Chapter 3

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"Our next target would be Death Eyes, which is about 3 towns away. Its got a pretty large number, but they're only strong in quantity." Jellal stated, his finger tapping on a location on the map planted on the ground as we gathered around it.

It hasn't been a day, but I'm already going to be part of their missions, which is bringing dark guilds down, driving evil away from the world. They intend to defeat Zeref, and I don't know if I can trust them, but if they're telling the truth, I guess they really are doing what they can to repent their sins.

I noticed one of them missing, though. Ultear was her name, I think. The one who opened our second origins. But I decided not to ask, since it might be a sensitive topic to them.

"Their building is pretty large, and with an estimated 200 members. Richard will waltz through the doors and attack from there with Racer. Angel and Cobra, take the left wing, while Midnight and Meredy at the right. I'll go straight to their Master's office. Lucy, for now, you'll be in surveillance."

I nodded, mentally thanking him for not putting me in a battle. I'm better being in the sidelines, anyway, since I'm not much of a use in combats. Although I'm not sure if they can take on 200 mages by themselves. But then again, they're all strong.

"We'll depart as soon as we can. Go get as much rest as you can. That's all." With that, everyone moved to their places in the cave. Jellal stood up and walked towards the exit. But before he did, he glanced at my direction. "Cobra. Lucy. Come with me."

My forehead creased in confusion but I nodded anyway, and stood up as well. The sky was already dark with stars twinkling, and a distant sound of crickets could be heard as the three of us left the cave together. I just followed Jellal to wherever, ignoring the presence of that annoying poison dragon slayer.

"Glad that I annoy you." I heard him utter, in which I replied with a glare. I can never have privacy with this guy around, damn it!

I angrily stomped as I followed our leader, keeping my glare on Cobra as he only smirked at me. But by doing so, I accidentally collided with something.

"Ow." I rubbed my forehead and took a step back, only to see it was Jellal's back I collided with since he suddenly stopped.

"Cobra." He turned around, his gaze on the man beside me. "If possible, listen to the thoughts of their master, we'll communicate through my telepathy. Inform us immediately if he has hidden plans."

Cobra nodded, stuffing his hands in his pocket. "That's all?"

"Yes. And Lucy," Jellal then turned to me. "Make sure to keep a close eye on the surveillance lacrimas, and tell us of any forces coming. And also, on our way there, I'll be teaching you telepathy, and we'll work on your magic." He smiled warmly, placing a hand on my shoulder as he nodded in encouragement.

For some reason, I felt my cheeks heating up at the sight of his smile, and it was then when I noticed that he's actually attractive. No wait, stop thinking like that Lucy! He's Erza's!

"Don't be discouraged. In no time you'll get stronger, too."

"T-T-Thanks." I stuttered, averting my gaze. From my peripheral vision, I saw him nodding before he walked ahead.

"That's all. Let's go back."

I planted a hand on my chest as I could feel my heart fluttering. The same way I feel whenever Natsu, Gray or Loke would say sweet stuffs.

"You like him, huh?" My eyes widened as I turned to Cobra. His lips was formed in a smirk as he looked at me teasingly.

"As if." I scowled, glaring at him again. Gosh, that guy is really annoying! I hate him already!

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