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Renee's POV - 8

Snow was a fool not to kill Lara. I assume he wants me to do it. District 2 isn't looking good for the Hunger Games records. I hope Snow gives me the pleasure of killing Bonnie. She killed Ellie so I will kill her. Victoria walks inside and stands next to me. It's our press conference.

"Hello everyone! Next up we have Victoria and Renee from 2," I smile at the sound of my name being called. "Victor's of the 82nd and 77th, and Star victor of the 73rd from District 1" We all walk onstage and take a seat.

"Ok now first up, What did you all think of our little darling Hayley's execution?" I'm first to reply "I should have done it, my skills would make her have a wonderful time in hell, she deserved a long painful death for her mockery of our president" Victoria goes next. "She deserved it, but when we find that Harper girl and her little friend Lynx, oh they will get it"

Star stays silent. Politics clearly aren't his thing. "Next question is for Star," He perks up. "How do you like your new arm?" I remember the incident very clearly.

Star volunteered for his younger brother even though he was going to go in anyways. He fought well and got a 9 in training. He decided to not team up with the careers but to team up with Felicity's oldest sister, Bryn. They ended up falling in love and killed almost all of the careers. It got to the final 3. Himself, Bryn and His district partner Saphire. Saphire managed to come across the pair and attacked. She sliced his arm off but he managed to pierce her heart. Her final words destroyed the hearts of everyone. "We were meant to have our happily ever after" When her cannon went off Bryn rushed over to comfort him. When they realised they were the final 2 they fell to the ground. They loved each other too much. When I saw this I thought that the victor should have been Saphire. The game makers sent in mutts and they mauled Bryn. It was very horrific.

"Good, If only Bryn could see it," He says sadder than he should have. "I miss her a lot"

Everyone sympathizes. I just roll my eyes.

"Now, Vicky how did you feel when your tribute or more should I say brother Victor died?" Caesar asks. Victoria has an instant reply. "Who said that it was in his blood or name, He was greedy and arrogant, he congratulated those young ones from 10 after killing him, I would have fought harder if I was in those games, why would he not look around anyways, He was a fool!"

"Final question is for Renee!" I smile. "What was your opinion on Ellie, your tribute?" I instantly reply. "She was a very good tribute, she scored a 10 in training along with Bayley, Felicity and Bonnie, at least she was taken down by the victor,"

"Who did she happen to kill again?" Ceaser asks and again my reply is fast. "She killed Cara and Albert on Day 1, she got all of the kills on Day 2 being Lillith, Fredrick and Willow, Sadly at the feast most of the kills were revenge kills and she only got River, but she fataly injured Ash but unfortunitly Felicity put him out of his misery, on the final day she killed Arianna that weakling from 7, Bayley who was in the middle of comforting Herger, She killed Herger soon after, she forgot that Bonnie was alive and before Felicity's arrow hit her she died, Bonnie was a good fighter but staying hidden helped her greatly, I still want revenge for killing her"

"Ok, that's all we have time tune in next week for our interview with Callum and Bonnie!!!! Straight after the Victory tour!!!" Caesar says and the interview ends.

The execution room goes on screen. This time its Viscera's mother. She screams and then falls to the ground. Another one bites the dust.

Viscera's POV -

Bonnie rushes over to comfort me. My mother's eyes dilated upwards. Snow moves into the frame.

"To avoid any more casualties turn yourselves in, here is a list of those that we would like, Harper Evans, Lynx Colten," They nod, we all expected them to be listed. "Katniss and Peeta Mellark" They married early last year. "Felicity Tyns and Bryn Tyns" Flick gasps. "I have Amy, Aysha and Lara in custody, I will not hesitate to kill!" He kicks my mother's limp body away.

The recording finishes. Flick is in a state. Bryn died in the 73rd games. We all saw it. Well except for me and Bonnie. But from the stories, we heard it sounded traumatic.

"St..St...Arr...Sta..rrr" Felicity shakes.

Star is probably in a state as well. He cared for her and he gave Felicity 1 years of his winnings for his life. Or did.

"Why am I not listed?" I ask. The others shrug. "Maybe because I wasn't choosing to die it just happened" Harper nods.

The games come up often in conversations. I and Bonnie prefer to not talk. Vivian's name hurts us too much. He risked his life for us.

We all are silent for a few hours then Harper finally speaks. "So Bonnie Victory tour with Callum"

"Actually we should get going we need to get picked up," Bonnie says dragging off Callum.

"Whatever happens to us don't turn yourself in... Please" Callum explains.

They leave and we are alone again. I finally decide to speak. "Let's get to know each other"

"Sure," Lynx says. "My name is Lynx Colten, I am 20, from district 12, I won the 81st games with Harper, My family was killed soon after"

Harper goes next "Harper Evans, 20, District 11, 81st"

"Felicity Tyns, 18, District 5, My family is dead, I doubt that Bryn is alive, Bayley and Herger were very close friends to me," Flick explains.

"Viscera Dol, 12, 13 tomorrow, District 10, my mother just died my younger twin brother and sister Delia and Julian watched, if there is a Hunger Games next year, I am sure Snow will purposely put them in" I choked out my twin siblings names.

"They will be fine," Harper says reassuringly. I smile.

"But what about the others, what if they never get out of the capitol" I begin to break down like Bonnie.

"They will be fine..." Harper says but there is obvious doubt in her voice.

"We need to go and save them!" Felicity finally speaks up. "Snow killed all of our family, let's just do it!"

"Callum said not to..." I tell her.

"Well maybe he could bend the rules," Harper says and Lynx nods. "Myself and Lynx will turn ourselves in, we are older and can take more than Amy and Aysha, you saw Lara's interview, she is as good as dead, or an avox, Viscera you can seep past, you aren't wanted as the rest of us are, you can inform Callum" I nod and runoff.

"To the Victory tour," I tell the driver.


I was very lazy when writing this chapter. You can tell.

Renee, Amy, Aysha and Lara are my friends. 

Renee's account is dedicated above.


Chapter in the works - 13

Snow is Melting - Book 1 - A Hunger Games Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now