The Apology

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Draco's point of view -

"no! No! No!  Please don't.. Not her.. Not her. You can kill me please not her. "I was having a nightmare.i woke up to see the time, it was 8:30 am,.the classes started at ten. I still had much time so I thought of having early breakfast today. I got ready within minutes(a/n how boys get ready so early!!??) and walked towards the common room. I thought about calling hermoine but the I resisted myself and walked alone to the great hall  for breakfast where I saw Blaise and Theo talking and laughing about some things they did last night in the slytherin dormitory .

"well, Hello mate. How are you early today. I thought you were a last minute arriver. Well some things have changed I say... For the better of course" Blaise said.

"precisely. So what you were talking about? "I asked

"well, yesterday night, I and Theo were talking girls when we came across a silly name he said existed and I disagreed "Theo answered.

"so what's the name? "

"beefy cowella "they answered in unison

"What? Is this even a name?  And who is this girl?  Is she real? You are so dumb. Why do you think this name even existed? " I said laughing.

"I said the same thing "Theo joined.

We all laughed together. This feeling of happiness which was snatched from us earlier seems to be ready tracing

The whole day passed quite nicely some Gryffindors tried to fight with us but we controlled ourselves and also hermoine came between and stopped them. Oh! How I want her to be with me. As mine and only mine. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the bell ring and I moved to the great hall for dinner. It was only astronomy class left for today at 11 o clock and then we were free. But the class was with the Gryffindors.

I finished my dinner and left with Blaise and Theo and sat near the black Lake. They told me about how they have thought to apologize to everyone as it was there and there parents mistakes that all this has happened. I agreed with them as. I too wanted a peaceful last year here.

We saw the time and it was ten minutes to our astronomy class we started racing and we're panting when reached the astronomy tower. We were first in the room today so we chose our seats beside each other. The class started and the astronomy teacher, professor  Sadie felton (a/n I this name alot-felton-so I used it here) gave us an assignment in pairs. The pairs were decided by her so she paired me with Harry Potter.when we reached our stations, I apologised to Harry about my behavior all these years as I was forced by my parents who were under imperious curse set by Voldemort. Luckily he accepted and we shared hands and decided to become friends.

Later at night, after the class, I went back to heads dorm while talking to Harry, Theo and Blaise. Harry forgave Theo and Blaise as well as they explained their circumstances. So we parted ways at my dorm and entered happily after making a new friend, Harry.

I didn't see Hermione anywhere so I thought to take a shower. I took my towel and moved to the bathroom. The door was open so he knew there was no one inside and he opened reluctantly and screamed at the sight.

A/n so cliffhanger.. Huh?? .lets see. What will happen. What did Draco see in the bathroom that made him scream??  Keep reading to know also keep on giving likes and comments please.

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