First Session

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Okay so I know my updating is very slow, but I was recently really sick and had lots of exams so I got really stressed out. I hope you all understand and continue reading! To make it up to all of you (if you want), I'll create a bonus chapter where you all decide what happens in it, it can have some relation to the story or not, it could be serious or absolutely absurd, and if you guys don't want it, that's also fine. Up to you! ^^ 

Lucy's P.O.V

    I nervously walked into the library for my first tutoring session. I look at all the people studying and as I walk by them they shoot me dirty and judgmental looks. I spot a familiar head of red hair and quickly head over.

    "You're late." Karma runs his hand through his hair and gives me a cold stare. 

    "I'm sorry, I got kind of lost and-" 

   "Sit down. I don't have time for your excuses." He opens the book and leans back in his chair. I gulp and do what he says. "Try this problem," he yawns and closes his eyes, "let me know when you're done." 

    "Geez, what a good tutor." I mumble to myself. 

    "What did you say? I could leave right now if you want." Karma opens one eye and scowls. 

    "Nothing. Have a nice nap!" I say as I stare at the problem. 

X is a normally distributed random variable with mean 47 and standard deviation 15.What is the probability that X is between 2 and 92?

How the frick am I supposed to know? I learned math, but I come from another dimension, so this makes absolutely no sense. I begin tapping my foot anxiously on the floor.

   "Breathe." Karma sits up and leans over my shoulder. He picks up a pencil and begins to write. He guides me through the problem and leans back in his seat. "0.997, piece of cake." 

   My eyes widen in amazement. "Wow, that was actually amazing Karma. Thank you!" The rest of the session goes like this and it actually turned out way better than I thought it would. 

    "Alright, our time is up. I guess I'll see you tomorrow Luce, or not, depending on whether or not I feel like showing up." Karma turns around.

   Luce? He's already opening up. "Bye Akabane!" I wave at him, I watch him turn around to see me, only for him to quickly turn back around. I laugh.

Karma's P.O.V

   "Bye Akabane!" I turn around to see Lucy on her tippy toes, waving at me. She's actually really cute. WHAT AM I THINKING? Nope. No way. Go away Lucy. I quickly turn around as I feel my face heating up. I don't get it, what's so special about you?

Lucy's P.O.V

    I giggle and begin to head out into the city when I bump into a tall guy. He was muscular and had a long antler tattoo running up his arm. 

    "Hey sweetheart. What are you doing here alone?" He smirks at me and looks me up and down. In response I look him up and down, and show a look of disapproval. "Hey what's that supposed to mean?!" He raises his voice.

    "It means that you're disgusting and aren't even worth my time." I reply back, walking past him.

   "Nobody talks to me that way." He grabs my ponytail and swings me back around to face him. 

   "Ow! Let go of me!" I yell. Saira, I may or may not need you to come out. But you can't do it yet, I can't deal with the consequences of you coming out in public. "I'm not kidding. If  you don't let go of me right now, you'll regret it!" I threaten him.

   "Oh no, I'm so scared. Learn your place." He grabs my shoulder and wraps his arm around it. 

   "I'mma count to three. If you don't let go of her right now, you're dead." A familiar voice says.

   "I don't know who the hell this other guy is, but I can agree with him." Another familiar voice responds.

Is that..?

Hey guys thank you for putting up with my unsteady updating, and actually, I'm looking for someone to help me write, so the updating can be a little faster. Let me know if you're interested! 

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