7 ~ (Finally)

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Harper's POV - 7 

We stay hidden in the forest of District 7. Katniss got us multiple things so we can keep updated. This is our final stage and attempts 10 years in the making. Katniss and Peeta began then, The quell did more, the victors from 3 to 12 managed to manipulate the games for the next years, and 3 years ago myself and Lynx had our duo victory, Plutarch risked his life for us and he ended up in the prison cells. We watch the screen and we gasp as we see whos on it. It's Hayley. We pause for a second to collect ourselves.

As we collect ourselves 2 people run through the forest. I'm about pick up my stuff and run but then I see who it is. It's Callum and Bonnie. They run over to us and Bonnie looks around for Clare. She we don't know if she's alive or not. She then gets a look at the screen. She does her normal scream which all of us are used to by now. Lynx manages to calm her down and we watch the screen.

All is fine until she brings out 2 people that are far too familiar and Bonnie loses it. Felicity and Viscera stand looking at us horrified. The recording finishes and then cuts to the execution room. Hayley enters the room. Snow is standing there waiting for his Granddaughter's arrival. When she reaches the middle he walks over to her and says some words that are barely audible. But I hear them. Then it's the gunfire and Hayley's limp body is on the ground. We all look down and silently sob. She was a great leader and even more of a great friend. While I look down I think to myself.

"Oh but Snow, your very wrong, Snow will always melt" I repeat this out loud and everyone nods.

We just used the last thing Hayley heard against him.

After a few minutes, 3 people run into the clearing but we can tell someone is injured. It's Viscera. Felicity and Erika lay her down and Lynx rushes forward and tries to fix her up. All the rest of us can't do much so we watch.

Aysha's POV -

After about 30 minutes Viscera can stand. But we all are torn after Hayley's death. I stand next to Amy and Lara. I grip Amy's hand tight. Hours pass of our training with our desired and weak weapons. I admit I am getting much better with my throwing knives. When its time to go to sleep I walk off with Amy.

When my head hits the pillow I get into one of my regular nightmares, but this time it's different.

I stand on the pedestal at 14 looking at the pack directly in front of me. The gong sounds and I run forwards and scoop up the pack and as much stuff as I can on the way out. I manage to find shelter and begin to work on my plan. I write a note and address it to Plutarch and he gets it. I cut out my tracker and put it on top of a dead animal. That night my face appears in the sky and I am safe for now. It gets to the final 2 and I manage to come across the guy from 2 killing his district partner and assume he has won the games. Yet no announcement happens. He shouts a few times and stomps. I aim my knife and throw. It hits him in the back. He drops his weapons and I walk over.

"I was never dead idiot," I say kicking his dying body.

The cannon sounds and the announcement happens. Then I shift to Harper and Lynx's Games. Plutarch lets them both win but because of Hayley's plea's he goes to a cell. Who knows if he's dead or not.

That ends pretty quickly. It skips the one where the winner, from 2 Victoria who also happens to be Victor from this year games older sister, is crowned then it moves onto Amy's.

She was 17 and I was the same age. My tributes died on day 2 and 4, so I put all of the extra sponsor money towards her getting the one weapon she needed. She didn't have any sponsors until I got her the trident. Once they saw her kill the girl from 1 with it she got even more sponsors. When she came home victor she walked up to me and hugged me. She said she wouldn't be here without me. We have been close ever since.

It almost finishes. I watch as Lana and Bolt commit suicide and I shed a tear. I know it was for the right reasons. I see Amy's face when River and Sierra were killed. Renee's face was priceless when Vivian killed Victor. Lynx was in shock when Ash was killed by Felicity but what the angle didn't get was that Ellie's knife fatally injured him and she was putting him out of his misery. I was surprised when Lynx happily helped Viscera even after she killed Jewel. All of the others die and Bonnie is crowned Victor.

I open my eyes. It's morning. Amy is awake and getting ready. Myself, Amy and Lara have a press conference today. Since Harper and Lynx are very much hunted by the capitol they stay out in the forests of 7 in hiding while the rest of us have our regular capitol press.

After about an hour of getting ready we go on the train that heads to the capitol. The inside is much nicer than the victor's village. We sit and talk for a while when we arrive.

The stepping off the train takes no longer than an hour then its interview time.

Lara's POV -

"Hello! Everyone!" Ceaser exclaims. "Today we have 3 of our past Victors! Lara from the 79th, Aysha from the 80th and finally Amy from last year's Hunger Games!"

The crowd roars with cheers. I, on the other hand, stays completely silent.

"Ok first question, what do you think of little Bonnie?" Caesar asks. "She's quite loud," I say and the crowd laughs. "She's very sweet," Amy says and Aysha nods.

"Next when that broadcast aired revealing that Felicity and Viscera were alive, what was going through your mind?" He asks and Aysha was first to reply. "Viscera and Felicity can't go home, you destroyed Felicity's and her family are all dead, and you want them dead anyway-"

Caesar cuts her off. "What about lovely Hayley's execution?" All of us are silent, Amy clearly doesn't want to get killed but she spoke anyway. "She was a good person and didn't deserve an end like that-" She was about to go on but I cut her off. " She died, proving something, the president was wrong" The crowd gasps. "You all need humanity, they only were starving and you started a barbaric game that kills children, people starve every day and you don't care! SNOW WILL ALWAYS MELT!!!"

"Shut Up! You stupid girl!" Caesar yells but I continue on.

The guards come and take me offstage. Avox or death? Avox or death? Those will be the 2 options I will get. Well, I won't get. Snow will choose. The doors open and Snow looks at me with his beady eyes.

"Lara, District 7, Victor of the 79th annual Hunger Games, rebel and traitor of Panem," one of Snow's assistants says.

"Avox or death? Lara" Snow spits. "I don't care, I'll end up dead anyway," I say back. "Aysha and Amy are to stay here and you shall be there Avox, let this be a reminder not to make fun of the capitol and my grandaughters words," He says pacing up and down the room.

"You killed her!" I said choking back on the words. "You killed your last descendant Why?"

"She was foolish and blind, she had no right to sit among the people of Panem," He says. "Now you will tell me where your little friends are"

"Why? They didn't know they were coming out alive, Felicity wasn't even meant to live, you killed Hayley you got what you wanted" I say back but a sharp pain sears through my body.

My tongue lays on the floor. I'm an Avox. The guards lead me to the room I stayed at during my Hunger Games. Amy and Aysha are sitting on the couch watching recaps of the games. I walk over and sit next to them.

"L.Lara.." Amy shudders, she must be watching her games.

I nod and point to my tongue and they gasp.

"Your right, Snow will always melt," Aysha says.



I may have blanked the past 2 days even though my friends talked about it with me like 4 days ago! 

Next weeks upload will be on late Monday or Tuesday. Just warning you. I am going to be very tired and forget to upload.


Snow is Melting - Book 1 - A Hunger Games Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now