Chapter 8: Welcome to the Company

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Madelynn occupied herself in the kitchen. Washing dishes and throwing out left over carnage of the fest of that night. She swirled a dishrag around the plates surface before placing it on the stack of the other plates. Bilbo would come into the kitchen getting hot water for tea, dropping off dishes, or placing furniture back in its rightful spot. Bilbo looked to her as he placed his pipe in his mouth, stuffing it with pipe weed. "You don't have to do the dishes you know. I can clean my own house." He uttered. His speech being sloppy from clenching his jaw to his pipe. She turned to him, her hair up in a messy curly ponytail, and sleeves rolled up to her elbows. "It's only right Mr. Baggins. My kin did come to your home quite unexpectedly. I also don't mind the work, especially if it's for a friend." She hummed while she placed another piece of fine china into the cabinet above her head. Bilbo lit his pipe, waving the match out. Blowing a puff of smoke, he left the room with a thank you and a tray of tea for the dwarves in the next room.

After all was said and done in the dinning room (and after Mr. Baggins had peeled himself off the floor from reading the burglar contract.) Everything calmed, the fire whittled down to a mere crackle. The living area was filled with smoke from all the guests pipes. A hum now joined the smoke. A melody that Madelynn knew too well. As the song drifted from person to person. Madelynn's footsteps drifted with it. She came into the room where everyone sat and joined their mournful hymn. Thorins eyes shifted from the embers of the fireplace and fixed his gaze to the woman who sang their peoples melody. His heart beat quickly as he beheld her face. Her eyes closed and peaceful as the words of ash and ruin flowed from her lips in a sorrowful aria. They sang with their company the entirety of the night before Balin said the words. "Its time we retire. A long road lies ahead, it would be no good to us if we were wary." Everyone seemed to agree and went to rest, all except Thorin and Madelynn.

In the quiet of the night, Madelynn rested herself on the doorstep of the hobbits home. A torn brown wrap covered her arms and back, this still didn't stop her from shivering in the night chill. The door opened behind her, but she did not move. Her eyes fixed to the stars above with the moon hanging high in the darkened night. Thorin stood firmly as he watched her, but said nothing for a moment.

"I do not wish for you to come along on this endeavor." He stated. His voice, deep and rough. Madelynn gave a side glance, then looked back to the starlit sky. "I cannot let you do this without me. I don't not wish to go against your request Thorin, but In my heart I know to follow you; no matter what may come." She was silent but firm, knowing Thorin hated when she was like this. "You stubborn woman." He breathed as he seated himself next to her. "I am your king am I not?" He glanced at her, taking her hand in his. "I do not remember you wearing a crown these last days we have traveled." She smiled, tightening her grip in his palm. He gave a toothy grin and drew her near to him. "You will need me; you know that. Oin can only carry so much medicine." Thorin was now the silent one. Knowing Madelynn was right. "It is futile to fight you. But know that I will not hesitate to protect you, at the cost of my own life, and kingdom. Know that this is a selfish request, and that it is foolish to take it on as well." Thorin's body language was that of a warrior. His posture staunch and firm, making clear his intentions and his concerns. "I want you to know how much I am risking if I take you along." His last words to her that night were these. She said nothing back, and let the words of her beloved, and King ring in her mind till she too retired for the night.

The quiet misty morning awakened all the dwarves from their rest. They packed up their sleeping mats and left the hobbits house without a sound. Packing up the ponies, they set off to the open road. Madelynn's pony was just behind Thorin and his. (At his request.) Then Balin, then after that Dwalin and so on. The group was merry with conversation of the night before, the taste of the scrumptious food still fresh in their minds. A night of song and drink made their spirits carefree. A rumbling laugh from Dwalin made Madelynn jump in her saddle causing her to whip her head back. "Master Dwalin, whatever could you be talking about that is so amusing?" Dwalin looked ahead to see her face smiling brightly like always. His grin continued. "Nothing a self-respecting lady would want to hear, forgive me lass." He said now stifling his guffaw further. "Ah, I see." Giving a cocked eyebrow, she pulled back on the reigns of her pony, riding back with the balding warrior. "How do you think you can keep this type of converse for the entirety of this journey without me hearing?" The comment left Dwalin speechless, for he felt like he had dug his own grave, with an old friend no less. "We'll just have to see how long I can keep this up, won't we?" Madelynn gave a little chortle at his bet. She rode on with not much to say to everyone, she chimed in whenever she wanted. Although felt more like listening than talking.

Now they were out of Hobbiton entering into the lush forests just outside the shire. "Hold together, this is where we meet the path to the mountains." Thorin roared over the chat and laughter. Waiting for some type of response; Thorin was taken back when he hard the word. "WAIT!" Come from behind their group. Gandalf turned his horse around to meet the voice of one that was no bigger than one the legs of their ponies. Soon everyone was watching as a little Hobbit, carrying a very long contract and backpack rushed up to Blain gasping for breath, and handing him the paper. All were silent, watching in surprise and zeal. "Everything seems to be in order." Balin announced as he put the long and detailed contract into his satchel. "Give him a pony." Thorin commanded, seeming to be a bit put out that the half-ling ended up joining them.

After going through a minor exchange with the dwarves about needing a handkerchief, and the paying up of bets. The Hobbit settled into the ride for the day. Madelynn pulled back on her reigns to greet Bilbo. She leaned into his space to make sure she was heard. "Welcome to the company of Thorin Oakenshield Mr. Baggins!"

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