Chapter 2

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The first chapter was really short, I know :P

But I m gonna make it up to you guys with a longer chapter !

This one's for you ;)

Enjoy !


The first thing that hit me was the amount of noise. It sounded like a whole stadium full of rugby fans had found its way to East High.

I missed my old school, West High, and my friends who I'd come to consider as family. The stupid jokes, pranks, dares, boyfriends, kisses, and dates that I'd been through flashed in my mind. I shook myself mentally. This was no time to cry over memories.

I walked towards my new locker, which was right next to the staircase, and was surprised to find it clean, gum-free and generally new. I put in most of the books that I would need later, and walked towards my Math class, which would be the first lesson for me today.

I walked into the class, and plopped down into the seat next to the window. The view was nice, it showed the front lawn of the school, with guys and girls scattered around, talking, heading to classes or just chilling.

My thoughts were interrupted as a short man, wearing a baby blue shirt and navy blue tie with formal trousers walked in. He was built stockily, and was in definitely not in a good mood.

'Good morning class, I, Mr. Humphrey, will be your Math teacher for the rest of the year, as your old teacher, Mr. Smith has left, due to the expiration of his wife. Just to make it clear, I will not accept late-comers, messy work and most of all delayed submission of homework and assignments.' he declared.

I knew from this, that he would hate me for the rest of this year. I wasn't the perfect A-grade nerd, and I definitely could never submit my work on time. My notebook, with all it's rough calculation and crossing out of equations, was a sight for sore eyes.

I sighed, taking it all in. One of the main reasons I even shifted from West High, was because I was trying to get over the guy I loved. The second being that me and my parents had a deal. If by the age of 25 I was able to support myself, pay for my own expenses, and get my own house, my parents would let me do anything I wanted. If I didn't, then, they would make me go for an arranged marriage.

For those of you who don't know what an arranged marriage is, it's when parents meet the guy who they want their daughter to marry, and if they like him, the girl is allowed to meet him. If she likes him, then they get married. Happily ever after.

As much as I wasn't interested in studying, I knew better. Studying seemed like a much better option that getting married so early. I wanted to live my life, do what I wanna do and just have fun, while at the same time, I needed a good source of income, considering that my parents wouldn't exactly help me out.

'Mrs. Brown, is there a problem ?' a voice said, jerking me out of my thoughts. It was Mr. Humphrey, with his nostrils flaring. It looked so funny, that I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing.

'No sir, I was just trying to figure out how to solve this problem, on page 12.' I replied, glancing at the board, where it was written in bold letters 'TURN TO PAGE 12'.

'Alright' he grunted.

I gave a sigh of relief and looked around me. Sitting right next to me, was a tanned guy with bleached blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. He caught me looking at him, and I turned away, embarrassed.

'Psst' someone whispered. I turned and saw a girl with jet black hair and hot pink streaks looking at me. She threw a chit towards me and I bent to retrieve it. Checking to see if anyone was looking our way, I opened it up.

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