Chapter 6

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What do you guys think ? ;)

Does Nikki like Josh, or are they just gonna stay friends ?

Read on, to find out ! <3


Nikki's POV

I got out of the car to see a beach lying in front of me. It wasn't just any beach, it was one that was the private property of some wealthy businessman. It was clean, with sand that wasn't rough, like other beaches and complete privacy.

And the timing couldn't have been any more perfect. As I took in the breath-taking view, I could see the sun sinking into the sea. It was just, beautiful.

I felt Josh's hand intertwine in mine, and turned to him. He was smiling, which showed his dimples.

'Josh, thanks for doing this' I said quietly, meeting his beautiful eyes, blue as the sea.

'I just had to' he replied quietly. Since I was confused, he elaborated.

'Nikki, I know it's like, really early, considering the fact that I met you just a week ago, but-' I interrupted 'Aren't you dating Candy ?' I asked, shocked.

'We, uh, kinda broke up yesterday' he replied sheepishly.

'No. Freaking. Way.' I said, gasping.

'I called it off' he shrugged. 'But what I was saying is that, even though I've known you for only a week, I dunno, I just started having feelings of you. This is kinda tough for me to say, since I've never asked out a girl I actually like, but, will you go out with me ?' he asked.

I stood there, silent for a moment. My face lit up, and grinning like an idiot, I replied. 'Wow. You never asked out a girl you actually liked ?'

'Seriously, I m gonna kill you' he said, grinning back.

'It's a yes. But you have to go down on one knee and ask the question' I teased.

He groaned. 'You, are the daughter of Darth Vader' he said, but got down n his knees. I laughed, surprised that he remembered my love for Star Wars when I was seven.

'Nikki Brown, will you go out with me ?' he asked, trying not to laugh.

'Yes' I replied, taking his hand. Before I knew it, he had pulled me down on the ground and was laughing as he picked me up and walked towards the sea.

'JOSH ! Lemme go !' I yelled, hitting his back in futile efforts. I felt him drop me, and my back hit the water. I came back up, gasping for air, and pulled him in with me. We ended up in a water fight, forgetting about everything else.

By the time we left the beach and went to his car, it was eight o'clock. I was freezing, since I had only worn a pair of shorts, my converse, and a tank top. He handed me a towel, and grinned. Then, realizing that I was freezing, he gave me his jacket and put his arms around me.

I melted and turned around so that I was facing him. We were standing only centimeters apart, and I could feel his warm breath. He pulled me in closer, so that our lips were only a millimeter away. He leaned it, giving me plenty of time to push him away, but I didn't. I let him kiss me, closing that millimeter of space between us and felt my knees buckle.

He must have understood that, and he put his arms around me back, while I tangled my fingers in his hair. By the time we broke apart, I was breathless and dazed. He has this goofy grin on his face and he picked me up, bridal style, and carried me to his car.


Josh's POV

Back in the car, I thought about what had happened back there. It had felt so, natural. One minute we were laughing, and the next I was pulling her closer, bringing down my lips on hers. I smiled to myself, for no reason.

I dropped her home, and kissed her goodnight. It was a brief one, unlike the one we shared on the beach. It had sent tingles down my spine.

Sighing, I headed back home.


Alex's POV

I was waiting for Nikki at lunchtime, and the chick was no where in sight. Letting out a sigh, I started digging into my macaroni and cheese.

I heard someone plop down next to me, and I exclaimed, 'Took you long enough. Where were you ?'.

'Sorry Alex, I was talking to Josh' she replied.

I choked and looked at her incredulously.

'You, were talking to Josh ?! Why ?' I asked, curious.

'Lets just say that I now have a boyfriend' she grinned.

'Mother of God. No way. He asked you out ?' I replied, gasping.

'Yup' she said, flipping out her cell phone. 'Not just that, he went down on one knee and asked me out' she said, blushing.

I poked her hand, and grinned. 'Someone's in luuurve' I teased.

'Shut up Alex' she replied, still blushing.


Nikki's POV

While I was talking to Alex, I couldn't help but wonder what Kyle would say about Josh and me. Even though we'd broken up, we were still best friends, and I knew I could trust him with anything.

The guy knew the most personal things about me, and he loved to make fun of them. Still, it was cute. The way he would laugh, his smile, his green eyes, and his floppy and messy hair that was always in his eyes. Woah. Shut up, me. I m going out with Josh now ! I can't think about any other guy.

I headed to my Math class after lunchtime and saw Josh already in his seat. I grinned at him, and he leaned in to kiss me. I felt my legs turn to jelly and let him control the kiss.

'Ahem' a voice behind us interrupted.

Unluckily for us, it was Mr. Humphrey. 'I think that this type of behavior should not be executed in class' he said, grinding his teeth, which made him look like a squirrel.

'Sorry' both Josh and me mumbled.

The rest of the class went on normally, with me answering most questions trying to get on Mr. Humphrey's good side. Josh, however didn't give a shit. He mimicked Mr. Humphrey making the whole class giggle. This, of course, earned him another week of detention.

After Math was over, I went to the Bio lab, looking for the textbook I'd left there. I entered, and saw the person I had hated since the first day of school. Candy leaned over and motioned for me to sit.

'We have some unfinished business' she purred, looking me up and down like I was a piece of chewing gum she had found under her table.

'I don't think so' I replied coldly. The bitch had tried to ruin my life, and I was in no mood to talk to her.

Heading back to class, I saw Josh grin at me, and seeing the expression on my face, his smile faded. I gestured that we'd talk later, and he nodded.

This was gonna be a hell of a week.


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