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Bonnie's POV - 6 

The recap finishes and my makeup is all on the floor. The second it stops I run away before Ceaser can speak.

"Bonnie Wright, Victor of the 84th Hunger Games" He announces before chasing after me.

The crowd erupts into cheers. But I hear a few sounds above the noise. And I break down in tears. I run off to the person. The square. She wants me to meet her there.

By the time I get there, she is already there. "Hello Bonnie"

"Hi... Erika isn't it?" I question and she nods. "Your Felicity's sister isn't you" She nods. "It's all my fault she's dead, I am so so sooooo sorry" I cry but she comes and comforts me.

She holds out her necklace. "The flame stays ignited until one of us dies" I gasp. "Flick is alive! We need to find her, you need to go back and finish the interview and I will get intel,"

"Cera?" I question.

"Maybe, Flick 'Died' by walking off the edge and Viscera failed to get to the clearing and fell off," Erika says very excitedly.

I give her a hug. For a capitol citizen she is very nice but on the other hand, she is Felicity's older sister, so it makes sense. I run back and into Ceaser. "Sorry!" I say trying to sound believable. "After seeing all my friends die I broke, I can finish my interview now" He smiles and walks me back to the interview.

It goes all well until it's time to put on the Victor crown. President Snow gives me an unhappy looking smile with his teeth showing crimson blood.

Hayley's POV -

I can't tell Erika. Felicity maybe alive but that doesn't mean she's safe. But maybe I can tell Erika and then I can end my crappy life. My Grandad is horrific. "Callum, can you stay here with the girls and get them dressed, We start in 20 and leave after" He nods and gets to work.

"Where are we going?" Viscera asks.

"7, then we will go to 12," I tell them.

"7?" Felicity questions.

"Got to get some help don't we, most of the remaining victors are there," I said before walking off to my room.

I open the door and it looks the same way it always has. I close the door behind me and take out my 2 books. I open up the decoy and write my thoughts on the interview. Then I keep it open on the bed and open up my plans.

Save a tribute X

Inform of plans X

Get remaining Victors

Let the Victor know

Kill Good Old Rotten Grandaddy

I am close to finishing. A knock happens on the door. "Who's there?" I question while tucking the plans away so not even a mouse could find them.

"Erika," the person says and I let her in. "Flick is Alive," She says and I'm frozen in place.

"How. Howww did you know?" I struggle for words.

"My necklace, Flick has an identical one, what she doesn't know is that the flame goes out when the other dies, It's still ignited, Where is my sister?" She says and I tell her to be quiet.

We walk down the hall and reach the room. I open the door and Callum is doing the girls hair. Viscera don't know who it is until Felicity and Callum come and gawk at her.

Felicity cries in her arms. "I thought you were dead like dad"

Erika explains the necklace to her and Felicity holds hers to her neck. "I would never go out without a fight"

I smile. "We should go," I say. "Thanks, Callum, head to 7 and we will see you there, Don't forget to find Bonnie"

Myself, Viscera, Felicity and Erika all walk out together. Both the girls look different. Felicity has blue tips and her orange hair looks perfect with it. Viscera looks amazing and looks a lot like Bonnie but with the exception of the hair colour.

I tell the crew that is with the plan to air it live so the whole of Panem can watch. I go to the area where we will air. I wait for the signal that we are live.

I walk onstage and take a huge breath. "Hello Panem, My name is Hayley Crest Snow, granddaughter of our great President, founder of the Hunger Games, and that's what I would like to talk about" I take a deep breath and signal for Flick and Cera to come. "You may recognize these 2 people, or more should I say tributes, Felicity from 5 and Viscera from 10, 2 tributes from this year's Hunger Games," I direct the next part towards Grandad. "Grandad, You thought they were dead, this will start uprisings, and you know the cause, this is barbaric and you know it, innocent children slaughtered for your sickly entertainment, The Snow will melt!" I smile and turn off the recording.

"Erika gets on the train with these two ill be there soon, I'm expecting a call from my grandad" She nods and leaves.

A few minutes later someone knocks on my bedroom door. I know who it is already so I just walk over and open the door. It's not grandad. It's Peacekeepers. They cuff me and put the top of there gun on my head so if I try to escape they can shoot me. I reach the place where they air executions. I already know whats happening. Grandad pulls me aside and says a few words. "Snow will never melt"

Then he shows a sign and my world goes black. 



That was the last of my least favourite chapters. 7 onwards are my favourite. Shockingly one of the future chapters is longer than this and it's only in one person's POV (It involves Hayley)

And I want to say something. 

I've been writing this story for a month and a half and I can thank you all enough for taking the time to read, vote and comment on this story. It means a lot.

And lastly.

Renee, I told you I would get the update out on time!!

See ya - Kaiya

Chapter in the works - 13

Snow is Melting - Book 1 - A Hunger Games Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now