Chapter 8

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Another cliff-hanger huh ? :P

Oh well, I'll spare you all xD

Here goes nothing !


Kyle's POV

I was getting restless now, pacing across my room. Nikki always picked up her phone. She might be at gunpoint and kidnapped by some guys, but she would still answer her phone.

One way or the other.

I hung up, and tried again. After what seemed like the thirteenth ring, she picked up.

'Hey, why weren't you picking up ?' I asked her gently.

'I, uh, was in one room and my phone was in the other' she explained, hesitating.

I narrowed my eyes. Nikki never, ever, stammered. She was the best public speaker in almost all of West High, and she knew how to keep her head up, even if she was crying inside.

'Are you okay ?' I continued, feeling concerned now.

'Um yeah, I mean, why wouldn't I be okay ?' she replied, and laughed shakily.

'I got ya. I can always tell when you're lying' I said, grabbing my car keys. 'I'll be over in five'

'Thank you' she replied, and hung up.

Something was definitely wrong, and I was gonna find out what it was.


Nikki's POV

I sighed, and collapsed on the bed. I was just frustrated and pissed off with everything that was going on in my life. I thought about going sky diving from my balcony, but on second thoughts, figured it wouldnt work, since Kyle would be here any minute.

I groaned. It was three in the morning, and I looked like a zombie. Just the thought of having Kyle seeing me like this made me flinch.

The bell rang, and I went over to open the door. I was glad that my mom had gone for the weekend, since she deserved a break from work and being a single mother. Plus, she wouldn't have approved of having a guy over at three in the morning.

As I walked towards the living room, I felt a sharp pain in my left hand. I had unknowingly cut myself with the blade I used for cutting materials. It hurt, but I couldn't be bothered.

'Why the fuck did you call me up at three in the morning ?' I asked, suddenly feeling tired.

'Woah, chill out Niks. I got up to get a glass if water, and I dunno why, but I just got the feeling that you might be in danger' he said, his eyes full of concern.

'Oh sure, my pillow and my bed are out to murder me. Gee, I really need a knight in shining armour' I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm. I let him in though, partially cause it was freezing outside, and because the neighbors really didn't need to see me in a pair of shorts and t-shirt, standing out in the cold, talking to a guy. Plus, it was freezing.

He strolled in and headed straight for my bedroom, which was where we used to hang out and chat for hours at an end.

'It was just a gut feeling' he scowled. 'Plus, I was getting bored alone at home. My parents have gone to visit a few relatives, and they'll be staying the night' he continued, waggling his eyebrows.

'Ugh, fine' I said, laughing at the puppy dog expression he was giving me. I tossed him a blanket, pillow and one of my soft toys.

'What's the mutt for ?' he asked, as he eyed the pet toy dog that lay in his lap.

'Even knights need bodyguards' I winked at him.

'Niks, you're never gonna change, are you ?' he asked, chuckling.

'Nope, get used to it' I replied, leaning in and swatting him playfully on his arm.


Kyle's POV

That was when I saw the blood on her left hand. I felt my blood boil at the thought that anyone would ever hurt her. She seemed to notice that I had seen the cuts and she tried to hide them sheepishly.

'Nikki, who did this to you ?' I asked her, trying to keep my voice in control. Apparently, that didn't work, considering the fact that she could read my mind.

'Kyle, I did this to myself' she replied, looking down at her favourite teddy bear Choco. A tear escaped her eyes.

I wiped it away and took her face in my hands, forcing her to look up at me. She looked at me, probably trying to read my thoughts.

'Oh you crazy girl' I replied affectionately. She looked surprised, since she expected me to chide her.

I grabbed a cloth from a nearby table, and began to wipe off the blood. She winced, and I felt a stab in my heart.

'Are you okay ?' I asked her.

'Yeah, I'm fine' she smiled, but I knew that it was a lie.

I spent the next half hour wiping off the blood, and applying medicine on the cuts. After I was done, I kissed the spot it hurt and she smiled, this time for real.

'Yiu never could give that one up, could you Percy ?' she laughed. Even when we were kids, everytime Nikki got hurt, I would bandage her up and kiss the spot where she had got hurt.

'Nope, you know me Annabeth' I replied, grinning. Over the last few years, we had both become madly obsessed with the Percy Jackson book series, and in general, every book Rick Riordan had ever written.

That was how we came up with the nicknames, Percy and Annabeth. We used to call each other that when we were together, but after that, we never did, since it used to bring back too many memories, which were emotionally painful for not just her, but for me as well, even though I would never admit it.

'Niks, you know, we never really talked abou-' I started, but was cut off.

'Kyle, don't. It happened, and I know you thought it was a mistake. Please, don't put salt on the wound' she said, holding up a hand.

'No, you listen Niks,' I continued. 'I never considered it to be a mistake. The only reason I ever broke up with you was because I didn't wanna hurt you. And you know I suck at all this emotional stuff, but I wanted you to be with someone better, someone who didn't act like a jerk, someone who could do all that mushy gushy romantic stuff for you, and someone who would - be there for you' I said, my voice breaking at the last part.

'Oh Kyle' she said.

'And I know I've been a jerk to you. After we broke up, I didn't pick up your calls, didn't reply to your texts and generally tried to avoid you, cause I was hoping you would get over me in that period of time. But I realized that even if you could, I would never be able to get over you. You're my Annabeth' I replied.

'And even though you're crazily hyper all the time, more dirty minded than any of my guy friends, talk in Shakespearan English just to annoy me, I'm crazy about you. You know that I've never done this before, but will you go out with me ?' I said, and held my breath.


What will Nikki say ? ;)

YES or NO ?





And I will love you guys forever and ever <3 :*

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