Chapter 11

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Sorry for the late upload of chapter 11, I was really busy, so yeah :P

Enjoy ^^


Nikki's POV

The next few weeks went by in a blur. Mum was discharged from the hospital, and Josh's mother Florence made us stay at their mansion till mom got better. She simply didn't take no for an answer. In a way, I was thankful, since I really needed rest.

My phone battery was completely dead, and for once, I didn't bother to even charge it. I needed a break. From everything and everyone. Even Kyle.

I flopped down in the neatly made bed of my room. Considering that Josh lived in a freaking mansion, they had so many rooms you could probably fit a quarter of the town in there.

Josh's room was right next to mine, just in case I needed help with anything or got bored. I didn't have the time to get my stuff and clothes, so Mrs. Adams bought me a brand new wardrobe. Like literally. The only that that I'd managed to grab was my iPod, mobile, school books and my songbook.

I turned to a new page and started to write. The last time I'd written a song was months ago, and I had missed writing in. It was like writing in a diary, except that the words had a tune and they rhymed.

I thought about everything that was going on around me, and the words just started to flow in. I could never understand how I got the knack of writing. My mom was a science graduate, while my dad had been an engineer. No, don't think about dad, don't.

I got off the bed and went to Josh's room, to see if he was there. I needed someone to talk to. He wasn't in his room, but I felt curious so I went in anyways.

It was surprisingly neat for a guy's room. There were shelves stacked up along the walls, and his CD collection stood out in the wooden cabinet. I walked into a small room, a closet probably, and switched on the lights to see the biggest collection of guitars that I had ever seen.

They were all different, of different styles, colors, types, but they were all the same. They all gave off a friendly feel, as though they were used frequently and taken care of.

I picked one off it's stand, and softly strummed the strings. The feel of the metal digging into my fingers somehow felt comforting. I hummed a tune, something I had come up with a few hours ago. Before I'd even realized, I was singing my heart out, lyrics that were written so long ago, I'd forgotten them.

'Nikki ?' a voice asked.

Startled, I stopped singing and stared at the ground, the guitar still in my hand. I looked up and met a pair of beautiful blue eyes. I smiled sheepishly, trying to control the blush that was rising to my cheeks. I never could perform in front of anyone else. I was more of a shower singer.

'No, please, don't stop. It's great' he said, grinning.

'I don't exactly sing Josh, I just write' I tried to say but he dismissed my protests.

'Come on' he said, smiling.

'But I need to be alone for that' I scowled.

'Now you are', a voice whispered in my ear. The lights switched off, and the curtains were pulled closed. I took a deep breath, and started a new song.

'It's been tough

Life can be such

a roller coaster ride

Times been rough

Feelin incomplete

Like a part of me is missing

I've got so much

To say now that

I've finally found you

And the pieces of

The puzzle fall in place'

I sang, and then stopped.

'Thats as far as I've got, till now' I said, looking down at my feet again.

'it's great ! You should really publish your songs. If one of them is this good, I can imagine how awesome the others would be' he said, still smiling.

'I dunno, I mean there's so much competition and all. And what if I don't get in ? What if I suck at it ? Or even worse, what if I embarrass myself ?' I scowled.

'nothing like that will happen. Chill out' he replied.

I sighed, and headed back to my room. I thought about Kyle, and what had happened those few weeks ago. He'd ask me out...

And I hadn't even bothered to call him and check on him. I knew I should call him, but what would I say ? That I love him too, but I m currently staying at Josh's house ? Or lie and tell him that I don't feel the same way anymore ?.

I didn't wanna hurt Josh anymore. He was a great guy, something most girls would kill to have. I'd let him down, and dated him when I liked someone else. Even then, after all that, he came back when I needed help. I couldn't hurt him anymore. Not like this.

I can't call Kyle, at least not now. It isn't the right time.


Kyle's POV

I had been trying to call her for the last two weeks, and her phone was switched off. I couldn't believe my luck. I fall in love with my best friend, date her, ditch her, find out that I m in love with her, and when I finally tell her about my feelings, her mom gets admitted to the hospital and after that, she's like a freaking ghost.

You can't find her, you can't see her, you can't talk to her. Hell, I was starting to think that it was all an illusion. The only thought on my mind was, why me ?.

I tried calling again, only to find out that her phone was still switched off. Maybe I should try calling that guy Josh ? He was her boyfriend after all. He might know something.

I looked up his number on Facebook, and dialed. A male voice picked up after four rings.

'Hello, Josh here' said the voice.

'Um hi. I wanted to know if you would know where Nikki is ? I m actually her friend, and I've been trying to reach her, but her phone is switched off. This is Kyle' I said, trying to stop fidgeting.

'Uh Kyle, sorry but Nikki isn't here right now. Sorry' he replied with a hint of recognition in his voice. Something wasn't right.

'Thanks man, bye' I said, and hung up. I frowned to myself. This couldn't be right...I decided on paying Josh a little visit.


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Next chapter, three days ^^

Promise :*

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