Life Now~Chapter 30

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*3 years later*

Krissy's Pov

It has been 3 years. The past 3 years were terrible yet full of love and happiness. You could call it bittersweet. The twins are now 5 years old and are in kindergarten. There almost in 1st grade. They have about 5 more months. It is January and next month is Lola's birthday and she's turning 3 years old. Then in April it will be the twin's birthday and they will be 6 years old.

Your probably wondering what the twin's 4th birthday present from Melissa was, well it was 2 huge toy cars. One was pink and the other was red. You know the one you can ride in. Hunter and I are both 23 years old.

In the past 3 years, the twins have been kidnapped by Mace two times and Lola had a knife to her neck once. I was close to getting raped once and was almost killed. Other than that, our family is amazing.

Hunter actually taught Lola how to walk. She falls sometimes but she still knows how to walk. She can say  several words for a 2 year old.

"Mommy I need help with my homework and Em won't let me copy hers." Ethan whined walking into the living room.

"E your not suppose to copy people's work. If you don't know how to do it than you ask an adult for help." I said.

"But Daddy says if you don't know how to do your work, look at the other person's paper for answers."

"Don't listen to what he says! Your daddy is wrong."I said.

"I like what Daddy says better." he pouted.

"Don't care." I said, ruffling his soft messy outta bed hair.

"Hi mommy." Em said walking into the room and plopping herself on the sofa.

"Hey baby, did you finish your homework?" I asked.

"Yes." she said, changing the channel to Nickelodeon.

"Go get it and let me see." I demanded.

"I'll show you later." she waved me off.

"Emile Calebs go get your homework now!" I shouted, throwing a pillow at her.

"Okay." she obeyed, getting up and running upstairs.

"Do your homework." I told E. He pouted.

"I don't wanna!" he whined.

"You only have to write your spelling words 3 times each." I said, pointing at the paper.

"Fine." he huffed, than started to write.

I started watching tv again when Em walked back into the room.

"Here." she passed me the paper. I looked at her handwriting that I admire. For a 5 year old she writes really, really neat.

"Good Job Emmy." I said, passing her, her homework, and giving her a thumbs up.

"Thanks Mommy!" she said, before running off to put her homework.

"Muma!" Lola squealed, trying to run towards me. I picked her up and squeezed her tight.

"Hey Lola, what were you doing?" I asked.

"Nunthing!" she shouted. I walked over from where she came and saw some scribbles on the wall, drawn with washable markers.

"Lola why did you do that! Now your on punishment!" I shouted.

"I'm sowwy Muma!" She pouted, giving me the puppy-dog eyes.

"Aw, I forgive you." I cooed, making her instantly smile.

"Forgive her for what?" a husky voice asked.

"That!" I pointed towards where Lola was scribbling.

"Sowwy daddy." Lola said.

"It's okay baby girl." Hunter said, taking Lola away from me.

"Daddy!" the twins shouted, running towards Hunter and wrapping themselves around him.

"Hey guys, wanna go play?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah!" they shouted excitedly.

"I'll meet you guys at the back door." he said, making the kids run towards the back door.

"How was work?" I asked.

"Well it was okay." he shrugged. Hunter works a part-time job, when he isn't with the gang. Yes, he still is in the gang. The only reason he still is in it is to keep us safe. 2 years ago, Hunter got Mace kicked out of the gang. Ever since then Mace has been trying to get revenge on him for the past 2 years. Sam promised him he will protect us if Hunter stays in the gang.

"You should come with us outside." he said kissing my lips and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"I'll meet you outside." I said giving him one more kiss and walking away.

Yes, my family is awesome! I wouldn't trade them for the world!


You like it? I won't be able to update frequently because my laptop is being fixed. My aunt said it has TONS of viruses. anyway updates wil be coming slowly. School is almost here for me.



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