Chapter 5

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"You're annoying!"

"Glad that I annoy you."


I rolled my eyes in annoyance, distancing myself from a certain poison dragon slayer. But he, being the annoying guy he is, moved himself close again.

"You like Jellal." He whispered, which I replied with a glare and a push.

"Shut up!"

"You lovers don't get along really well, huh?" Meredy giggled, glancing at us with a teasing expression.

"As if!" I shot Cobra another glare before matching Angel's pace and walking beside her.

I just don't get that guy and why he's fond of annoying me AND keeps insisting that I like our leader when I don't!

It's been two days since we started our journey to take down Death Eyes. During those days, all we did was walk, hike, and such. I train in the free time, and so far, I could say I'm doing great.

"You seem to have brought out Cobra's playful side." Angel commented with a slight smile. "He's mostly quiet and quite shy."

"He just likes messing with me." I huffed, tugging my cloak closer as a breeze of cold wind passed by.

"So it seems."

Our group continued to hike down the mountain, and even from this here, I could see the next town in a distance, seeming as if it's the size of a thumb.

My eyes wandered around, taking notice of the number of dead trees increasing. The atmosphere have become thicker, and I could somehow sense an unfamiliar presence nearby.


My feet automatically stopped, so did everyone's as Jellal's voice broke our silence. We turned to different directions warily, and my eyes scanned the vicinity for odd movements.

"Plants are proof that lives has ends." An unfamiliar voice caught our attention, and we all turned to Meredy's direction where the voice seemed to have came from.

A silhouette of a petite person could be seen in the distance, and as her figure gets closer, we get into our defenses even more.

"Plants are stepped on, plucked, and played. Just like humans."

Suddenly, the dead trees sprouted leaves and even fruits, the ground grew grasses and a few wild flowers. The mysterious figure finally came to sight and stopped just a few meters away.

She was quite a small girl, probably Wendy's height. Her long, light brown hair reached her lower back, tied in a half ponytail behind her head. A black eyepatch covered one of her red eyes that watched us emptily. A cropped top designed with a rose on the right chest hugged her waist, emphasizing the large bust that didn't match the size of her body, and she wore a black vest over it, paired with a military pants. Weird black markings were on her whole left arm, which she raised up and a ball of green light glowed around it.

"I only have one goal. Hand over Lucy Heartfilia." Her cold tone snapped me back, and it was then when I noticed the group standing defensively around me.

"Who are you?" Jellal questioned calmly, eyeing the woman who had just appeared.

"Your last opponent." As soon as she said that, the trees around us started moving and dashed on different directions.

I jumped back, lashing the ground with the new whip that Virgo gave me last night. A different version of my old whip, les éléments de étoiles.

"Fire mode!" My whip was engulfed in flames as I clutched on the handle tightly, trying to deflect every branch that directs to my direction.

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