, "It's not possible for me to remember being an infant baby.  Based off of Sigmund Freud, he blamed it on repression of early sexual experiences, an idea that has been discredited. More recently, researchers have attributed it to a child's lack of self-perception, language or other mental equipment required to encode memories."

  "Can you say that in English?" Peter asked.

Egon rolled his eyes,"My mind can't go back to the first memories of being an infant or a toddler.  Which concludes it's not possible for me to remember taking that photo with you guys, BECAUSE you we're all older than be, hence forth you can remember that memory and I can't."

  Peter nods his head along with the other guys,"Interesting, now, your buying Dinner Spengs!"

  Egon smirked with a sigh...

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