5 Months Later...~ Chapter 5

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"PUSH!" the doctor yelled.

"FUCK!" I yelled, squeezing Melissa's hand hard.

I was in the middle of making myself a sandwich when I started feeling a pain in my stomach, shortly after, my water broke.

"Your doing Krissy, now PUSH!" The doctor screamed.

"AHHHHHHH!" I shouted. Then I heard a baby cry, it was so adorable.

"It's a boy!" the doctor shouted. They cut the umbilical cord and wrapped it up in a blue blanket.

"AH!" I screamed.

"The second baby is ready to come!"


I had both of my babies in my hands. My princess and prince.

"What are you gonna name them?" Melissa asked.

"Well I'll name the boy Ethan Aiden Calebs... and the girl Emile Lissa Calebs!" i said.

"Aw, you named Emile after me, that's so cute, I love you guys!" Lissa said.

"We love you too!"


~2 days after the twins birth~

I brought the twins home and they are so adorable! Lissa and I got the twins matching PJ's for them to wear. It has Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse on them. My parents never called me so I plan on taking them to my parent's house.

I dressed up Em in a little dress and black sandals and dressed up E in a white shirt and dark skinny jeans with black and white sneakers. I got dressed in a yellow sundress and sandals.

I strapped the twins in the car seats in the back of the new car I bought. I drove over to my parent's house and got the twins outta the car and in my arms. I walked to the door and rang the door bell.

"Krissy?" my dad asked.

"Dad!" I said.

"What are you doing here?" my dad asked raising his voice.

"I came to visit with my twins! I just gave birth to them." I said.

"Mike who's at the door?" my mom asked.

"It's me mom!" I said.

"Oh my god, Krissy and babies?" she asked confused.

"Yeah mom, I had twins! Can I come in?" I asked.

"No", my dad said, "Yes", my mom said!"

"Yes you can sweetie, come on in!" my mom chirped.

I walked into the house that I once called home.

"What are my grandbabies' names?" she asked.

"This is Emile. I said pointing towards Em, and this is Ethan. I said pointing towards E.

"Aw, can I hold them?"  my mom asked.

"Of course!" I said handing them over.

My mom started playing with the twins so I turned to face my dad.

"How have you been dad?" I asked.

"I was fine until you came here with those things!"

"Why do you hate me and the twins?" I asked, angrily. I'm sick and tired of his shit.

"I don't hate you and the twins, I hate the man that got you pregnant!" he replied calmly.

"Don't treat me like trash dad! I needed you during my 9 months! You weren't there for me! I would cry myself to sleep at night! All I wanted to do was cuddle with my daddy and tell him that I love him!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face.

"I'm sorry sweetie." my dad said pulling me in to hug. He kissed the top of my head.

"It's okay daddy, I moved into my own house, I have my own car, my own job, I pay my own bills. I have been fine for 9 months." I said.

"That's good, I'm proud, now get off of me and give me my grandchildren" my dad said. I chuckled, getting off of him.

"Okay daddy!"I said.

"MOM! I need the twins" I shouted walking into the kitchen.

"Here sweetie!"she said handing me the twins.

"Thanks" I muttered.

I brought my twins over to my dad and handed each one over to him.

"He's Ethan and that's Emile!" I said.

"Who's their father?" my dad asked, playing with the twins.

"He's in jail, uh he comes out in three years! I can't wait for the twins to meet him! It will be-"

"Meet them? You want a criminal around your kids! Are you crazy? What if he hurts my grandchildren!?"

"Dad, he won't hurt them he's waiting to get out of jail so he can come and live with me!" I said, trying to reason with my dad.

"He's living with you? Is this guy buff because I will kick his ass if he hurts you guys!" my dad shouted.

"DAD!, I whined. You don't have to worry, if he hurts me or the twins, I will come here! I promise."

"Promise?" he asked sticking out his pinkie.

"Promise!" I said assuring him. Then we pulled into a little hug.

"I love you daddy!".

"I love you too sweetie!,


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