Chapter 5

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I wanna thank all of you, this really means a lot to me <3





And I will love you guys forever :D


Josh's POV

It's been two days, and I still can't get that girl outta my head. This has never happened to me before. Usually, I see a chick, I flirt with her, get her to sleep with me or something, and then forget who the hell she was.

Nikki, however was a different story. I looked at her, and she didn't even ackknowledge me ! While most girls fall at my feet, Nikki gave me the cold shoulder. And for some reason, it pissed me off. She was the only girl, who wouldn't fall at my feet.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a guy who hadn't slept in days, with messy hair and that frown on my face. Tugging on my leather jacket, I headed downstairs, calling out to whoever was listening, that I was leaving.

I had to sleep with her, before this got any worse.


Nikki's POV

As I walked through the corridor, on my way to my locker, I thought about the dream I'd had, and sadly, woken up from this morning. I felt like a mess.

Here I was, three blocks away from my old school, dying to go back there, yelling out to my friends that it had just been a prank, and that I hadn't shifted. But I knew that this wasn't possible, and that since it had been my decision to move away, I wasn't gonna chicken out.

I thought about Kyle, and his beautiful green eyes, how they used to pierce mine, and gave me the feeling that he was looking right through me, reading my innermost thoughts. I sighed and shut my locker door. Standing right next to me, was Josh.

'Hey there' he said, in a sexy voice.

'Umm, hi' I replied back, checking him out. Up close, he looked even hotter. His hair messily fell into his eyes and he had a hint of mischief in his lazy grin.

'So, you're in my maths class, right ?' he asked, getting in my way.

'Right. Excuse me, I have to go' I said, looking away.

'Listen, screw whatever impression you have about me because of Candy. I know that she's a bitch, and that I shouldn't be with her, but I have to, because of all the pressure. People think of it this way. The most popular girl in school and the most popular guy in school, have to date. It's kinda like a tradition, and believe me, I've tried breaking it. It's just that people, are people and you can't help it. What I really wanted to say, is that I wanna take you out to dinner this Saturday' he said, his voice soft and friendly.

'I don't have any impression about you, because of Candy. I guess. And why would you take me out to dinner ?' I replied, surprised.

'Okay. Cause I honestly can't get you outta my head, and I know that if I don't do anything about it, like talk to you or something, I m gonna die' he replied simply, faking a arrow hitting him in the heart.

I laughed, surprised that the most popular guy in the school could be such a goof. 'In that case, I don't mind' I replied, smiling.

He whooped, and I left, walking away, with a stupid grin on my face.


Nikki's POV

Josh seemed really nice. Not the stuck up types, but sweet and funny. The second period was maths, and I sat by the window again. Josh took the seat next to me, like last time, and gave me a goofy grin. It was infectious, and I grinned back.

While Mr. Humphrey was teaching, Josh made faces and mimicked Mr. Humphrey's actions, which made me giggle. As obvious, luck wasn't on my side, and both of us got detention for the rest of the week.

But in one way, it was worth it. Before I knew what was going on, it was Saturday.


Josh's POV

My palms were sweaty as I got out of my car and walked up to the front door. Wow, this girl really gave me the butterflies.

Nikki and me had decided on having me pick her up at five o'clock. I hadn't told her where we were going, cause it was meant to be a surprise.

I rang the bell and an older lady, who I guessed was her mum, opened the door.

'Nikki will be down in a minute' she said, smiling at me. 'Nikki ! He's here !' she shouted facing the stairs.

'I m coming mom !' Nikki shouted back, her voice a bit muffled. She ran down the stairs, taking two at a time and completely out of breath.

'Hey Josh' she said, grinning at me.

'Hey Nikki' I replied, grinning back.

'I think we should go now' she said, gesturing towards her mother who was smiling knowingly at us.

'Yeah' I agreed.

I escorted her out of her house and to the car, opening her door for her, and then getting into the driver's seat.

'Who knew you could be such a gentleman ?' she laughed teasingly.

'You do know, now' I replied, winking.

'Ugh, you and your cheesy lines' she smirked, rolling her eyes.

'The ones that most girls love' I replied, with a smug look on my face. She showed me the finger and looked out of her window.

'You hurt my feelings Niks' I said, faking a hurt look.

'Get over yourself Josh' she replied, laughing. I loved making her laugh. It brought out this twinkle in her hazel eyes, and it was something that I loved about her. She was an easygoing person, and fun to talk to. She wasn't like other girls, who just wanted to get screwed.

'Where are we heading ?' she asked, frowning.

'It's a surprise. Now sit back, and enjoy the presence of the awesome me' I replied, grinning.

'You, really need a psychologist' she said, poking me on my arm. That simple action sent tingles coarsing through my arms.

'So do you. I mean, who the hell in his right mind would still watch Dora and Powerpuff Girls ?!' I joked, and turned to see her laughing.

'That's the thing. I m not in my right mind. I m just in my dirty one' she replied, grinning with an evil look in her eyes.

'Haven't you noticed ? The motto of the Powerpuff Girls is 'Saving the day before bedtime'. I wonder what that means' she said, winking. I had to laugh at her kiddish-ness. It made her so cute, I just wanted to lean in and kiss her. Wait. What the hell is going on in my head. Me, wanting to kiss a girl ? Usually, I never kissed a girl. They just wanted to fast forward to the screwing part.

I shook my head, still smiling like an idiot.

'Nikki ?' I asked.

'Hmm ?' she continued.

'We're here' I replied.


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