2 years later~Chapter 8

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The twins are now 3 years old and can walk and talk by themselves! My babies are growing up! I'm now 20 years old. I live in the same house and Melissa had to move back to her house last year because her mom got cancer sadly. I visit all the time and always chat it up with Lissa's mom.

It has been 2 years since me and the twins have seen Hunter. The prison said we couldn't visit because Hunter got in a fight after we left 2 years ago and he hurt the guy really bad. He fought with a whole bunch of people so he wasn't allowed visitors.

Now he will be released from prison any day now and I don't even know when or how he will get back. Em always used to cry about her daddy and I'm afraid to say this but I think Em has forgotten about her dad. I have a feeling though somewhere inside her brain she still remembers.Ethan now tells me when we go places and sees kids with their moms and dads that he doesn't want a daddy and that he's fine without one.

Em is a whole other story. She always asks for her daddy. She says she gets sad when she sees other kids with their daddies and she doesn't have one. That broke my heart to hear my little girl to say that.

I was sleeping in my room when I heard a knock and the door open. I got up fast and looked around to spot my two angels at the foot of my bed.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Em said.

"Me too!" said Ethan.

"Well lets go to the kitchen so mommy can get you guys some food." 

"Okay!" they said simultaneously. That was so adorbs.

"Do you guys want Lucky Charms or Cocoa Puffs?" I asked.

"Cocoa Puffs!" They shouted.

"Okay sit down and I'll put the cereal for you." I commanded.

They sat down and I grabbed 3 bowls and put one in front of Em and E. I placed another one in the spot where I will be sitting in.

I grabbed the Cocoa Puffs and poured some into each plate and poured milk into each plate. I went to the dish rack and grabbed three spoons and walked back to the table.

"Who's ready to dig in?" I asked, looking between the two of them.

Hunter's Pov

I finally can go back to my kids and the woman I wanna be with. I will make sure nothing takes them away from me. I remember the first time I ever saw Kris at that party. When I touched her I felt the sparks and I know she felt it too.

2 years! It has been two fucking years since I've seen my kids and Kris. That fucking guy who was talking shit about my 2 bundles of joy and my woman is the reason why my kids will probably hate me.

That piece of shit said he's coming after me and my family! Please just stahp okay? I was accused of murder! I would stay away from me! I know the gang won't let me go unless I'm in a body bag! I just wanna go see the family I just wanna hug them and kiss them.

"Hunt man, your leaving today!" my cellmate said.

"I know I can't wait until my mom gets here!" I said.

"I'll miss you man!" Snake said.

"I'll miss you too bruh!" I said.

I will really miss Snake, but I rather be with my family instead! I would pick them any day.

"Hunter Calebs, your being released. Your mother is here to pick you up." the annoying and boring female officer said.

"Bye bro." Snake said.

"Bye man!" I said, giving Snake a man hug.

I followed the officer and we walked into a room.

"Here's your clothes, go into the changing room and change." He said.

I did what the guy told me to do and got dressed. In five minutes, I ran out of the changing room and followed the officer down the hall. I saw my mom and tears of joy were streaming from her face.

"Mom!" I shouted.

"HUNTER!" my mom screeched. I ran into her arms and hugged her tight.

"I missed you, my baby!" she said, crying.

"I missed you too mom" my voice cracked.

"Let's go home my baby!" She said.

"Okay mom! Uh, when we go home I need to talk to you about something." I said, scratching the back of my head.

"Okay! Let's go! I already signed you out." She said.

I walked out that building, my mom beside me. When she wasn't looking I turned around and stuck my middle finger up at that fucking place. It kept me away from my kids and my girl! I gotta get a job though. I bet Kris had to work hard to take care of our twins. I wish I were there. She wouldn't have to work if I were there.

We arrived at my amazing home and I ran up the stairs right when we got there. I hopped in the shower and washed my body and hair. After, I brushed my teeth. I went into my room and dressed in faded dark jeans and a black shirt. I put on my bred 11s and the cologne I always were. After about hour I grabbed my wallet and phone and made my way downstairs to the living room to talk to my waiting mother to talk about the grand kids she never knew about.

"Hey mom, let's start our talk." I said nervously.

"Okay honey, what is it?"

"Three years ago, I met this girl and I got her pregnant! Now I'm gonna go see my girl and kids mom!"

"You better bring my grand babies over soon before I chop off your manly part! Bring my future daughter in law over too!" She said.

"Okay mom, I gotta go now! Krissy doesn't know I got out of jail today! Bye!" I said

"Bye!" She said.

Time to go see my kids and girl...




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