Chapter 26

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Their eyes were wide as they pushed each other away, but all I could do was stare at them blankly, my heart clenching but at the same time, I felt cold.

"You know what?" I scoffed, stoically looking back at Cobra's surprised eye.

It was an accident, or atleast that's what it seems based on their reactions and the situation, include the fact that everyone was here. And I don't think Cobra's stupid enough to actually kiss her in front of everyone. But still, this is shit. I've had enough, I'm done.

"Fuck you." With that, I turned around and shoved Racer to the side as I walked away.

"Wait, Lucy! That was an accident!"

I ignored his yell and continued to storm off, taking large and heavy steps as tears formed at the corner of my eyes.

Hell, yeah, I know it was an accident! I know, damn it! But that doesn't erase the fact that I'm hurt. Not like I can tell this heart of mine not to get hurt just because it's an accident! The image was what broke me, damn it. Damn it!

"Tch. Get out of the way, Angel."

"Not a chance!"

I kept myself from glancing back after hearing their voices and just continued to walk away, letting my feet take me wherever it would.

"Stupid Cobra. Supid, stupid Cobra!" I muttered to myself, finally stopping at a darker side of the East Forest.

I dropped on the ground with my knees, holding on a tree for support as I let my tears stream down.

Damn, I'm such a crybaby. I don't even know why I'm crying anymore. The fact that Cobra and Kinana have some sort of relationship? That they seem close? His insensitivity? Or was it their 'accidental' kiss? I don't know!

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I know I should be thinking of more serious issues such as Pierre right now, but I just can't get him off my mind. He's... He's just annoying!

"Human? Human!"

A deep, slightly familiar voice sounded from my side, followed by a shadow shading me. Turning to see who it was, I found a gorian grinning evilly at me.

"Delicious human!"

I glared at the large forest vulcan, making it slightly flinch. Damn, I don't have time for this.

"Go away." I muttered, summoning my whip in my hand. But the annoying creature only grinned wider and jumped over me.

Furious, I turned my whip to steel and slapped the gorian, successfully throwing it to the side. I then wrapped it with the whip before changing it to fire.

"Sorry, sorry sorry! I'll leave, I'll leave!"

I sighed before releasing the creature, letting it run off in fear. Slumping down on the ground, I looked up the darkening sky.

'Great. It's my fault we wasted a day.'

We could've reached Meteor Palace earlier, but because of my drama, we'll have to continue tomorrow. Rain started to pour down from the clouds, and I just let myself get drenched, a memory with Cobra flashing in my mind.

Damn. It.

"Tch. What are you crying about, brat?!" A familiar voice yelled from the gold light that appeared beside me, materializing a familiar beautiful mermaid spirit.

"A-Aquarius! You can open your own gate now?" I exclaimed, using my surprise to hide the sadness. Thank god, it was raining. The tears blended with the rain.

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