A Voice in The Sea

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Hey Guys! This chapter is super short, but it's more like an introduction. 

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters I use in this story (except for the Seer)

   My eyes shot open and I found myself standing on the ocean. "Hello Lucy Heartfilia." A voice called out. I could walk on the water like it was the ground although it was like the ground was constantly moving. "Where am I?" I cried out. "You should be happy I saved you Lucy." The voice sounded offended. "After all, without me you would've been dead." A blinding light flashed before my eyes. 

   That's right! A man had approached me with a job, and I was so desperate for money I took it. The rest was a blur, but I remember casting a certain spell that drained my life force, I didn't know it would be by that much. "Let's see Miss Heartfilia, you need to pay me back for all I've done for you." The voice sounded like it was figuring something out. "I know, there are so many problems I don't have time to fix, so you can fix them for me." The voice decided.

   "Huh? What do you mean?" I yelled running across the waves trying to find the source of the voice. "It means you will be going to different worlds to fix some of their problems. You see I am the Seer, I control all the worlds, I clean up all the messes, I bring justice to the big problems that grace the worlds, but of course I am one person. So, you have to fix some problems for me!" The voice cheerfully exclaimed. I climbed each wave, I had never felt so alone in my whole life. I had no clue where I was and there was nobody there except the Seer.

   "Of course, I should explain how these worlds work. Each world is intertwined, most of the time if you're in a different world you only can interact or see people in that world, but in some cases you can see other people. These places are called meeting points. Each world can find a meeting point that's shared with another world. The sizes of these meeting points can differ. The only way you can move from world to world is to be touching a person from the other world while you're exiting the meeting point. It's quite complicated actually." 

   I listened to the Seer. They were making no sense! "Of course the exception to this rule is the Divine Meet. That's a large stretch of land that every single world can meet. Nobody's been able to find it though." The voice laughed. I felt ready to burst into tears. All I wanted was to go home. "Well, I've explained enough. Off you go!" Off of that command the ocean waves flattened and then my body felt like it was dissolving into millions of tiny particles that scattered through the winds. Then, everything went black. 

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