Mission: Unaccomplished

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Thanks for your help with writing this chapter! Also to everyone else, I'm sorry again about my lack of updates, but I hope you enjoy! ^^

Natsu P.O.V

   I ran off to find the others, still dumbfounded by Lucy's answer.

    "There you are!!" Erza shouted, a dark aura surrounding her. "I thought I told you not to get lost!!" 

    I disregarded Erza's scary look. She tapped her boot against the floor impatiently.

    "So, um-I found Lucy."

   "WHAT?!" The whole group yelled in my face and Alibaba began panicking. 

   "WHAT!? Where? Is she ok?!" Alibaba was shouting things concerning Lucy. "OMG, was someone with her? Did they kidnap her? Is she hurt? Is she--" 

   "Alibaba breathe" The tiny blue-headed guy put his hand on his back and Alibaba took a deep breath. 

 "Yeah she's fine, she... looks a bit different and she said she didn't... want to come back... yet." I respond, still a bit dazed.

   Everyone looked at me with their mouths wide open, I could've sworn I saw a fly go into Gray's mouth. I was proved correct when he started coughing up a storm. 

 "W-wait, she said that?" Alibaba looked down, while Erza had a thinking face on. 

 "Was she with anyone?" Erza finally looked at me. 

 "This red head and a creepy guy that I scared off. She ran in the direction of the other dude though." 

 After awhile of silence, Gray spoke up. "If she stays here, then shouldn't we at least try keep an eye on her?" 

 "She's at that school at the top of the mountain isn't she?" Wendy added in. "Hey! What if we transfer there? We could definitely help and watch out for her there! Aladdin started getting excited, jumping up and down around Alibaba. 

 "You're right! But we can't all go, it'll be suspicious if there are so many transfers and Lucy might not want all of us to interfere with whatever she's doing." Alibaba stated nervously. 

 "Then that settles it, only four people will go, since Wendy and Aladdin are looking around their age, they will go. Anyone else volunteer?" Just as Erza said that, Alibaba and Natsu's hands flew in the air with no hesitation.

"Alright then, you to better not cause any trouble though." Gray glared specifically at Nastu, earning an eye roll. "I'll use my magic to turn them smaller, making them look younger!!" Aladdin stated. And so as all four were now ready and all looking young, they set off to the school.

Lucy's P.O.V

   That was definitely Wendy and Aladdin, but the other two looked a bit off. My brain struggles as I try to put together the puzzle pieces. Just then, my mouth drops. "Natsu? Alibaba?" I was soon proved correct as Natsu bumps into Alibaba and Alibaba hits him back. They're going to ruin my plans. 

   "The new kids are a little bit.." Kaede turns to me and I nod. 

   "Yeah, weird." I avoid eye contact with Natsu and turn to look at Karma and Nagisa. "Do all of you want to get something to eat after class?"

   "Sure." Kaede and Nagisa say.

  "Only if we get to make one stop along the way." Karma flashes his demon smile. 

   "How about we drop you off." Kaede raises her eyebrows.

   "Aw but that's no fun." Karma pouts.

   "Hey it's nice to meet you!" A voice says behind me. I turn around to see the weird form of Natsu staring at me. 

  "And you too." I nod at him, trying not to give anything away. "I'mma head to the restroom before we go." I whisper to Kaede before getting up from my seat. I brushed past Natsu and could see the hurt in his eyes. He didn't understand that I wanted to go with him more than anything. But, I couldn't just leave these people here. I have a duty I need to fulfill.

   "Lucy, we're leaving now." I heard Yukiko call.

   "Okay, coming!" I took a deep breath and began to leave when I felt someone grab my shoulder. They grab my hand and quickly pull me back into the storage room. 

   "Hey, what's the big idea-" I begin, but am soon interrupted by arms wrapping around me. 

   "Thank goodness." The voice says. I recognize Alibaba's voice. He grabs my shoulders and pulls me back to look at my face. "You really are okay."

   "Now's not the time Alibaba." I say, trying to walk away, but he grabs my hand again.

   "Why won't you leave with us Lucy? If you don't come now, the Seer, or whatever is going to take you away again."

   "I just can't."

   "What do you mean you can't?!"

   "Let me go Alibaba."


   "How about yes?" A new voice says, opening the door. Karma stands in the doorway with a frown settled on his face. 

   "Who are you?" Alibaba begins.

   "Well now, you don't even recognize your own classmate?" Karma grabs the hand Alibaba was holding onto. "I would suggest you let her go now."

   "Wait, guys, I don't want troubl-" 

   "Not now Lucy." Alibaba begins.

   "At least we can agree on something." Karma says. "And if you excuse us, we have plans." Karma yanks my arm and starts to walk away.

   "That's funny because so do we." Alibaba grabs my other arm.

   "You don't even know her, you creepy transfer." Karma retorts.

   "Guys this isn't tug-of-war." I wince. 

   "You're right, so you should let go cherry head" Alibaba raises an eyebrow.

   "You first lemon hair. And Lucy already had plans with us."

   "Actually, Karma's right." I twist my arm to release Alibaba's grip on me. "We should get going, the others are waiting for us." I head off with Karma without another thought. 

Lol this is long overdue, but I'm pretty sure anyone who is still reading is used to my very annoying update schedule. So if you're still here, I really appreciate and am glad you like the story!

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