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Harper's POV - 12

Is this the point of life. To live than to die at the hands of the enemy. Lynx is keeping strong. She always looks at me with pleading eyes. Amy is gone. She was lost many days ago. Aysha is fine. The venom doesn't seem to affect her. Myself. It hurts. If keeping my sanity though.

Viscera turned herself in with all of the district 10 refugees. When she was walking past she said a few simple words to me.

"Callum. 13. Be Ready"

I could easily tell what she was saying. Callum, possibly Felicity are going to 13. Also that something else was coming. Something big. Something bad.

I fall backwards. 19th of May. 3 days since district 10 was nothing. 1 day since - according to Amy - district 4 was nothing. Who knows whos next? Maybe 11 or 1, maybe even 7.

My head hits the floor. It's rock solid. I bounce back up. I see someone walking towards and then a club. I fall back again but I cant get up. I'm unconscious.

The meadows are silent, peaceful even. District 11 was nicer then. I was friends with Rue and Willow. We worked together with me and Willow. Until I was reaped and met Lynx. The games were scary enough but being in with a person I had become close to was awful.

I did my magic with a whip and got a reasonable 8. I was happy. Lynx must have stunned everyone with her knife work and got an 11. The highest score. I think she got asked by the careers multiple times but turned them down. That made us a target. A force to be reckoned with.

In my interview, I did nothing special. I talked about how I would if I were able to talk to my mum again. I can remember it clearly.

"Hello, Harper!" Caesar says. He was like myself and Lynx's second father. I don't know how Lynx must have felt losing him.

"Hi, Ceaser!" I say smiling. I couldn't cry. I had to stay strong. Then he asked the question.

"Who are you fighting for?" He asked. There were too many.

"My mum" I replied instantly. "And my friends.... And Lynx's family"

The buzzer sounds and I run offstage and away from everyone. I can hear the faint sound of Lynx's interview.

I find myself on the roof. There are 10 steps from me and death. I could have walked off and been free from pain. If only Lynx didn't run upstairs.

"Harper!" Lynx yells. I try to block her out. I take a step forward. 9 steps. "HARPER!!" Lynx yells again. By now tears are falling down my eyes. I take another 2 steps forward. 7 steps. "HARPER!!!!" Lynx yells. I can hear footsteps heading up the stairs. I can't even speak. I hear Lynx shut the door and tell them to leave me alone. 6 steps. I can hear Lynx charging at me. I don't realize I am only one step away. I close my eyes and step forward.

I fall forward but not for very long. I think I was dead but Lynx caught me and pulled me back away from the edge. I passed out before that point.

The next time I awoke I was in the hovercraft heading to the arena. Lynx was nowhere to be seen.

"What happened last night? On the roof? It caused quite the ruckus" A girl about 12 asked. I think her name was Secera. She was quite funny.

"I jumped but didn't hit the ground," I say plainly, She nods.

"Good Luck Harper," Secera says.

"Good luck to you too," I tell her.

I find myself in the tube. I'm on the surface. The horizon in the distance. Lynx is next to me and Secera on the other side. I point at Secera to Lynx. She nods.

The gong sounds and I run next to Secera yanking her away grabbing 2 bags in the process. Her safety was my priority. She was in so much shock to speak. She only yelled one name the whole time. Must have been the boy from her district.

When we found shelter and got a fire going Secera finally spoke up.

"Why did you yank me away?" She asks.

"Because we want you to get home," I say sharping a stick that I could use as a spear.

"Thanks" She mutters smiling. "I'm sure my mother will be thrilled..." She bit her lip.

We stayed in the same alliance of 3 the whole games. Or until Day 14.

There were only us 3 and 2 careers. They didn't know that we had Secera with us. During the time I managed to get a whip. Lynx had her knives and Secera had her bow. She was very talented for a 12-year-old. We all walked off to end the games. We couldn't last much longer. 2 weeks we have been in here. 2 weeks of hell.

"'Ello 'Arper and Lynx," A masculine voice says behind us. "Oh! And little wee Secera!"

We all turned around and poised our weapons. He had a sword. We were screwed. His district partner - I think her name was Sky - appeared beside him with an axe. I saw her in training. She isn't very good.

I make the first move lashing my whip at Sky's axe. I grab onto it and yanks it from her grasp. I pick it up instantly. I'm better than her at using them. Secera looks at me worried. She already killed someone in the earlier parts. Lynx makes the throw. She hits Sky square in the forehead. She drops to the ground. Dead.

The boy manages to pick up the knife lodged inside her. He licks the blade clean. In a flash, 2 weapons are released. I look at his twitching body to see an arrow in his stomach. I look behind me at Secera. A knife is stuck in her shoulder. I throw the axe at him and the cannon sounds.

Sekera's face was dripping with blood. She looked at me and smiled. She whispered something but neither Lynx nor I could hear. My face was full of tears as her cannon sounded. I didn't even cling onto her just to feel her warmth before it was all gone. Maybe she wasn't dead.

I and Lynx stared at each other wide-eyed. The hovercrafts had taken the others leaving a massive clearing and myself and Lynx. She sobbed. Her knife pointed at her heart. I pushed it away and hugged her.

"Hayley!" I yell moving away from Lynx. "I know you are watching this... So are you Ceaser, and Willow, and Mr and Mrs Colten, and from above so is my mum, Rue and Thresh... Plutarch, you are better than him and Hayley you are nicer... Ceaser, you are kinder and everyone else is stronger, whats the point of living when all my friends will die in the process!"

Lynx moves up next to me and then it happens. The capitol cheers, not boo's. They laugh not shout.

"Under popular demand, I declare the Victors of the 81st annual Hunger Games ... Harper Evans and Lynx Colten!!!" Plutarch says and the hovercraft comes.

In it is a smiling Hayley Snow. Losing her left a dent in my body. Losing Ceaser left a bigger dent. Their deaths reminded me of the last thing I said in the arena. 'What's the point in living when all your friends die in the process'. I felt hopeless. I felt torn. I lost too many people. Too many I cared about. I have to stay strong and alive for Lynx. She's the only one keeping me going.

And I'm not giving up yet.

Here it is! The 1 person's POV!

Enjoy and yep I forgot yesterday

Bye, Kaiya


Snow is Melting - Book 1 - A Hunger Games Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now