Start of Something New

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   "You're kidding!"I laughed hysterically.

   "Hannah, I said no. I don't care what you offer to me, you are not going."Dad demanded sternly.

   I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Cameron's eyes met mine and I knew what he was going to say. What about if you went with us? That would just put another person in danger, which isn't necessary.

   "Say you went with us, Derek?"Cameron compromised.

   "I don't want her going, Cameron. She's all ready in danger. I don't need her running around trying so save Carrie when that's the authorities job."Dad's  tone frightened me to the core.

    "So if Carrie is killed you're going to be OK with Hannah feeling guilty because you wouldn't let her go save her best friend?"Lenny spat, clearly frustrated with my father.

    "No, but"Dad started.

    "Then let her go."Lenny interrupted harshly.

    "Your pushing your limits, boy."Dad tensed up a bit.

    "Just let her go then!"Lenny exclaimed.

   "Fine! She can go! But I swear to God if she gets hurt I will never forgive you. Ever. Do you two Faulkner boys hear me?"

   "Yes."They answer in unison.

   "You guys can leave in two days, I want you back by December 17. Got it? I want to know where you're going tomorrow, Hannah. Kevin's staying back with me though."

   "Thank you."I whisper and embrace my father.

   "Just be good."

   "I will. Thank you so much."I reply into his shoulder.

   "Do you know where your going yet?"

   Before I could answer him, my phone began to play its ringtone again. I typed in password quickly, anxious to see where we were going.

    "So he caved in, huh? Well isn't that sweet of him? Anyway, Cameron, Lenny and you have it coming for you. Good luck, you'll need it.

    I'll meet you soon, I can't wait. This will be interesting. I hope you like rain because your going to Seattle. Cameron had a surprise for you there, he may not even know about it. Ah, I cannot wait to get the party started."

   I passed my phone around, everyone getting a good glance at the words. Dad returned my phone to me, worry flashing through his eyes. I felt guilty, but I absolutely had to this. Sometimes you have to risk it all for the ones you love, right?


    I was startled awake by the airplane ride getting rough. A wave of nausea came over me, and I felt Cameron grab my hand from next to me. I had window seat, then Cameron and Lenny on the aisle seat.

   "I'll be right back, I think I might be getting motion sickness."I stood up and made my way to the bathroom.

   The plane jerked again, and I felt the bile rising in my throat. I barely made it to the bathroom. When I was getting sick, I felt someone hold my hair back for me. I didn't know who it was, but I was grateful for them. After a few minutes of staring at my brunch, I flushed the toilet and wiped my mouth off with a piece of toilet paper.

   Cameron was crouched down behind me, still holding my hair back. I smiled at him then felt another wave of nausea. I coughed over the toilet again, noting left to bring up. The only thing left were my childhood memories.

   "Are you okay?" He asked handing me a piece of gum.

   I nodded in response.

   Giddy to remove the foul taste of vomit from my mouth, I chewed the minty gum until I was satisfied with the taste. The captain said we were about to land, but I didn't return to my seat like he suggested.

   "Ma'am, I highly suggest you return to your seat."The flight attendant popped her head in the doorway. I suddenly realized I didn't bother to close the door.

   "Do you want me to get sick all over you?"I snapped back.


   "Then I'm staying here."She glared at me then looked at Cameron.

   The way she ogled at Cameron was hilarious. He was still next to me, not paying any attention to the lady gawking at him. I rolled my eyes and Cameron took notice of the lady in her late twenties.

   "Sir, you should return to your seat, you aren't sick."She softened her tone with him.

   "I don't have to. It's just frowned upon in society. Go flirt with someone else, while your at it."I couldn't control laughter.

   The flight attendant huffed away, upset for being turned down. I burst out laughing while she sent me death daggers. Cameron was smiling at me, obviously trying to lighten my mood.

   The ride began to get bumpy again, and we became serious. Before I could comprehend what was happening, Cameron had his arms around me with me in his lap. I didn't object, but I wasn't exactly all for it at the moment. The plane hit the ground, causing me to wince.

   "Do you get motion sickness easily?" He moved me so I was facing him.

   "Not really. But I haven't been on a plane in 6 years, so that's probably why. Thanks."

   "Your welcome."

   "Is the love fest over yet? We have to get going."Lenny barged in, oblivious to the really pissed off attendant behind him.

   "OK."I got off of Cameron, catching a sudden shot of dizziness. I leaned against the wall of the bathroom, waiting for the dizziness to disappear.

   "Let's go."Cameron got my bag and his suitcase in one hand with the opposite arm slung around my shoulders.

    After getting out of the airport, Lenny ordered a taxi driver to some address I didn't catch. My two companions flanked me on either side of the cab, keeping me squished. I leaned head on Lenny's shoulder then soon fell back into slumber.

  Song for chapter: Wake me Up by Avicii

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