Falling for the Trap

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    The next morning, I woke up next to a warm body. I cracked open an eye to see Cole next to me, an arm slung around my waist. I was forced to share a bed last night, or sleep on the floor. I'd rather share a bed with a cute guy than sleep on the cold floor.

   I got the sudden urge to pee, like I do every morning. I tried to free myself of Cole's hold, but he was strong. Giving up, I began to do annoying things to wake him up. Flicking his throat, pinching his cheeks, forcing his eyelids open with my fingers.

   "Stop it now."He mumbled, his voice husky from being asleep.

   "Do you want me to pee in your bed? I suggest you let go of me if not."I threatened.

   "Fine. You may leave."He released me.

   A sudden wave of oblivion came over me. Where was the bathroom. I returned to Cole shaking him awake. He gave me a death glare then pointed to a door hidden in the back corner. Sprinting to relieve myself, I swung open the door.

   A beautiful bathroom it was, let me tell you. A tub twice the size of my own sat in the corner, next to a shower. The shower floor had rocks in it, them grouted in then smoothed down. I forgot about peeing and admired the room.

    After finishing my business, I returned to the bed, sitting down where I had slept. I noted that the rest of our suite was huge. A pair of French doors with golden handles was in the middle of the wall opposite of me. This must have cost a fortune.

   "So what are we doing today, Hannah?"Cole inquired while making his own way to the bathroom.

   "I don't know."

   "Well, I guess we should go find out."He stated after returning.

   I checked him out again. He caught me and smirked. I felt my cheeks get warm. They were probably pink. I rarely blushed red, just a pale pink.

   "I know I'm sexy. But really, take a picture. It lasts longer."He conceited.

   "Get out. I need to change."I ordered, collecting my bag.

   "Fine."He walked through the french doors to his brothers room. I grabbed a pair of jeans and changed into them. I found my favorite tee, an Hollister shirt that was white with a navy blue bird on it. I didn't know why I loved it, but I did.


Cole's Point Of View (P.O.V.)


   She was pinching my cheeks, flicking me and poking me. Damn wasn't that a great way to get up. I kept hold of her with my arm though, to annoy back.

   "Stop it now."I ordered, my words getting muffled by my pillow.

   "Do you want me to pee in your bed? I suggest you let go if not."She tried to make her voice scary, which failed.

   "Fine. You may leave."I released her.

   She looked around for a minute before returning to me. I mentally laughed at the fact she didn't know where the bathroom was.

   Before she talked, I pointed to a door in the corner. I glared at her because it was too early for this. I watched her as she walked off. She did look good. And I had her in my bed all night, I could've made a move.

   I sat up, leaning my head on the wall behind me. Even if I had made a move, Cameron and Lenny would've killed me. Hannah returned, observing her surroundings. I watched her from the corner of my eyes as I walked to the bathroom.

   "So what are we doing today, Hannah?"I inquired, not exactly sure what to expect considering my brothers brought a girl along.

   "I don't know."

   I closed the door behind me, relieving myself also. I heard Hannah sit down on the bed, barely hearing it over the running water. I dried my hands then walked back into the room. She was watching me, checking me out.

   "I guess we should go find out."I replied when I got into hearing range.

  After a few seconds I decided to embarrass her a bit. I smirked at her.

   "I know I'm sexy. But really. Take a picture, it lasts longer."

   Her cheeks brightened to a shade of light pink. I grinned internally. I forgot my pants in my brothers room. I slid a shirt on and walked through the French doors, ignoring Hannah's scold so she could change. Cameron glared at me right away, as if I did something wrong. Maybe he was jealous about last night's prank.


   Hannah's P.O.V.


   I walked into the abandoned building the anonymous texted told us to go to. We split up, Lenny with Cole and Cameron with me. The two vampires said that we needed a body guard. Whatever, I didn't care who I honestly went with anyways.

   I wandered into a room that had a giant bookshelf. I walked to the window, becoming breathless at the view. Snow flakes covered every building, falling gracefully. Cameron's footsteps resounded in the room. I turned around to face him but caught someone in black walk by.

   My feet began to follow the figure. Once I walked out of the room, I heard the door shut behind me. I tried to open it, but it was locked. Cameron banged on the door but it didn't help.

   "I'll be right back!"I yelled.

   "OK!"He replied.

   I looked around the abandoned factory, trying to find the person in black below. I was on a balcony, like a second floor. Something moved out of the corner of my eye, and I snapped my head to see what it was. The dark silhouette approached me. My heart started to race, adrenaline pumping. Once the figure was a few feet away, I sprinted behind me, searching frantically for Cole or Lenny. They followed me, hot on my heels.

   "Lenny! Cole!"I screamed, running out of places to go.

   "Hannah!"Lenny yelled back, popping his head out of a room.

   He came out of the room he was in, Cole after him. I ran into Lenny's arms, not glancing back at all. His muscles tightened up as he looked up from me. The figure must've been there because I heard footsteps behind me, approaching loudly. My body began to tremble as I felt breath on my neck. Lenny's hold on me was like a death grip, not daring to let me go.

   ''Step away and we won't have any problems."I heard a guy say from behind me.

   Lenny loosened his grip a little bit, but not by much. A cold metal touched my right temple, I knew it was a gun. Lenny let go, not risking the shot. My shoulder was yanked back roughly, then shoved into a wall. I looked up at the guy, his eyes hard and cold.

   "If you follow, I will shoot."He threatened.

   He pulled a white clothe out of his pocket, holding it against my mouth and nose. I took a deep breath after holding it for as long as I could, then fell unconscious.

Song for chapter: Let it go by Idina Menzel

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