Never Again

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 Hey guys. Okay please don't kill me, but I'm finally back and I'll keep updating if you guys want, but if you all gave up on my story I don't blame you. Alright if you're reading this, here you go (I know it's a short chapter, but bear with me)

Kiela's Point of View

   I sit on the sandy banks of the river and fiddle with a stone before throwing it into the rushing water. The stars illuminated the river, and it gave off a soft glow. I can't stop thinking about Lucy and I bite my tongue as I feel pools of salty water start to form in my eyes. I immediately think of them. The Seer. The one who took away everything that was important to me and left me with nothing. The one who made me the way I was. Never again. I will save Lucy if it costs me my life.

Seer's Point of View

    I try to ignore the thoughts rushing to my head of the purple haired girl. I know what I did was wrong, but my duty doesn't allow me to feel sympathy. I never wanted this, I feel so separated from everything. I can't dream, I decide. I make. Maybe that's why I choose Lucy. Because it reminded me of her. They are both carefree with good hearts. The incident was my fault, and I know it. Choosing Lucy was a very selfish decision and I know that, but I couldn't help it. Although, I won't lose her. Never again.

Thank you for reading! This is the introduction to the Seer's story and Kiela and the Seer's story? Does this change your mind on either of their characters? Thank you (sorry for my absence)

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