Chapter 4

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"Let's stop here."

We took a halt as soon as we reached the foot of the mountain near Mineral Town. The sun was waving its final rays, and maybe in another hour, it will start setting. Half the trees around us were chopped, and I could barely see any fruits or anything edible around, but I guess we don't have a choice but to camp here, considering it would be tough to hike in the dark.

I guess it's been a day since I joined them, and surprisingly, even independent guilds uses guild insignias. I had mine on my left hand, while my Fairy Tail mark used to be on my right. But sadly, it's gone.

Racer and Richard started to gather some woods for our campfire, while Angel and Meredy prepared their sleeping bags, and Cobra, I think went to hunt food.

"Lucy. Come with me."

My face heated up when I heard Jellal, motioning me to come as he started to walk at a side of the forest. Shaking my head and tapping my cheeks lightly, I began to follow him.

'Bad, Lucy! Stop feeling giddy! He's Erza's!'

I walked a meter behind Jellal, fidgeting on the hem of my clothes as I stared at his back. He's so... manly.

"You like him." An annoying voice suddenly appeared beside me, followed by an arm swinging around my shoulder.

I glared at Cobra and harshly shook his arm off. "I do not." I hissed before stomping faster.

That guy! I really hate him! He's just... I don't get why he annoys me all the time!

When I finally caught up with Jellal, we stopped at a clearing of the forest. The place was rather empty, with a few dead trees around. He stopped two meters away from me, facing me with a serious expression that made me feel quite uncomfortable.

"The key to telepathy is connecting your mind with others. Our mind is powerful, more powerful than we believe. Learning telepathy involves three aspects. One, understanding the phenomenon. Two, learning how to work on your own energies. And three, identifying thought patterns and processes."

I nodded, averting my gaze and focusing on a lost rock on the ground.

"You don't need to rush. There's mostly no success on the first try. But do your best, if possible, you learn this before we reach the place. Being in the surveillance, it's best that you hold our telepathic communication."

I nodded again. He says I don't need to rush, but the last part he said just made me feel pressured.

"Let's start."

Jellal remained on his position, and I did the same. I'm not sure what's with the distance, but I guess this has something to do with our training.

"For starters, you should know that the physical body does not participate in telepathy, so you need to shift your attention away from it to facilitate the process." He explained further, then telling me what I had to do.

Closing my eyes, I tried to focus less on my physical senses, and only to my mind. I released a bit of my magical energy, and I could feel leaves swirling around.

After a few minutes, I oddly couldn't feel anything, so I opened my eyes. Leaves fell on the ground as soon as I did, and my eyes made contact with a pair of surprised dark green ones.

"L-Lucy, you..."

"Huh?" My forehead creased in confusion at his shocked expression. But then he only shook his head and sighed.

"Nothing. Continue, you're doing fine. Remember, the key for starters is projecting your energy into your mind, and eliminate those of physical perception. Will power and concentration are the most important aspects."

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