Chapter 1

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~Imo's POV~

I ran to the hospital as I got the call. It has been 2 weeks when we heard that Y/N died. "Doc Im here!!!" I shouted as I got inside the room. "Oh! Mrs. Kim? Am I right?" He asked. I nodded. "Well we have a great news and bad news, Which do you want to know first?" Doc asked. "Good news" I said. "Well the truth is that Y/N is alive, She was in Coma the whole time. But the bad news is that if she woke hp she mught have a memory loss. If she did, she will only remember her name" Doc explained. "A-ah! Thank you for telling me" I said. "Yoi can see her, I'll excuse myself" Doc said before he left. I sat beside Y/N and called Min Han. "Annyeonghasayo?" Min Han answered. "Min Han its me Y/N's aunt, I have a good news for you so come here at her room in the hospital." I said. "Sure, I'll be there in a minute" He said before he hung up.

After 30 minutes, Min Han arrived. "Whats the news?" He asked. "She's alive" I said with a smile. He looked at me with wide eyes. "D-Dont lie to m-me" He said. "Im not lying" I said. We heard someone groan.

I turned to see Y/N is awake. "Y/N!" We shouted as we hugged her. "U-Uh I-I cant b-breath" She said. We apologized and looked at her with a smile. "Who are you?" She suddenly asked making Min Han frown. I sighed. "This is Min Han, your best friend" I said. "A-Ah! Im sorry! I forgot you Min Han!" She said. I smiled. "Soo you must be my mother?" She asked. I shook my head. "Im your Imo" I said. She mouthed 'o'.

After that she didn't ask where her parents are. What should I do? Should I tell her brothers? Or not? I dont want Y/N to get hurt again.

After thinking, I got an Idea. "Im gonna go somewhere" I said to them. Min Han and Y/N nodded.

I walked to therestroom and called someone. "Annyeonghasayo Mrs. Kim?" He asked. "Annyeong! Can you guys do a favor to me?" I asked. "Is that Mrs. Kim?! Hyung can you put it on speaker!!" I heard someone. I smiled as I know who it was. "Its speaker now, Oh! And yeah We can to a favor" He said. I sighed. "Can you pretend to be Y/N's brothers???" I asked. "All of us?" All of them asked. "Ne, Can you?" I asked again. "Arrasso" They said. I smiled. "Come to the (***) hospital " I said. They said yes and hung up.

I walk out of the restroom and called Min Han to talk privately. He agree and followed me out of Y/N's room. "Yes Mrs. Kim?" He asked. "Dont tell the boys about Y/N  I dont want it to happen again, so I called someone to pretend as Y/N's brothers. They are 13. I know I hould just pick few but its much ok for them to protect her." I said. He nodded. "Dont tell Y/N about this" I said. He nodded. "Now go" I said as I push him back inside and waited for the boys to come.

"Mrs. Kim! We're here!" I heard a familiar voice. I looked around to see where they are and tgere they are coming at my direction. "Please dont hurt Y/N" I said. They nodded.

We came inside the room. "Who are they?" Y/N asked. "They are your brothers" I said.


First chapter is kinda boring 😅😅😅

So here is the firsf chapter"" Its not shockin aye? Hehehe

My 7 Brothers who fought my 13 Pretending brothers TO GE ME BACK [Bts ff]Where stories live. Discover now