Chapter 13

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I love suspense :3

Oh well, le chapter 13 :D

Happy, people ? ^^

P.S this chapter is dedicated to Longlyfe1996 :D

I love that chick (Y)


Nikki's POV

I got up in the morning, awoken by the sound of a ringing alarm clock in my ears. I groaned, and threw the thing on the floor. After failing to get back to sleep, I groaned and got up.

After brushing my teeth and a quick bath, I dressed up in a pair of shorts, a sleeved t-shirt with stuff written on it. I went up to the mirror and surveyed myself. I looked like a mess.

There were bags under my eyes and my eyes seemed emotionless. Staring back at me was a girl who I'd never seen before. I moved my hand, to make sure that was me and I wasn't dreaming and sure enough the girl did the same.

I sighed, put on a bit of foundation to cover my dark circles, blush to make myself look presentable. After applying a dash of lipgloss, I was satisfied and headed downstairs. Josh was already in the kitchen, munching on pancakes.

He looked up at me, his eyes questioning. I hadn't talked to him since yesterday's verbal brawl between me and Kyle. I didn't meet his gaze and sat down to eat, even though I wasn't hungry. I nibbled on an apple while I could feel Josh's eyes practically burning a hole in my back.

After a few bites, I just couldn't eat any more so I threw the apple in a nearby trash can, and walked out of the door to my newly acquired bike. It was Josh's, but he never used it, so his mother insisted that I take it, since I had always wanted one. I learned to ride it when I was fifteen.

'Nikki ! Wait !' a voice called out, as I pulled on my helmet.

'What is it Josh ?' I snapped. Realizing my mistake, I bit my lip. 'Sorry, it's just that I m not in the best of my moods' I explained.

'Are you okay ? You barely ate anything since last night. I figured' he replied hastily.

'I'm fine Josh. I just need time to think. Is that okay ?' I asked, getting on the bike now.

'Sure, take all the time you want' he said, smiling at me, but there was conflict in his eyes. I took that as my cue and geared up the monster, and drove away, leaving Josh behind.


Kyle's POV

I got up to see that it was 7:45 already. Groaning internally, I got up, brushed my teeth and had a bath, doing both things at the same time. I threw on a random t-shirt that looked washed, a pair of my jeans, and ran down the stairs, taking three steps at a time.

'Mom ! I'm leaving !' I yelled out as I headed to the garage, car keys in hand. I got into the Chevrolet that had been my birthday gift last year, and started up the engine.

I pulled out and headed towards West High. Even though I was already late, I headed over to the beach. It had been where me and Nikki always met up. She'd loved beaches since forever. They made her feel calm, like she had no worries.

I got out of the car, and trudged through the sand. The sun was just rising, and it was a mesmerizing sight. All this while, when I had been zoned out, I hadn't heard the sobs that were coming from somewhere to my right. I turned, and looked around me. A few metres away, a girl wearing a purple t shirt and jeans sat barefoot, with a pair of converse lying next to her.

She had bags under her eyes, and no amount of make up could hide that. Her hair had been thrown up in a pony tail, as though she didn't care about her looks. She was hugging her knees and she had her earphones on. Which was probably why she didn't notice me.

I walked closer, calling out to her. No matter what happened, I hated to see a girl sad. And this girl definitely needed to smile.

'Hey there, what's your name ?' I asked, and the girl looked up, hypnotizing me with eyes a beautiful yet intimidating shade of grey, like storm clouds.

'I'm Sophia' she replied, and I felt her looking into the depths of my soul.


I reached school, and pulled into the parking lot. Killing the engine, I got down and took off my helmet, casually flipping my hair around, trying to make it look its normal messed up way. The ride had completely ruined the pony tail I had put it up in this morning.

I saw girls giving me sympathetic looks, but I knew that those weren't for my messed up hair. I suddenly felt conscious about myself, but I remembered what my mom had always told me. Don't let them bitches get to you. I had to keep my head held high, even if I was breaking inside. I had to do this at least for my mum.

I headed to my first class, and sat down in my usual place near the window. The leaves of the trees were turning golden and red. So much time had passed, and I hadn't realized.

The teacher walked in and started teaching, but my thoughts were somewhere else. It was like I had entered fantasy mode. Memories were playing like a slideshow in my head.

The times when Kyle had been with me, been there for me. When I used to smile and laugh like there was no tomorrow. When life was great, when life was carefre, and the only thing I had to worry about was if Kyle would pick me up and dump me into the ocean like he did everytime we went to the beach.

Then came the memories of Josh, how he was there for me, even when I had been a bitch to him. The chats that Candy had shown him had been true. But not entirely. I had confessed to not knowing my feelings about either Josh or Kyle. Josh took it as a declaration of my love for Kyle.

I thought about my mom, about how Josh had helped us out so much. I didn't realize it, but I had started crying. I couldn't take it any more, I had to break down. Everyone expected so much of me, and some day I would have broken.

I got up, grabbed my bag, and without a word to anyone including my teacher, just walked out of class.


What do you all think ?




And blah :P

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