The White Rukh

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    I felt a finger poke my face and I heard a voice faintly. "Do you think she's alive?" It asked. Another voice responded. "She's got to be. Look at all the white rukh. Their making like a protective sphere around her, like they have a need to protect her." Rukh? What was this guy talking about. Then, I heard a girl speak. "Maybe she's a magi, like you Aladdin." What the heck was a Magi? "No way, the rukh never protect me like this. I have no clue what would cause them to behave in such away." The boy responded. 

   "We're almost at Sindria, I bet Sinbad will know what to do!" The other boy exclaimed. I opened my eyes to find glowing white butterfly looking things flying around me. A boy with long blue hair tied in a braid, an older boy with blonde hair with a red rope tied around his neck, and a girl with medium length pink hair with some of it tied in a side ponytail were hovered over me. "Who the heck are you guys?" I instantly scooted back away from the strange people. 

   "I'm Aladdin, that boy is Alibaba, and the girl with the pink hair is Morgiana, but she goes by Morg!" The boy with the blue hair gave me an insanely big smile. Where was I? That's right, the Seer and their task. What kind of problem was I supposed to fix here? "Who are you?" Aladdin asked. "My name's Lucy, and I can't seem to remember anything else." I responded, slightly lying. I mean I don't know anything about this world and I can't say that I'm from a different world and a strange person called the Seer brought me here.

   "Maybe Sinbad can help her." Alibaba looked at Aladdin. "I don't know, amnesia isn't something you can really recover. If I can't do it Mister Sinbad can't either." Aladdin scratched the back of his head. The girl Morgiana gave me a look as though I was suspicious. I gave her a small wave and she turned away. Note to self, don't cross that girl. 

   "Alibaba, I don't trust her." I heard pink hair whisper. "Saying she has amnesia is a little bit sketchy." She tugged at her hair. Why didn't that girl trust me? I pretended not to hear her. "Morg, we found her unconscious in the water, I highly doubt she's a spy." Alibaba replied. Wow Seer, thanks a lot. It's sure nice to leave a girl drowning in the sea. I watched Morg nod, but she still looked unsure. 

   "Hey Aladdin are you ready to use your magic to get us past Yam's barrier?" Alibaba picked up Aladdin's staff and tossed it to him. Aladdin picked it up and walked outside onto the deck of the ship. "Har-Har Infigar!" He yelled. Fire blasted from his wand hitting an invisible wall. Eventually, the fire went through the wall and Aladdin put his wand down. "Hurry through before the barrier closes off again!" He called to the ship's captain. I saw the captain steer straight towards the hole that Aladdin created. His magic reminded me of Natsu's. 

   Wait a second. Magic! I reached to see if I had my keys and felt relieved when I found them attached to my tight skirt. Alibaba and Morgiana rolled their eyes as they began to dock. There were nine people waiting for them, one of them looked especially annoyed. She had blue hair and a tall witch's hat. "Aladdin how many times do I have to tell you to take the barrier down instead of burning a hole in it!" She growled. I watched as Aladdin moved away from the lady. Another guy with long purple hair and lots of jewelry approach me. "Who is this lovely lady?" He took my hand and kissed it. 

   I pulled my hand back and looked at him in disgust. He was just like Loke. "Her name's Lucy and we found her unconscious, drowning in the sea. She can't seem to remember anything other than her name." Morgiana said the last statement like it wasn't true. Meanwhile, the blue haired lady was still staring Aladdin down. "Well she's our guest now. We shall help her regain her memory. In the meantime she can be a guest of Sindria." Sinbad nodded. "Are you sure about that Sin?" A boy with white hair and freckles around his nose asked him. I saw Sinbad give the boy a look and the boy bowed. "I understand." He responded.

   "I'm Ja'far." The boy with the white hair stated. "And this is Yam!" Aladdin scooted away from the angry woman to try to distract her. Yam gave me a smile before returning to staring down Aladdin. "Masrur take Aladdin and his friends to their quarters." Sinbad told a pink haired man with a serious look on his face. Masrur gave a grunt in response and turned to us. "Please follow me." He turned around and led us up the stairs into the city. The city was a happy one, bustling with crowds of people. There were markets and children running around, playing games. We reached the end of the town and Masrur approached guards who were stationed around a gate. 

   Masrur approached them and they nodded, opening the gate. He continued walking and we followed him. We entered a courtyard which had grass surrounding a large fountain that spouted barrels of water. The grass was filled with small flowers which filled the air with a sweet scent. This place was beautiful. We walked past buildings with amazing architecture. Pearly white pillars and golden walkways. "We are here." Masrur opened a door that led to a room that was as big as my house. 

   There were five bedrooms, each of them furnished with king sized beds, soft carpet, couches, potted plants, paintings, and an attached bathroom. The main room was huge. It had a kitchen in a corner that was stocked full of food, a large room with plush couches surrounding a fireplace, and glass doors that led to our own personal backyard. There was a miniature fountain and benches in a small, but beautiful garden. There was also a very large patch of land covered in gravel. I assumed that was where you could practice magic. I watched Morgiana, Alibaba, and Aladdin each enter a room with their luggage, which left me with two rooms to choose from.

   I entered the one next to Morgiana's and decided on it. It looked like the sea. It had silky blue blankets and circular white pillows. The carpet was a soft yellow and a white couch was next to the bed. A painting of a sea creature hung above the bed making the pale blue walls pop. A strange potted plant twisted upwards like seaweed and smelled like the flowers in the garden. The bathroom was lined with white and clear blue tiles and had the same pale blue walls. 

   This was a perfect time to talk to my spirits and I pulled out my keys. "Open Gate of the Lion, Leo!" I yelled. Nothing happened. "Open Gate of the Lion, Leo!" Again nothing. I pulled out a different key. "Open Gate of the Golden Bull, Taurus!" Still nothing. I guess my keys didn't work here. I guess they used different types of magic here. If I had any chance of solving the problem, I needed to learn their magic.

 Thanks for reading!

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