Chapter 3

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Hey again !

Just in case you guys wanted to know, I update once in one or two days ;)

RECAP - Nikki finds out that Josh likes her, and she also makes a new friend, Alex. Candy wants to ruin Nikki, cause she thinks that Nikki can turn the school upside down.


The bell rang, marking the end of yet another boring class. I was sitting next to Alex, and she seemed like a really fun chick.

'And you know, she broke up with him !' exclaimed Alex, shaking with laughter. We were talking about how some girl in East High, had prank-dated a guy. The guy knew about the prank, and instead of being pissed, he pranked her back. And so it goes on.

I laughed, but stopped abruptly as I saw Candy and a bunch of girls, who I presumed to be her posse, walking towards us.

'Hanging out with losers again Alex ? How typical of you' sneered Candy. 'What happened to that oh-so-lame boyfriend of yours ? What was his name again ?' she continued.

'What the hell is your problem Candy ? I can and will hang out with any one I want' Alex replied, coolly. 'By the way, his name was Kevin, and you, of all people should know.' she went on, with spite.

'Whatever, major loser' replied Candy. She then noticed me. 'So, you're Alex's new bitch.' she said, looking me up and down.

'One, I m not her 'bitch' ' I replied, making air quotes. 'Two, don't think that I m just gonna shut up, cause babe, I wasn't born to take your shit.'

Candy widened her eyes in mock surprise, which made her look like an owl with a makeup addiction. Her medium-long blond hair was tied up in a French braid on one side.

I didn't know Candy, but she was seriously starting to get on my nerves. I knew that we would be enemies.

'Whatever.' she said and turning on her heel, cat-walked her way to her next class.


Throughout the rest if the day, Alex remained unnaturally quiet, and when I asked her what was wrong, she replied 'nothing'. But I knew something was wrong. I just had to find out what it was.


Alex's POV

I just don't know what happened back there. About the boyfriend thing. Usually, I manage to keep my cool and am used to having Candy pick on me, but today, she had really struck a nerve.

I thought about the incident which happened around a month ago. No, I shouldn't think about it. It would only bring back bad memories, regret and tears. It was the day everything had changed.

I was going to Kevin's house, to surprise him, and I had bought him a container full of his favourite raspberry ice cream. I snuck in through the back door, like I always did and climbed upstairs to his room. His parents were never home, they worked almost the whole day and came back very late at night.

I was gonna open the door and hug him from behind, when I heard voices inside. One of the voices was his and the other was of a girl. I could feel tears starting to well up in my eyes. No, I can't cry. I have to stay strong, I thought. I bit my lip and then pushed the door open.


Continuation of Alex's POV

He was on his bed, lying on top of a girl, without his shirt. The girl was in her bra and thankfully in her jeans. She was stroking the nape of his neck with one hand while the other hand was caressing his cheek.

'Kevin, what's going on ?' I had asked, blinking back tears.

'Alex, look, I can explain.' he replied, his dark brown eyes appearing almost black.

'I'm outta here' I said. I was walking out of the room when Kevin caught my hand by the wrist. I shook his hand off.

I had seen the face of the girl. It had been Candy.


Alex's POV

That had, without doubt, been the worst day of my life. I had loved Kevin, more than any other guy, and this is what I got for it.

I turned to face Nikki, who had a concerned look on her face. 'Alex, what's wrong ?' she asked. 'Nothing' I replied, cause that's what it was.

'Nikki, I think I should tell you something. Promise me not to tell anyone ?' I said, trying not to sound as bad as I felt.

'Sure, what is it ?' she replied. I had definitely got her attention. No backing out.

I told her about everything, about Kevin cheating on me, about how I loved him and still wanted him back. Everything. Nikki was a good listener, and I kept babbling on, letting out all my pent up feelings.

Ever since my breakup with Kevin, I hadn't actually had a proper best friend. So I never told anyone what had happened, why did we breakup or even anything related to my problems, love life and the usual teenage stuff.

In the end, Nikki asked me the question that I had dreaded the most.

'Alex, why did it hurt you so much when you found out that Kevin was cheating on you with Candy ?' she asked, a hint of sympathy in her voice.

I didn't wanna answer her, I wanted to run away and never come back. But I knew that since she had stood up for me back there, when I had been unable to even speak, she deserved to know the truth.

'Nikki,' I said, 'Candy used to be my best friend.'


What do you guys think about Alex and Candy ?

Does Josh like Nikki ?

Stay tuned for more <3 :D

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