Chapter 14

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And Chapter 14 :3





Dedicated to Longlyfe1996 :D

Belated birthday present <3


Josh's POV

I watched as Nikki left the classroom. Even though she was breaking, the look on her face was one of confidence, pride and strength. Alex got up to go after her, but I held her back.

'Alex, let her go.' I told her, looking at her squarely in the eye.

'Josh are you crazy ? What if she does something stupid ?' Alex replied, her tone one of exasperation and concern.

'She needs some time alone. Please. Do this, for her ? And for me ?' I asked, giving her my best puppy dog face.

She sighed and then face-palmed herself.

'Gee, I definitely don't wanna let the great Josh down' she replied, rolling her eyes, sarcasm dripping off every word. 'I m doing this just this once. Only for Nikki.' She continued, giving me the look.

I nodded and looked up at the teacher who was staring at us as though we were aliens. I chuckled and gestured at him to continue. This, was gonna be a long long day.


Candy's POV

I looked up from the contents of my bag to see Nikki running out of a class, and heading towards the parking lot.

She had been crying. Perfect.

I smiled to myself, and zipped up the bag. This was just the beginning. Kyle and Nikki both wouldn't know what hit them.

Swinging the bag across my shoulder, I walked off in the opposite direction, all the while thinking about Phoenix's genius.

Soon, things will be just the way they are supposed to be. With me at the top of the high school food chain, and Nikki at the bottom of it.


Nikki's POV

I walked out of the class, and into the hallway. The tears were filling up in my eyes and the world was starting to become a blur. I wiped away a tear that streaked down my cheeks and headed towards the parking lot.

I could swear that on the way, I saw Candy, and she was grinning like the bitch she was. It was all that I could take to not turn around and wipe that grin off her face, with a few colorful words for starters.

I shook my head of those thoughts and got on my bike. Gearing it up, I drove my ride to the one place where I would have some peace.

The beach.


Kyle's POV

I was now sitting next to Sophia and she was telling me about herself. The more I heard, the more curious I became.

Sophia's parents were the typical rich type and were never there, because of their meetings and work. She lived alone with a maid who treated her like her own daughter.

Her boyfriend had been a bitch, and had cheated on her. What was worse, that he'd had a public breakup with her, with him insulting her and calling her a slut when it was quite the opposite.

Last week, she'd found out that her parents were going to get divorced. The fight with her mom had been the last straw, and she had simply left, desperate for some peace.

I looked into her grey eyes, wishing they were the hazel shade I was so familiar with. We just sat there, in a quiet yet comfortable silence, and on the distance, I heard the waves crashing on the rocks.

I felt a pair of eyes in me, and I knew they were not the grey ones that belonged to the beauty sitting next to me. I turned around, and I could have sworn I saw a girl with hazel eyes and brown locks turn around and walk away.

For some reason, I got the feeling that this time, the girl would not just be walking away, she would be leaving for good.


Short I know x_x

Been so long since I uploaded, been really busy :3

Don't even get time to breathe, so I took a day off from school :'P

Next upload in maximum a week O:)

Love you guy and thanks for the support !

P.S I m looking for a new cover, so help would be appreciated ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2012 ⏰

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