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Arianna's POV 

I quickly stomp out my fire. I wish I could go home. Back to 7 where I could run through the trees.


That's an early death. It's only about 4 or 5 in the morning.


2 deaths in a matter of seconds. I hope whoever it was I hope they died quickly and painlessly.

"Morning Tributes!" the cheerful voice of Claudius Templesmith booms through the arena. "16 of you are still alive, we have decided to have a feast, there you can get the supplies you will need, It is compulsory to attend, there will also be a special surprise, good luck, the feast will be at the cornucopia at midday"

I wish I couldn't go. But I have too. May the odds be in your favour, Ari. Yes, they may.

Sierra's POV -

The sun is almost at midday. Myself and River are on the edge of the clearing. I can see Ash perched in his tree. He is visible enough to be hit and therefore attending the feast. I turn back to River. I look at him then I hear something fly past my ear. I watch as blood pours out of River's chest.


The feast has begun. I sprint into the clearing. I run to the middle and grab the things I need. I don't have much time to think. I watch as Caspum throws a spear at me. It hits me square in the chest. I quickly throw my trident at him. He stops moving. I hit him. Then darkness encloses me.

Victor's POV-

I run for the sword.


That must have been 4. I ignore the fighting and continue to run. I the sword is almost within my grasp.


I don't even have time to tell who that was. Probably 12 or 10. I try to grasp it but a hand reaches it first.

"Nice try Victor," Viscera says.

Before I can reply an axe hits my back. I know that that boy from 10 trains in throwing axes. A career being taken down by a 13-year-old of all things. I pull out the axe and throw it in a direction. I don't care who it hits I just want it to hit.

"Well Played 10," I say to the pair. "Well Played"

Jewel's POV -


Victor is dead. Only the most vicious career is left. Ellie. I lost my bow in the madness. I didn't even manage to get anything.


I look behind me. Basil. He got hit. I cry in my arms. I watch as Felicity loads her bow and shoots at the tree. After her arrow hits what its meant to she falls to her knees and cried.


Herger comes over and runs with her to shelter. The battle has finished now. I saw how vicious 10 was. I hear steps behind me but I assume its a rabbit. I assumed wrong.


All I can see is darkness.

Bonnie's POV-

Nighttime comes sooner than expected. The anthem blares.

First is Victor from 2. I think my allies killed him. We split off at the feast but made a truce. Vivian and Viscera the younger ones from 10. Very shocking.

Next are Lana and Bolt. They must have been the cannons in the morning. Suicide I guess.

After them its Sierra and River from 4. River was the first to die at the feast. Ellie, I think because we are the only knife throwers left and I know that wasn't my knife. Sierra was speared by Caspum from 7. Quite gruesome to watch.

Then it's Caspum. He was skewered by Sierra in her last dying efforts. Smart move really.

Basil from 11 died today as well. He was hit by the axe that killed Victor. He threw it not knowing who it would hit. It was very close to me.

Lastly Jewel and Ash from 12. I saw Felicity shoot in the tree and started to cry. I think she hit Ash. Jewel I never saw but I didn't see Ellie head in her direction so I assume Vivian and Cera killed her. Must have snapped her neck or something.

8 people are left! I'm almost there. I more day I guess. 1 day for us to kill and have a big finale. I want to be the one to hit Ellie in the head. 


I was so scared that I wouldn't get an update out until tomorrow. But here it is.

There were a lot of changes in POV this chapter. Next week is the finale. Look forward to it.

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