Chapter 4: Devious Plans and a Reunion

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Steve Johnson's P.O.V. 

" What happened?" Ray, one of the men in my gang, asked in shock. There was a loud smash that reverberated throughout the room. I glanced down at my bloodied hand. Then, I looked at the shattered window in my office. A demented chuckle escaped my lips. Ray gazed around nervously.

" Everything is... fine." I paused. On the inside, there was a raging beast that was demanding revenge. It demanded blood. On the outside, my facade was calm and collected. I could barely notice the beads of sweat on the other man's brow. His tongue flicked out to wet his lips anxiously.

" I thought I heard..." Ray started, but the words died in his throat. A smirk crossed my features. By the look on the other man's face, the smirk was predatory. I raised an eyebrow questioningly. His stance wavered a bit, but he forced himself to relax. I was filled with childish glee at the thought of terror coursing through the man's veins.

" What?" I asked with mock laughter. Ray swallowed heavily. He shifted from foot to foot before he held his hands behind his back.

" N-Nothing. I didn't hear anything." He decided to retracted his thoughts. How very intelligent of him. How very... cowardly. " I-I will just leave you to it then." Ray rushed. He turned on his heel to exit, but I had other things in store.

" One minute, Ray. If you will." I stated in an authoritative tone. The man froze, and slowly turned to face me. He cooled his features, but not before I saw his fear stricken face. A devious smirk played my lips yet again.

" Yes, sir?" He asked shakily. It was my turn to hold my hands behind my back. I straightened my spine to appear taller, and he lowered his head, and appeared smaller. More... pathetic. I crossed my desk, and lifted a glass of scotch to my lips. I took a sip, and swished it in my mouth in deep thought. I turned to look at the man before me. I gave him a smile, and he returned it, albeit a tentative one. Suddenly, I threw my glass his way. He jumped as the glass shattered on the wall less than an inch from his head. A few tiny shards of glass cut into his face.

" I want, no, need vengeance. I have a plan to do it, and it involves a pretty young thing by the name of Vivian." I started. Ray narrowed his eyes in confusion.

" You want revenge on Robby? He is dead, sir. What more can you do? W-Why do you need m-more?" His curios tone turned into a shaky one at the look on my face. I pulled up my shirt to reveal a hideous scar on my abdomen. Ray winced, but didn't look away.

" He didn't suffer nearly enough." I hissed in hatred.

" Why now?" The man dared to question. I opened my mouth to shout at him, but it closed. Why now indeed? After these past two years, why now? My jaw set, and my eyes blazed in a burning rage. Ray actually took a step back.

" Better late than never." I informed nonchalantly with my arms outstretched. He nodded his head slowly. " The best part was, I was never caught." I stated with an incredulous chuckle. Ray nodded again.

" The case isn't cold, sir." He informed with a slow tone. I cocked my head to the side. I smiled nonetheless.

" The case might not be. However, revenge is better served cold." I said while observing the broken glass that scattered across the floor. Droplets of blood were pooled around the room. I lifted my hand, and examined it. A dark grin twisted my lips, but it soon turned into a snarl.

" O-Okay." Ray whispered. " Is that all?" He asked.

" Yes. Get out of my sight. However, I want you to gather everyone. I want a meeting." I ordered. He nodded silently, then went to turn around. I was faster. I hoisted the gun from my desk, then took aim. Before he could adopt a terrified expression, I shot him. Right in the forehead.

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